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Everything posted by akwikz

  1. akwikz replied to Alfadog's post in a topic in 240K Skyline
    The C10 Skyline uses the same plates as the 510. The S30 Z car uses something different and does not swap over. From what I can tell, the C110 uses the same plates as the 280ZX. I'm looking for some for my C110 as well. Brian
  2. akwikz replied to khughes's post in a topic in 240K Skyline
    Kent, I would be very interested in how they end up fitting. These are the wheels I plan to buy once the car gets here. What size of tire are you planning? And did they supply the correct lug nuts as well? Brian
  3. akwikz posted a post in a topic in 240K Skyline
    Alright guys, I am looking for info on the visual differences between my 240K and a GT-R KPGC110. I know about the flares, spoilers, mirrors and grille. What I am after is any panel, headlight or taillight differences. I know a lot of these parts will be hard to find, but I want to gather everything to make it a good clone. Thanks Brian
  4. akwikz replied to khughes's post in a topic in 240K Skyline
    That would be great, thank you. I think I'll just buy new master cylinders as they are still somewhat easy to get up here. The pedals, and possibly the box, are the important parts. My zip is 85239. Please let me know what you find for shipping. As for the RB, I think it will be very close to the same vein as the real GT-R. Albeit more powerful and reliable. With the RB26 head, all I need to do is remove the intake plenum and bolt on velocity stacks from Weber carbs. The RB26 already has the individual throttles built in and the bolt spacing on the plenum is very close to a set of tripple carbs. I'm planning on an 11.5:1 C/R and a set of cams. I think it should sound awsome. I don't expect either of my Skylines to be full on race cars. But they will both be capable of surprising a few people up here. I feel that with a bit of suspension tuning I will be able to keep the car a good handler. But again, with a complete lack of body parts available up here, it is unlikely that either car will ever be pushed to it's limit. I have been thinking seriously about picking up one of the many illegal R32 GT-R's here in the U.S. It would be perfect to turn into a race only car. Not having the ability to legally register it makes it that much easier to commit to completely converting it into a race car. But that is something that will have to wait a little while. I need to focus on the 2 cars I already own. Brian
  5. akwikz replied to khughes's post in a topic in 240K Skyline
    On another note, I read up on the pedal swap. I think Lachlan has shown the best way to go about it. That said, I will need both the clutch and brake pedals from a manual 240k. If anyone has a set and are willing to ship to the U.S., please let me know. The drivetrain will most likely stay as it is until I have the new RB ready for it. I'm planning to build an N/A high compression RB30 with an RB26 head. I also have an S15 6 speed that I am going to try to mate up to it. I know they say these trannies are weak, but I think it will be able to handle the 300hp or so I expect to get. Brian
  6. akwikz replied to khughes's post in a topic in 240K Skyline
    As an American I find this a bit funny. The 240Z here has had V8's swapped into it for years. Many here still think that the only way to make a Z fast is to stuff a Chevy into it. I think that had the 240K been sold here it would have been much the same. While I personally think that people can do whatever they want with their cars, I don't feel as though that same respect is given by the V8 crowd. Many of us here have been fighting an up hill battle with this mentality. I think Mat may have been referring to this scenario. It may be a bit hard for you guys in Australia to fully understand. My impression of the Aussie mentality is very different. It seems to me that it is often a matter of what is available and doable. Americans tend to think that theirs is the only way of doing things. I feel that I am in the minority with my choices. While most of my experiences with my KGC10 have been positive, I have had people ask me why I did not put a V8 in it. As though my choice was inferior. And we all know that is not the case. I have rambled on a bit here, but in summary I'd like to say that I really don't think Mat meant any kind of disrespect. As another American I can fully see where he is coming from and agree with him for the most part. We have just been so conditioned with V8 swaps that the initial reaction to one is defensive. You feel as though you have to justify your swap with people up here. Attitudes are changing, but slowly. Hopefully in the near future we will be able to look at things in a more similiar way to you guys. Mutual respect and appreciation even if we happen to have different ideas. Brian
  7. akwikz replied to khughes's post in a topic in 240K Skyline
