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  1. Glad the link worked Yeah Awesome video. I loved hearing how he thought up of all the little details which made the car so legendary (Like him) for example how he designed the Z with a larger hatch compared to others in it's class and how he got the idea to use the gas strut or "Air Spring" as he calls it from visiting some air plane hanger to support the larger size hatch gate and now today they're being used on ALL vehicles. Just amazing. Guys like Yoshihiko Matsuo are for sure a rare and awesome breed. It had to take a guy like him to create such a awesome and amazing car like the 1st gen. Z Car.
  2. Wow it's been so long since I was last here. I feel like the new guy posting for the first time Anyways, what brought me back was to share this sweet video I just found tonight on you tube. Maybe some of you have seen it already. It's from a show called Moto-man where they did a 40th anniversary show on the Z with the Legendary Mr K. A must see for all Z Car Lovers. I felt like it would be a sin to not post it on here. Enjoy and hope all is well, (hope the link works) Jared <iframe width="853" height="480" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/9ZdTDZVmJ8U" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  3. No takers for the grease seals??? Well I tried.
  4. Hey there gang, I was out cleaning the garage and going through some old stuff and found a couple of Z Car stuff that I forgot about. Nothing really to brag about but thought I'd show ya anyway My old 2005 Z Car Calendar from MSA. Mint shape. I saved it cause it had some sweet Z Car pics. Also in the same box I found a set of factory Nissan Grease seal set for the front wheel hubs still in the package. I'd send them to the guy who bought my Z but can't locate his phone number so anyone here want them??? Hate to just throw them away. Hope everyones having a good summer. The web site is looking good. Been a while since I was last here
  5. Thats right. I forgot that it was your sons. Looks like he's been taking good care of it. (Like father like son ) Thought about taking mine to work a few times until I saw my managers car get plowed into in the parking lot. Turned out the clown that hit it freaked when he dropped his cigarette in his lap and BAM Sorry I shouldn't laugh. Could have happened to me. Anyway it was then and there I decided to scratch off that idea of taking my Z to work
  6. Thanks Mark. Yeah, I hope I can too. your 1978 611 Wine Red 280Z is also very sharp looking. The Panasport Rims sure like nice on a classic Z I loved them on mine as well.
  7. Thanks for your kind words Arne Best of luck to you in whatever your next new interest is.
  8. Thanks Andrew For me and for many others, the situation is different from those of you who sell due to lost or changing interest in your hobby and simply getting "Bored" from it. If that were the case with me, I wouldn't give a crap about selling it either but thats not the case with me nor is it the case with many others. Many of us are painfully forced to have to give up our hobbys and sell something we love and enjoy so dearly because unfortunately things come up in life that presses us to wheather it's having kids, saving to buy a house, changes in your job you have no control over ect. ect. and yeah obviously once the buyer cuts you the check and buys the car, it's out of your hands at that point. It's out of my hands and he can and will do whatever he wishes to the car. I have no intentions to tell him what he should and shouldn't do with it. It's none of my business. All I'm saying is that in my case, I didn't want to have to sell it but I had to because at this time in my life, other things have come up and I just don't have the extra time or funds for it right now but It makes me feel really good that the guy who bought mine is a very nice down to earth guy and has a strong love for these cars like I do and told me how he was so impressed with the way I took care of it that he wants to stay in touch with me if he needs help or has questions. Selling it was tough, but It makes me feel a lot better knowing it went to someone like that. Thats all I'm saying. Nothing wrong with feeling down when you HAVE to sell something you enjoy and nothing wrong with not missing something you WANT to sell. Everyones reason to sell is different so the feelings towards it is going to be different to. Just my opinion on the subject
  9. Yeah, wasn't an easy choice. Sad day but the buyer is a really awesome guy and I know he will take good care of it. It was cool seeing the look on his face when I showed it to him. It took him back to when he bought his first one new back in 1978.
