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Everything posted by akwikz

  1. akwikz replied to Mat Big Hat's post in a topic in 240K Skyline
    Yes, that is Karims car. He mentioned it was at the body shop a little while back. From what he was saying, it was pretty rusty and in need of attention. He is planning an RB swap as well. Maybe we will have multiple GC110's at the JCCS this year. It would be pretty cool. Brian
  2. Who you callin' mature and level headed? Those are fightin' words! Brian
  3. I have a feeling this guy is on the U.S. - Canadian border and may be bringing them into Canada and then some of them into the U.S. Canada has a law similiar to ours but allows 15 year old cars as opposed to ours that allows 25 year old cars. I think the car is most likely in North America, but it may have gone through Canada first. I have been watching the activity in Canada and have noticed that the importers there appear to charge quite a bit for their services. I have seen as much as $6k added to the total of a car listed at $20k. I personally think this is the case with both of these Skylines. Brian
  4. It's kind of a cool car, but $9k is crazy. That body style is not all that popular in Japan these days and can be had for pretty cheap. Especially one that plain. There appears to be no performance mods on it. These were sold in Aus. as well, so I know one can be had down there for a lot less. Anytime you are looking at non-U.S. cars, keep this in mind; Customs fees and duties from either Japan or Aus. will run you about $500 or so. Shipping from Japan is typically $1k and from Aus it is $2k. So, subtract these fees from anyones selling price and you get an idea for what they are asking for the car. Especially if the car has not been registered here yet, as is the case with this car. So, he is looking to get $7500 for the car. I can almost guarantee you I could find an equal or better one for $3k-$4k at the most. I think this might be the same guy trying to sell the '71 Skyline on e-bay right now for $30k too. That is another car that has a unrealistic price tag on it. $30k will get you a practically perfect/restored KGC10. The one in that ad is maybe worth $18k at the most. Just something to think about. Brian
  5. akwikz replied to Mr240GT's post in a topic in 240K Skyline
    It looks very good. For some reason though, the "E" at the end does not look quite right. I think the original may be slightly more angled up. I could be wrong though, it has happened once before. But only once:) Brian
  6. As I stated earlier, any KGC10 for sale above $20k U.S. would need to be nearly perfect. And for the $30k this one was being offered for, it would need to have been completely disassembled and restored. Which this one does not appear to have had done. There is rust starting to show and there is nothing too terribly impressive under the hood. Pretty standard fare of an L series with trips. Not that it is not a great car to have, but I would suggest that this kind of money could be better spent. Brian
  7. akwikz replied to Mr Camouflage's post in a topic in 240K Skyline
    Is anyone here close to this? At that price I would seriously think about bringing it up too. Brian
  8. akwikz replied to Nicho03's post in a topic in 240K Skyline
    Do you have any of the stainless trim that goes around the grille or the taillight panle? Brian
  9. The only newer Skyline legal to be imported is the 1996 R33 GT-R only. This is the one that had factory dual airbags. The problem is that no one has been able to make a working OBD-II compatible computer for the car. So it's unlikely any will be brought in legally any time soon. Not to mention the fact that legal R33's are bringing about $50k here. That is a hard sell for a 10 year old used car when the new GT-R will be here shortly and will sell for $70k, come with a factory warranty, and it will be brand new. Don't get me wrong, the R33 is an awsome car, but might not really be the best way to drop that kind of money here. Brian
  10. I spoke with the seller before it was pulled. He has the reserve set at $30k. Way too much for what it is. In the pictures you could clearly see rust starting to develop under the doors. It looks pretty good overall, but not worth anymore than $18k-$20k at the most. Any KGC10 over $25k would need to be perfect in all ways. Brian
  11. I guess it depends on how far you want to go, but to this point all of the replica fiberglass bits have only run me $600U.S. or so. Depending on what kind of deal one can get on the fender mirrors (I have seen them range from $150-$400), the badges should not cost more than $200-$300. So that is where I came up with the figure. Again, I'm only throwing out general numbers. Brian