    We are definately going to wait to get the GT-R parts to go with the car. That and a set of 16" Watanabe's are in the cars near future. The body looks straight enough, so I'll most likely give it a quick respray in red with a flat black hood. I will need a few things though. Does anyone know if the pedal box is the same on manuals and autos? I know I'll need at least a new clutch and brake pedal, but I may need the box too. If anyone has these to offer, please let me know. After this, it will be a matter of finding the appropriate "Skyline" and "GT-R" emblems for the car. Brian
  8. akwikz replied to khughes's post in a topic in 240K Skyline
    SOLD! What can I say? I'm a glutton for punishment. The car looks to be too clean and well priced to let pass by. Not to mention the fact that I know I can trust the seller. Kent has been very helpful in my search for a car from the start and I'm happy that my money will end up going into his pocket. I think the car will need just a few things to become a real head turner. I had kind of given up for the moment after that last e-bay fiasco and while I really should stay focused on the '71, I really feel good about getting this car. Brian
  9. akwikz posted a post in a topic in 240K Skyline
    I wanted to publicly thank Miles. Twice now he has helped me to get parts that I would otherwise have to pay outrageous fees for. I just got the new chin spoiler for my Hakosuka and it completely changes the front end of the car. I don't have any new pics but I will soon. In the meantime, I wanted to update you guys on everything that has been going on. As most of you know, I am now in Phoenix, Az. The RB26 that had been built for my Hakosuka has been sold. I am now in the process of building an RB30dett. I have 4 RB30 blocks that are on the way up from Australia as we speak. I plan to sell 2 or 3 and keep at least one for myself. I have been slowly gathering parts and here is what will be going together. RB30 block bored out to 3.1 liters Custom overbore Wiseco pistons with 9:1 compression RB26dett head HKS 264 9.1 cams Extrude hone on the ports Wolf EMS 700 cc injectors BDL fuel rail Greddy intake plenum Stainless exhaust manifolds HKS 2530 turbos, or Apexi turbos (I have not decided yet) Greddy pulleys ATI crank damper Tomei metal gaskets ACL bearings ARP head studs I have most of the parts other than the turbos. I am still torn as to which set to use. While it may sound funny, I'm not going for maximum power. So 2540 turbos are not really what I am looking at. I think that with the extra dispacement, a set of smaller BB turbos will be simply awsome for throttle response and low end torque. The car itself has started to turn into a bit of a trailer queen at this point, and I'm alright with that. My plan is still to find a KGC110 in the near future. That one will be getting another RB30. I plan to build another 3.1 RB with an RB26 head, but going with a high compression normally aspirated set up. And just last week, this followed me home; She's a MotoRex R32. One of the last few to get out before they went down. I had planned to buy it myself, but my friend talked me into letting him buy it. I figured, why not? He spends the money and I still get to drive it. So, we picked it up in California last weekend and I brought her back with me until my friend gets moved out here in a month or so. I had driven a GTs-T and a GTi-R before, but nothing compares to this. The car is simply amazing. We here in the U.S. definately got the short end of the stick. I happen to live 15 minutes away from a huge Motorsports complex now and I am seriously thinking about buying a non legal one for a race car. But, that will have to wait until the '71 gets on the road again. I am doing my best to stay focused on getting her running very soon. Anyhow, that is what I have been up to lately. Brian
  10. And as for the number of KGC110's here; There are four. The owner of this one also owns a '77. Then, Mike has his '73 that you all know of. One more is owned by Karim in L.A. I don't know what year his is. I have not seen the car, but hear it is fairly rusted out and in need of attention. Brian
  11. Just got off the phone with him. He said the car will be going closer to the buy it now price (take that as you will). He said he has a few people on the east coast that appear to be serious. At $9k, I am going to pass. I feel pretty confident that I can find a better one for the same or less in Aus. or Japan. Brian
  12. Oh, by the way. Would any of you guys be willing or able to help source some of the sheet metal if I were to get it? The trunk would be a definate, I don't know what else. Mat, since you saw the car in person, would you mind giving me your impressions please? Thanks Brian
  13. That car belongs (or did originally) to a friend of mine. I don't recognize this user I.D., so I'm not sure if it is really him. I know this car fairly well. I had spoken with him about buying it, but he wanted north of $10k at one time. At $6k it might be a pretty good deal. I have not seen the car personally, only the pictures he has sent me. I have called him so we'll see. Brian
