Everything posted by speedyblue
Dyno'd my 280 on a Dynopack
I wasn't sure what was meant until the 2nd paragraph. 46psi is a LOT of boost.
Difference between Z cars.
And just so you don't get confused, I'll note that we never got the 280Z here in Oz, only the land barge known as the 280ZX. Much bigger, slower and more 'comfortable' suspension.
Home made bumpers?
Unfortunately, that bumper isn't home made. But it still is quite ugly.
Rear Hatch Strut Bracket Question
OK I'm pretty sure I never had that part on my car. I think mine must have been bodged up somehow by the PO. I will have a muck around with it, and try have a look at Gee's car and See it I can work something out. Should be able to make it work somehow.
Rear Hatch Strut Bracket Question
I've had a good look and the only bracket neat there is the little tabs that hold the plastic trim on. I have two holes in the rail that two little bolts went through from what I remember. Now I wish I had put it all back together years ago after I rinished repainting the brackets and strut.
Rear Hatch Strut Bracket Question
I don't know. That is the only piece of interior trim that I have never had. It was missing when I got the car. So it isn't in place and I still can't see what is going on.
Rear Hatch Strut Bracket Question
I'm still trying to put the strut that holds the rear hatch up back onto my car. I was missing a bracket, but I have since gotten hold of one (thanks Jerry) It looks exactly the same as I remembered, yet I cannot work out how or where is fits :stupid: Would someone be able to take a picture of their bracket/strut so I can see if I am still missing something. It's the end that fixes to the body. I have a 73 240Z. I have checked my manual, but unfortunately, the exploded parts view thing stops at the strut, so no help there. Thanks guys Scott
Proper stock spring rates?
www.shox.com And search spring rates on this site. There is heaps about it already covered. I know because I looked into this a few months back.
How Old?
Good to see there is a good spread of ages at least. I turned 25 in Nov and have now owned my Z for exactly 8 years!! Daily driver, and sometimes hard street driver. (OK all the time hard treet driven) If I ever see another Z rounding a corner sideways, I will always give them the big thumbs up, except if they crash into me in the process.
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The only thing you should use Kazaa to download is Kazaalite. Cracked version of Kazaa, no spyware or ads or whatever else they use. But I don't even use that. I use the old fashioned way of buying CD's.
New Shift Boots?
Buy some vinyl and make your own. I did, and I know nothing about sewing. It came out great and cost me nothing because I used vinyl I had left over from something else.
300 miles without missing a beat!!
Different fuels too. I've only been running premium unleaded because it makes less soot. Burns a bit cleaner than the cheap stuff. Would be good to do a comparo with the budget stuff, but I don't fancy another trip just yet. Tyre pressures, air temp etc would do a bit too.
De-varnish the valve cover?
Could be marks from hitting the chain whilst removing/replacing it or something. There seems to be a fair bit of clearance there.
300 miles without missing a beat!!
Mine was sitting on about 2300rpm at 100km/h which it pretty good as far as I'm concerned, just need to drop it back a cog for an overtaking burst.
300 miles without missing a beat!!
Well next time some combi driving hippie gives you a hard time about old inefficient cars, you will be able to correct them. I have a 5 speed which helps though. I guess it benifits from the sleek body shape a fair bit. Wonder how the G-nose would affect it. When I said $40,000 hondas, I was referring to the hybrid car they sell that is so expensive that you would never recover the extra cost by reduced fuel costs until after 10 years, which if I remember correctly, is 5 years more than the car is supposed to last. Bet they don't have that written in the marketing brochures. 'Why is it so' is a bit before my time, but I have seen ittle bits of it on the telly every now and again.
300 miles without missing a beat!!
One of my mates just dropped 4g's on a paintjob for his pulsar. Has a nice kit and that, and looks nice but that's a lot of money for looks alone. Another mate has put about 6 grand into his ford laser, but for that he got a turbo engine, bigger turbo, water to air intercooler, race seats, lowered springs and the such. Hasn't spend much on looks, but it still looks tough as and is quick. (I don't want to try race him) My car is a 73 model, but now sports an L28 from a 280zx. Never had a problem with the L24 though, just wanted more go.