  12. I had spoken to him about the DR30. He is not asking all that much for it really. I was seriously debating on buying that or the KenMary. In the end the C110 was too tempting. My wife is already upset with me for buying a second Skyline without having finished the first, so a third will be some time away. As for your question about the KGC10, the motor was sold a long time back and she has just been sitting since. I had kicked around the idea of selling it and someone eventually made a pretty good offer. So far I just have a deposit, but I think it's as good as sold. For the money, the KenMary is a good choice. Both mine and Matts are Australian models which can be had for a very reasonable amount. Shipping from Aus. is more than it is from Japan, but overall the pricing is a lot better. As for the 4 door GC10, those are still a decent amount these days. Figure $8k-$10k for a good one. The 2 doors are ranging from $14k-$20k for really nice ones. A Japanese model KGC110 is going for about the same these days, while a clean Aus. model KHGC110 can be had for under $5k. Quite a difference as you can see. The only thing to keep in mind with these though is that most of the ones in Japan will already be GT-R clones. The Aus. ones will need to have all those parts sourced still. So add another $1k or so. Brian
  13. Yes Joe, I remember speaking with you. The first time was back before I bought my KGC10. I think you had just sold the 4 door or thereabouts. I am still bringing cars over. I have recently sold my KGC10 and am looking for another to bring in. I have a KHGC110 coming up from Aus. as well. These are the two models I have wanted to have side by side in my garage for a while. I went overboard on my KGC10 and will most likely just buy as pristine a model as I can and leave it alone this time. The GC110 will get some kind of RB swap, I'm just not sure what yet. After I get these both where I want them, I plan to look into expanding my collection. Ultimately I want to find a Prince Skyline GT-B, GC10 4 door, and a DR30. It will take me some time, but hopefully I can pull it off. As for now, I'm going to remain focused on just the two. Brian
  14. Lachlan, That is the four door GC10 that is now being restored in Texas. I think the guys name was Tom. Brian
  15. The car has the L20 six cylinder, just like the earlier KGC10, not the L20B four banger. Brian
  16. akwikz replied to Alfadog's post in a topic in 240K Skyline
    Lachlan, You know I'd be up for one. Can you slip it in before you send out the package? Brian
  17. akwikz replied to akwikz's post in a topic in 240K Skyline
    I have been watching the auctions of late and have had little luck. And from what I understand, the R32 badge is close, but I would prefer the correct one. I do realize it is a slim chance, but there is no harm in asking. I have feelers out in several places along with this, I'm just covering as many bases as possible.
  18. akwikz posted a post in a topic in 240K Skyline
    A set of KGC110 fender mirrors or the "GT-R" badge for the tail panel? I have tracked down almost everything else, but these are turning out to be somewhat elusive. Any help is appreciated. Brian
  19. akwikz replied to sakijo's post in a topic in 240K Skyline
    I agree that it may be time for a change. We do seem to have more than the typical 240K being discussed here. I would suggest that we change the name to "Classic Skyline". This would keep the discussion from getting out of hand. I think it should be anything before the R32. Seeing as the R31 is going on 20 years old now I think we should include it. There are plenty of other forums for the R32, R33, and R34. What I find nice about this one is that we have managed to stay away from too much of the "yo tyte JDM" talk that is all too common on other Skyline forums. I have also found that this is pretty much the only place for genuine classic Skyline discussion. I do frequent other forums, but I seem to be more of a novelty than any thing else. Here, even though I don't drive a 240K (yet) and I don't live in Aus., I have been welcomed without question. I'm sure Miles and Mike would agree as well. Anyhow, this is my idea. Brian
