painting rims?
If the powder was done correctly, it shouldn't have flaked off.. I have done periodic tests on my powder jobs with a hammer and it hasn't flaked yet. The only time you need to be a little more careful is with alloys that are needed for strength, such as billet wheels on a cycle or car. If there is a safety concern, I don't do the part. Cast aluminum and iron need to be outgassed before coating to get a good finish. I outgas parts that are cast (or I suspect are cast and machined). It doesn't hurt the metal its just a precaution to get a nice finish.
painting rims?
Just curious.... but what is wrong with powder coating??
DIY Benchtop polisher
After polishing a set of ZX rims for my wagon... I found out that polishing is very labor intensive. I had to polish them out to get some translucent powder shot on the lips of the wheels.. About 5 hrs or so on each wheel...
The Pinks Z Races on Wednesday!
The car was bought back... It has some bad karma attached to it...really..
My 71' 240z project ... =)
What did you use to fill in the gaps??
Magic stuff
I guess I did post it again I'll try to find out where to get it... I have a few feet of it in the garage that my neighbor gave to me..
Magic stuff
If you are good with an xacto knife. Some chrome tape would work well also. (just be sure the knife is sharp)
Any respirator suggestions for body and blasting?
If you are sand blasting, you definately need hepa type mask that will not allow the silica dust in. (that type of sand is not recommended anyway)
Ebay Car-What year is it really?
Holy crap... That is the most bastardized Z I have ever seen.. I have never seen a Z with that many different parts from different models....EVER.. but.... it always could be worse..
CLEAR TAILS (or at least what they would look like) 56K warning
I'll second that... I would depend alot on what color it is...
Abrasive Usage Chart
Thanks for the info... I haven't seen one with that many different abrasives... the ones I have seen were just a few of the most popular ones. I mainly use garnet or glass, depending on the material to be blasted..
What besides headlites have you used relays for?
I added one for my parking lights.
Floor pans tar removal question? and other stuff ...
I started removing the tar mat a couple weeks ago to see the extent of my rust problem... It was around 30 degrees (F) in the garage when I started chipping away at it, comes off pretty easy... If the dry ice is that much colder, I would think that it would be the best route to go rather than the heat gun method.
My 71' 240z project ... =)
My bet would be injected... much easier to tune. errr... scratch that.... to: More tunable
Member Greg Ira dominates Sebring EP race
Nice. I wish the SCCA runoff Z's would have fared a little better..