300 miles without missing a beat!!
Can't complain about that, considering the engine is straight out of a parts car I bought for $200. Just dropped it in and bolted on the twin carbs and extractors. Why pay 40 grand for a honda that gets 50 mpg? You will never save that much in fuel, plus you look like a dork.
300 miles without missing a beat!!
Drove to the Sunny coast for a few days during the week and decided to take the datto instead of the big blue beast (International Scout in my gallery) I had replaced the rear left hand wheel bearings last week, so at least that was a lot quieter. For future reference, the inner bearing is a real pain to drive into the housing. Filled up with fuel as I left home and hit the highway. The thing did the trip without a worry averaging about 70mph (125 km/h) for the trip, with a 15-20 minute stint sitting on 90-95mph (140-150km/h ) at the end. Drove around in heavy traffic and lots of lights for about 50 miles, then came home a few days later. Stopped to fill up half way back and found out that I got about 10L per 100km in the way of fuel economy. Who needs a new car when a 30+ year old one can do a long trip in style with no worries what so ever and even get good use of petrol. Long live the Z p.s. sorry about the mixed measurement units but some things I can't convert off the top of my head.
240Z Article - Retro Cars
I read that mag about two days ago, and quite liked the article. Interesting ideas for brake upgrades using a range rover caliper. My father bought it to read while he was on holidays. He still has it with him at the moment, but when he gets back I was going to post something about it. Definately worth checking out if you spot it on the shelf though I thought.
RB30 in a 240Z
Fun stuff. Are you using after market stuff, or stock Nissan stuff, because I have a 280zx just sitting here and I dont intend to use the fuel system at all so if you want anything, you can have it. The stock pump works. I know because it pumped out the contents of the fuel tank every time I turned the key on to get the windows up/down.
Original or turbo??
A NA 2.6L will never match a turbo 3.1L if built to the same level. Work out what you want to spend first, then research the cost of both options thouroughly. It's all a waste if you run out of money half way. The turbo willbe very expensive and the L26 won't be as reliable if you are trying for big HP numbers. Sit down, work out what you want, make a plan and stick to it. My thoughts would be that with either NA or turbo, at least start with a L28 block. Good luck.
RB30 in a 240Z
The RB series of engines are the nex generation over the L series. Therefore, more refined and efficient, giving more HP and better fuel efficiency. Plus, better built for unleaded. (The lead replacement stuff is just plain nasty) There should be a good lot of aftermarket options here compared to the L28. Downside, fuel injection, so you are up for an easy grand plus for new pumps, surge tanks, filters, regulators, lines etc. But makes the turbo option much easier at a later date. If you went for the RB30, then once set up, work on it rather than another transplant with the Toyota motor and a new bunch of headaches.
Black Soot Shooting Out Tailpipe
The water from the exhaust is more likely to be from condensation than a coolant leat, especially if you are in a humid area. A compression test or leakdown test can help rule this out. Easier than pulling off the head for nothing. I would think that with a stroker, the mixture would be lean rather than rich. Seems strange.
Black Soot Shooting Out Tailpipe
Mine does that also, although not as bad. Running the carbs too rich perhaps. I'm guessing you have a large exhaust, 2.5 inch or so, as that seems to make it worse. Bigger pipe equals lower velocities, and more black soot settles in there, then when you give it some, it all gets blown out in one ugly hit. Cheap fuel makes it worse too.
Chasing a few small parts
I'm after the little bracket that joins the strut that holds the hatch up to the car. I have the strut and the bracket that bolts to the hatch but have lost the one that bolts to the car. Also chasing the triangular prism/wedge shaped bits that screw onto the door below the catch. Mine are broken and the doors won't shut without hassles. I'm after the parts for a 240Z and I'm on the Gold Coast if anyone has a few spare bits lying about. If you want, I can trade for many of the small spareparts I have. (3 ice cream containers full, plus a small pile of bits from inside the doors)