Frank...your description is perfect...think that is what it is..will replace as indicated..thanks for your reply..I had a feeling it was a ground of some sort...had a problem the other day relating to the battery and one of the terminals ...this may have caused the wire in question to have overheated which is why it looks like it does at this time Thanks again for the help...and as well (2many Z's) 77 Z Mike
The wire appears to be a ground of some type...but as I know very little about electrical systems I cant tell if that is what it is or not...apparently its not affecting the way the car runs...but what it is and what its for is beyond this point// 77 Z
From inside the car..there is a wire on the left side top of the engine that goes from near one of the injectors to the left side of the engine compartment...this is on the opposite side of the car from the battery...the wire appears to be flat looks kinda like a snake skin..this wire is severly damaged due to what looks like either fire or it just shorted out....does anyone know what the wire might be...or what its for...the car is running fine with the exception of being just a little rough in 4th gear...starts ok and every thing else...but something is wrong with the wire.. Thanks Mike...77 Z Columbia SC
between the two as both are apparently electrical in nature. I have never had either problem Im like you I would think it would blow the fuse or something. Do you know anyone that is good with electrical problems that you might run it by? Beats me..but let us know what happens 77Z
Anyone have any ideas as to where I can locate these two parts. I had this setup on my 78 Z , like a fool sold the car and have had this one the 77 for two years, but I cant locate the two mentioned parts, I checked with one company that a member told me about but no luck. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks 77Z