  20. Here is the list I have been able to compile. White '73 KGC110 owned by Mike in San Diego Blue KHGC110 owned by Matt in San Diego Blue '72 KGC10 owned by Marcos in L.A. Red '71 KGC10 owned by Koji in L.A. Silver '71 KGC10 in L.A. (can't remember the owner) White '72 KGC10 owned by Larry in San Francisco White '72 KGC10 in Seattle (can't remember the owner) White '74 KGC110 Brian from L.A. just sold this car to a guy in Denver Silver '77 KGC110 also owned by Brian in L.A. Silver '72 KGC10 owned by Chris in Bakersfield White '72 KGC10 owned by Eric outside of L.A. Black (was white) '71 KGC10 owned by Wayne in Florida Silver '71 GC10 owned by Tom in Texas Silver '71 GC10 owned by Paul in Central Ca. Silver '72 GC10 (don't know the owner) in San Francisco Red '83 DR30 owned by Vladimir in L.A. Silver '71 KGC10 (mine) Phoenix Black & White '74 KHGC110 (mine) still in Aus. That is all of them that I can think of at the moment. I have personally spoken with all but 2 of these owners within the last year so this is pretty much up to date. Brian
  21. That Laurel is owned by Idaho Speed. They have made somewhat of a name for themselves by tuning Skylines here in the U.S. They even own 2 or 3 legal ones. I have spoken with the owner a couple of times. He had tried to buy my Hakosuka. It did not happen, obviously, because he tried to lowball me, bigtime. He did everything he could to convince me that my car was not all that valuable and that he could easily get one out of Japan with his contacts. After 30 minutes of hearing his pitch, I politely declined and wished him the best of luck in getting one in his price range. Funny that here he is now hawking a car that is no cleaner than mine, not to mention far less desirable, for this kind of cash. For $20k U.S., you can get an awsome GT-R clone. My bet is that this is what he is trying to do. Each person I have discussed selling my car to have all ended up saying they are just going to get one themselves and copy my car. This guy actually alluded to being able to out spend me and thus exceed my car. Maybe so. But then again the last 3 guys that have said this are no where to be seen. Not that I should take too much pride in it, but few people seem to be as........what is the word? I like determined, my wife would say stupid, to take on this type of project. And you guys should have seen the look she gave me when I decided to buy Kents car. But I digress. Back to the subject at hand, I agree with Miles completely. This guy is hoping to cash in big time on "JDM" hype. This is the third time the car has been on E-bay too. I think he might be realizing that this car will never bring more than $5-$6K. I have seen a couple of Hakosukas in better trim only go for $15k here. And they took a while to sell. People here are odd, they want rare cars, but they refuse to pay accordingly for them. And if no one will give $20K for a KGC10, what hope does this car have? Brian
  22. akwikz replied to khughes's post in a topic in 240K Skyline
    Kent, Those look perfect. I don't think any other wheel belongs on a C110. The attitude of the car is completely changed once Wats are installed. It goes from "ho-hum" to "damn that thing looks pissed off". I do have a question though. When you modify the rear wheel arch, do you need to rework the inner fender or is the only metal that is cut on the outside of the car? Regardless of the work needed, these are the wheels I am going to use as well. And speaking of my car, she looks a bit lonely sitting on that trailer in the background. Brian
  23. Alan, I'd like to congratulate you on a spectacular addition. Any classic car of that caliber is very rare, but to have a Hakosuka in that condition is the stuff of dreams. I am sure I speak for most of us here when I say I am quite envious. I have tallied the money I have spent on the build of my car and at times wondered if I should have just spent it on a true GT-R and left it all stock. The thought had already crossed my mind, and seeing your car drives it home even more. I am very sure you will find attention everywhere you take it. I will be interested to see if the historic clubs there in the U.K. will be receptive and appreciative of just how unique it is. Again, well done. Brian
  24. akwikz replied to aarc240's post in a topic in 240K Skyline
    The rear suspension is actually a better design than that of the 510. The 510 has the shocks mount to the body sheet metal. On the C110 and C10, the shocks mount to a frame rail of the unibody. Definately a lot stronger. I have been thinking about the rear coil over set up myself, but I will admit the angle the shock sit at concern me. I guess it should not matter, but for some reason I don't like the way it looks. Brian
  25. akwikz replied to Alfadog's post in a topic in 240K Skyline
    Hey Mat, when is your car due to arrive?

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