  14. Put me down for all of them. Even though I don't have a car yet, I will eventually. Even if I get one that has the parts, it can't hurt to have spares. Miles, Any word on the KGC10 parts we discussed? Brian
  15. As I stated earlier, I have the one from my Skyline sitting here in my garage. It's the exact same as the Z car. It works perfectly and did not grind in any gear before I pulled the drivetrain out. I am in Phoenix and shipping is pretty cheap and easy. If you are interested e-mail me at b.dooley1@cox.net . Brian
  16. The gearbox you mentioned came in the S30 non-North American cars from '70 and '71. They also came in the '69-'71 Skyline GT-X. They look pretty much like the 4 speed trannys that were in our U.S. version '70 and '71 Z's. I actually still have one from my Skyline sitting in the garage. Brian
  17. akwikz replied to akwikz's post in a topic in 240K Skyline
    Sorry it took so long to chime in on this, I've been out of town. I think I'm going to agree with the majority on this one and pass. I am not expecting a perfect car, but one with as good a body as possible would be preferrable. I figure that one with rust eating out the middle of side panels will probably have a good bit more in the lower rockers. I'm willing to be wait some to find a good car. I do appreciate any and all leads though, so please keep pointing any out. Thanks Brian
  18. akwikz replied to vdp's post in a topic in 240K Skyline
    Well, the guy pulled the auction. I'm interested to find out what happens from here. I was perfectly willing to pay the $4k aud. I wonder if he thinks he can get more. I'm not too happy about following the auction this long just to have it pulled though. Kind of a waste of time. I guess we'll see what happens. Brian
  19. akwikz replied to HKSZ's post in a topic in 240K Skyline
    I will definately need the brake and clutch pedals, and possibly the pedal box if it is different from the auto. Hopefully you don't mind shipping to the U.S. Thanks Brian
  20. akwikz replied to vdp's post in a topic in 240K Skyline
    Thanks guys. I won't have any problems on this end. I have imported 3 cars already from Japan. I have just not had to set up shipping before though. And I'm sure that Australia is a bit different too. I can understand him wanting to get what he can for it. I will bid near the end and hope that it does not get out of hand. I will definately be looking for a bit of help if I get the car. Brian
  21. akwikz replied to vdp's post in a topic in 240K Skyline
    Allright guys. How do you suggest I proceed? Should I let him arrange the shipping as he said? Or is someone here able to help me with shipping? I will be asking for some help with a few parts as well. Namely the correct pedal to convert it to manual. Is it safe to assume that the pedal box is the same? Brian
  22. akwikz replied to HKSZ's post in a topic in 240K Skyline
    If I manage to get this 240K from e-bay, I will be in need of a manual pedal box and pedals. How much for this shipped to the U.S.? Brian
  23. akwikz replied to vdp's post in a topic in 240K Skyline
    I want this car more than ever now. I can't tell you how much I appreciate the in depth pictures. Do you think he would take $4000aud if it were offered right now? You said you have his number, would you mind asking him? Also, please tell him this is for the American that contacted him about it. He told me he had no problem with shipping the car. Any help I can get is much appreciated. I can be contacted directly at b.dooley1@cox.net or, my phone number is 619-807-1590. Thanks Brian
  24. akwikz replied to vdp's post in a topic in 240K Skyline
    Guys, I am still following this auction as well. At $4500aus, it will be a bit more than I had hoped to spend. Especially when you take into account the fact that I will be shipping it to the States. But, I would be very interested in what you find out and what your personal impressions of the car are. I do not know what the status of these cars are now and am only going off of what I have seen others advertised for. I very much want to get as clean an example as possible, hence my interest in this particular car. It looks to be as clean as they come. Thanks Brian
  25. akwikz replied to vdp's post in a topic in 240K Skyline
    I have been watching that auction. I am now a bit concerned though based upon your observations. I asked if they were willing to ship to the U.S. and they seemed to have no problem. I am very interested in getting a 240K as soon as possible. I am in a bit of a spot as I will be dealing with someone halfway around the world. Reputation is obviously important, and I would much rather deal with someone I have actually spoken to or previously dealt with. I'm open to any suggestions you guys may have. Thanks Brian

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