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Everything posted by Xargon321

  1. Xargon321 replied to Xargon321's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    well the one on mine does it had one long bolt that went all the way
  2. Xargon321 replied to Xargon321's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    no the one on the bottom the long one that the alt pivots by.
  3. Xargon321 posted a post in a topic in Help Me !!
    i have a 74 260z and the lower alternator bolt came loose while i was driving and took leave of my car so i need to know what size is it so i can get a replacement!!!!.
  4. Well does anyone have a exact list of bulbs needed for a 74 260, im assuming its the same for the 70-78 zs, just trying to make sure i get the right ones so i dont have to mess with shipping back etc...
  5. Superbrightleds.com has a lot of led bulb already ready to go just got to find ones that will work in place of the reg bulbs Zs-ondabrain is my list correct for the leds for the outside lights?(type color and quanity?)
  6. isent the tach and speedo the 194 type? the wedge, what size are the side markers? also it looks like the midge bulb BA7 bulbs look like they will fit in some of the switch lights
  7. 2 1157-R12 Red LED bulb Stoplight/taillight 4 1156-R12 Red LED bulb Rearturn signal and taillight 2 1156-W12 White LED bulb reverse lights 2 1157-A12 Amber LED bulb front parking lights/turnsignal 6 WLED-6 LED bulb 194 type bulbs for speedo and tach(not sure on the quanity needed) 3 BA9s-G Green LED bulb 9mm base type that i hope will fit in the pod gauges not sure are they the right ones to at least replace the outside lights? aside from the bottom two anyway, and the bottom two will they work i was looking at some wide angle white ones for the pod gauges i know they will lose some of their brightness going from white to green but they are wide angle.
  8. what are the sizes of the bulbs in the dash, and in the tail lights and the turns signals and marker lights, more importantly what sizes are the bases are the ones in the 3 gauges in the middle of the dash(pod gauges?) superbrightleds.com has quite a selection that looks like they will work.
  9. you could also use the right size bullet connectors it might not look as sharp but it will get the job done,
  10. are those square plugs that hook the headlight into the main harness could you get a pic of where they are located at?
  11. is the 260z and 280 differnt at all from the 240z when it comes to the lighting system? i have a early 260z jan/74 i have the relays and stuff but this would make it better to use stock connectors. im just wondering because the headlights are the same for all years, at least thats what ive been told
  12. Xargon321 replied to Xargon321's post in a topic in Electrical
    probably as it has been resotred atleast once, well i found out why my radio dies when i turned my lights on, it seems i must have wired it the power to my dimmer switch or somthing, so when my dimmer switch is turned down my radio loses power......:stupid: :stupid: :stupid: is the dimmer switch hot when the lights are off??
  13. Xargon321 replied to felnik's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    slap some tires on it and tow it out of the barn wash it and then take some good pics in the light so we can tell you if its worth taking on a resto job or parting it out its really hard to tell from the pics, altho it does have the headlight covers!
  14. Xargon321 replied to Xargon321's post in a topic in Electrical
    well i dont have the time or space at this point to tear the harness out of the car, i might here in a month or two after i fix my other car (65 mustang) so i can drive it around and get it out of the garage. it just wierd as it look like the alt isent doing the job even tho it new could the halogen headlights be pulling that much juice? any alternitive other then the stock lights?
  15. Xargon321 replied to Xargon321's post in a topic in Electrical
    ya i know the basics of electricity, i havent installed that harness yet because i got the wrong connetors for the headlight harness (the bullet connetors i got where too small) that should help reduce the load on the switch many reducing resistence right? im just trying to get for now till i put the car up to be redone (next few years probably) i dont drive it everyday anymore i drive a semi for a living now. i do plan on remaning the harness when i tear the car down but what of the connetors? do we know where they where made?
  16. Xargon321 replied to Xargon321's post in a topic in Electrical
    sorry to drag this thread from oblivian kicking and screaming but, still haveing the same problem but now if i even turn my light switch on it kills my radio completely it dont even display time, and when i turn my turn signals on it dims my headlights a bit and my amp meter needle move only to do it again when they turn on again things i have done to remedy this prob 1 new alt and vr 2 new battery cables 3 cleaned all grounds that i could find the headlights are halogens if that makes any diffence
  17. Hyundai's are ok for what they do, get you to point a to point b there not ment to be much more then that, they get hammered and they fall apart, same as every other car out there but they have a cheaper price soo people beat the crap out of them, its just a first timer car or a car to get when you straped for cash but still need a decent car to drive or when your restoring you z and dont want to spend big bux on a driver!
  18. it was a supra Beandip . Or did he run a sentra after i left? twin turbo inline 6, one of those engines in a z woulds be fun and much easyer to get then a rb26tt probably not much fun mating it up tho
  19. Xargon321 replied to texasz's post in a topic in Internet Finds
    anyone save a picture? its gone now
  20. Xargon321 replied to texasz's post in a topic in Internet Finds
    remember the flux capasitor runs on electrisity generated by the Mr. Fusion, the rest runs on 92 octane gas but that is a awsome replica i would love to have it!!
  21. put it in the freezer for a couple of hours that might make that adheasive contract and come off the circut board BUT it might take stuff with it if is havs any caps or resistors hidden in that stuff i use this method to remove stock heatsinks off of video cards for comps works good might have to pry a little but not to hard your youll rip stuff off with it
  22. Xargon321 replied to Nismo241's post in a topic in Old For Sale Ads
    Doh! i could use the parts off this car i have a running 74 260 but dont have the money or teh space to get it....
  23. Xargon321 replied to Fun_in_my_z's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    a lock smith should be able to get in there, just might cost you some $$$
  24. its like 85% percent of what it fills with r12
  25. Xargon321 replied to Xargon321's post in a topic in Carburetor Central
    ok i had them even with the groove at first fixed now, im going to get the video here as soon as i get some extra money.

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