  10. The buyer came down from Indiana and was so very pleased with it and couldn't get over how well I took care of it. I rode with him and let him take it for a drive and he shook my hand and gladly said " We have a deal. I'll take it" It's been a rough sad day for me though. As the guy was loading the Z on his friends trailer he could tell I was having a hard time and patted me on the shoulder and said. "Don't worry man, I'm going to take the best of care of this car" I told him well that makes me feel a lot better. I know it will be in good hands
  11. Hey there Stephen, Good hearing from you again. Yep, I too have not been on this site as much as I used to. Just come to lurk once in a while. I would like to get more active on here again if I can get the extra time again. As for me, It's not really that my interest have changed really. I will always have a love for the classic Datsun Z Cars. I can't explain it but there is just something about them that is just awesome. They were so ahead of there time and the awesome design can't be beat even today IMO. and they are just such a blast to drive and pretty easy to work on once you learn them well and the great thing about them is that they are more different than most other cars that you see so many of. Especially up here in MN. I'd have people just starring and drooling out there car windows at me when they would see me on the road with it and my favorite is when I'd stop at gas stations and the yunger ones would come up to me and say "WOW that is one sweet ride. What kind of car is that??? The Classic Z is the only vehicle I've owned that gets attention like that and as the commercial states "IT IS AWESOME" Reason for my very hard decision to sell is because of what I mentioned above and I just hope I can enjoy it again at some point and be able to get another one once things calm down and I have the extra time and money to spend on the hobby again. I have no control over what the future may bring but thats what I'm hoping for anyways. Take care Stephen. Glad to hear that all is well.
  12. "Sometimes it's tough to let one go but if the next steward has as much passion and caring for the car as you or I did then it will be in good hands!" Your right on that. Thats what I keep telling myself Glad to hear you also found a good buyer for your 1929 Ford Model A Roadster.
  13. Thanks guys for the nice replies. I'll for sure try harder to keep in touch. I'm sure I will with the long boring winter approaching Healey Z, what you said makes me feel a lot better as that is so true. Steve, if you do see her roaming the roads in your neck of the woods, please let me know I can't remember which town in Indiana. He told me, but I forgot. I'll have to ask him the next time I talk to him. Jared
  14. DatsunZsRule posted a post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Hello all, Just to let those that I know well on here that I had a guy down in Indiana buy my Z this weekend and is going to come up on the 18th to drive her home. I have such mixed emotions over it as I'm going to be so sad to let it go but it will be nice to get my current daily driver all paid off, and no longer have to be billed every month for the storage garage. As much as I love my Z so much and as much as I'm attached to it, It just doesn't make sence to try and hang onto it and see it sitting so much. I just recently got hired on at a new job which has taken up lots of my extra time that I used to have and it's been very tough to find much time for it and it's pretty much sat the majority of this summer season. It bothers me to see it held up in the garage so much sitting. It makes me feel good as the guy buying it had a 1978 280Z new back in the day and is just as much of a Z nut as I am and is looking forward to having much fun with it in the next upcoming spring/summer. I hope (god willing) that later on down the road that when things settle down that I will have the extra time and funds again to get another one later again and get back into it. Anyway just thought I'd share the news with everyone here that I've gotten to know well on here over the yrs. I sure have had a blast with this 280Z and will never forget it. I'll always have a strong love for these cars Take care all, DatsunZsRule
  15. One thing you will find right away just like with any fun hobby, Your ALWAYS doing something to it. Cars especially Wheather it's replacing worn out parts due to normal wear and tear, routine maintenance, or adding your own touch to it like an air dam, upgrading the suspension ect. You will still find plenty to do on A $3,000.00 + Z Car. As beautiful as my 47,800 orig. Mile 280Z is, I can still think of things I'd still like to get done on it. Trust me, your never done but thats all part of the fun of the hobby My opinion is to spend as much as your budget allows. Generally the higher the price, the better and more solid Z you will get. That being said, still be very cautious because there are some sellers out there that say there Z is worth thousands when they are really in pretty poor shape body wise and mechanical wise. The sad fact is, there are lots of shiesters out there :mad: I just pulled my for sale ad on this site for my Z. Like ajmcforester's friend, I'm not pushing hard to sell either. If the right person comes along with the right offer, great. If not, then I'll just keep it and continue to enjoy it. I want to keep it, but it's the cost of the storage garage that really gets old after a while. I just don't have the room at home to keep it sadly. Anyway best of luck in your search.

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