My 73 Datsun 240Z for sale.
Fellow Z car gurus, I am selling my 73 240 Z to finance another project. The car......... runs and drives. tagged and inspected. new tires. 260 wheels some floor pan rust that has been glassed. no battery box rust or frame rail rust. windshield cracked. both doors have some damage. 260 doors good shape go with car. front air dam. side rocker skirts. I have the front sheet metal for the nose also. front bumper is off but I have it also. 2.8 L low end with 2.4 L head round top side drafts. electronic ignition new wires,plugs,cap,rotor gas tank just cleaned and sealed. still a 4 spd car. rebuilt title. Orange/faded red in color. I will take 1500.00 OBO for the car and parts. Car is located in Granbury TX bobshotrods@earthlink.net
September 11
Sept 11 will be a tough day .
introduction of an FNG
introduction of an FNG
YEAH, YEAH, YEAH. I know its not perfect , but it is mine and all I want to do is drive ! Back on the street after some wrenchin'
engine paint color 73 240Z ?
Thanks Marty, I think ole' Ford blue is it , or as close as this country by needs to come. Thanks again Brobob:stupid:
air dam / grill questions ?
Thanks Rolf Good pics , just what I had in mind. Brobob:stupid:
engine paint color 73 240Z ?
well, I am not up on the proper terminology just yet but.. I have a 2.8 short block with a 2.4 head and round top carbs. I want to make it appear to be a correct 2.4 with the paint color. Thanks Brobob
introduction of an FNG
Oh I figured everyone knew what an FNG was.............. F___king New Guy. Yeah I spent 11 years in uniform and now I just supply Joe Soldier with the right equipment to kill his enemy. Brobob
air dam / grill questions ?
I am blasting and painting today (airdam). Urethane paint is a must ! That is why its getting blasted. I will shade tree the support for the airdam ,and hide it behind the plate. I still think the grill opening looks odd, so maybe I will play around with some expanded aluminum and see what I come up with. Thanks again. Brobob:stupid:
engine paint color 73 240Z ?
What was the original paint color for the engine block ? I believe the head stays unpainted ? Mine is not painted and I want to make it look as correct as possible. Thanks Brobob:stupid:
air dam / grill questions ?
I have a 73 240 . This weekend I plan on installing the front air dam and rocker skirts. The air dam is one of those full valance types that you remove the 3 pcs under the nose. Question is....What do you guys/gals use for a grill once this is installed because it appears that the grill will only fill about half the opening ? Question 2 .......The air dam is urethane and is very flexable do you folks use any type of bracing beyond the obvious bolts thru the nose ? I dont want to install it only to have it sucked under the car or crack up the paint on it ! Thanks for the replies and if you have pics that would help. Brobob:stupid:
And here's the Z
I wish mine looked that good ! At least yours is one color ,even if it is primer .
introduction of an FNG
Hello Z nutz, I figure a intro is due . I am a old Z nut myself and look foward to gathering information on my Z project from you folks. I am a production/ site manager of a govt repair facility that repairs Army trucks. I have been a Z nut for sometime and currently have a 73 240Z, 280 low end , 240 head and round top carbs, 4 spd , I will have back on the road sometime next week but will continue to improve its looks as soon as the mechanical is complete. I love to trade parts and drink a beer or two chasing them . I am in the Fort Worth area of Texas and was wondering about local clubs ? Parts is parts ya know. I will post pics as soon as it looks decent enough to post . Anyhoo thanks for reading . Brother Bob (Its an Army thing):stupid:
240 Z doors complete
Awwwwwwwww Mannnnnnn, Black interior panels sorry.
240 Z doors complete
I have the driver and passenger doors removed from a 73 240 Z both are complete with glass and hardware.. blue in color. Located in Granbury Tx. Make an offer ? What do you have to trade ? I need.........For a 73 240 the following, Rear sway bar. Deck lid. Windshield Exhaust Header etc,etc,bla,bla,bla:stupid: BobsHotRods@earthlink.net I am making a promise to check my PMs and can provide pictures once I get back to the house.
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