Everything posted by speedyblue
Shipping from USA to AUS and back
Bout $2500 to $3000 from US to AUS, bit more back cause no one really does it. All Aussis Dollars.
Hardest bolt or nut to get to?
My vote goes to the hose clamps on the internal heater hoses under the dash. Can't even get the screwdriver in there.
Shopping in Seattle??
Thanks for the info guys. Haven't heard from him yet, but too suprised. Probably sleeping/jetlagged. He is there for about 6 weeks, plus a bit extra to look around and have a holiday (work trip). Don't know his plans really, just that he also wants to pick up some parts for his car also. (A neat turbo Ford Laser) Don't worry, we all questioned his choice of cars many times also.
Random Questions
The big one that has me stumped, How do blind people know when to stop wiping their butt after eating Mexican?
Shopping in Seattle??
A lot of places won't accept credit cards from over seas, so Since he is there, that problem is fixed. He could buy them, and get them back. How far away are Zspecialities? Looks from their website that they sell spares more than afternarket gear. It that true? Thanks Scott
Shopping in Seattle??
I have a mate who is leaving tomorrow for the US for a few weeks. He is going to Seattle. I am getting him to grab me some springs for the Z while he is over there. Is there somewhere in Seattle that he can buy them from? I know he has a hire car over there, but don't know exactly where he is staying yet. I want to be able to tell him where to go for the parts, to save him hunting around an unknown city. Thanks Scott
This could be fun.
Don't forget half cut Full as a state school doing the wobbly waltz Then going off to "have a chat to Ralph"
what do you think about 5.0 miatas?
"i know what you mean... i don't understand why people need to try to overengineer cars... especially essentially "perfect" ones like a miata" Why drive a Z then??? I'm sure a Ford Festiva would get you from A to B, and be more practical. The Bullet Is a complete subframe built for racing, with tuned suspension, a Lexus alloy V8 and a MX5 (miata) body draped over the top to make it all a bit cheaper. One of the prototypes came up for sale a few years back, with a 13B Turbo powering it. It was cheaper than a Stock MX5 from the same year range, but would have been a bit of a test mule too.
Leaded fuel is OK to run on no catalytic cars! Race GAS :)
Methanol is very Hydroscopic. Aviation fuel is petrolium based and will mix with water about as well as normal fuel.
What's the lug pattern?
Go to Hybridz.org and look in their forum under wheels etc. They have a sticky that explains what offset and all the rest of it is.
Process of elimination - Ignition. Help!
Go to Global auto spares and ask them about a coil. Autobarn, supercheap etc don't have a clue about non-points coils unless you are after an MSD Blaster coil or something like that. Then they overcharge heaps. (one guy got upset when I laughed at the price he gave me) I payed about $50 for a 12v coil to suit electric ignition. Never had a problem with it. Or Chepa auto spares had decent prices on the Blaster coil if you want more *#*.
What's the lug pattern?
4x114.3, Yep and zero. Can with stand up to about 1/2 inch offset with standard rim/tyre sizes.
Took my Z drifting the other day...again
Ohh now you have gotten me excited. I want to give mine a go at drifting, but decided to up the suspension stiffness first. I already have the L28 in place, and a spare set of mags to put skinny tyres on. Have you got strut braces installed? From what I've heard, the stiffer the chassis the better. The video link is down, so I can't see them. I had wondered how easy a Z was to drift.
Shock Horror, Wheel nuts
I'm sure I will be able to get them locally, I was just caught off guard by the price for new ones. There's one to add to your 'big pile of receipts' $360 for genuine nissan wheel nuts.
Shock Horror, Wheel nuts
Just rung up Nissan to get a price for some 280zx wheel nuts to put the 6 spoke wheels on the 240Z. I am 4 short. Price from Nissan was $22.50. Not too bad considering, until it realised that this was PER NUT!!!!!! Unbelievable. That makes $90 per corner!!! I've tried the local shops, but they don't have the correct size, so looks like second hand is the go. Anyone on the Gold Coast, or in Brisbane have a few spare? Even one? :stupid:
Anyone know spring rate for Tokico & ST springs
Does anyone out there know the spring rates for Tokico Springs and Suspension Techniques Springs. I figure since I'm getting shocks from OS, I may as well look into springs as well. I read last night that the ST springs are around the 200lb/in mark, but I want to confirm this. No idea about the Tokico springs though. I have decided on Tokico HP shocks, so they should suit either of these quite well yes. If I keep pestering everyone with suspension questions long enough, I might get what I am after. Thanks Scott
Rear wheel bearings.
That was the option I was stuck with. Pull out friday night/saturday morn, then head to a shop to get them pressed, then home and refitted. Just sussing if this way will work. If Jon races Z's he may be able to help me with my suspension ideas as well
Pattern for handbrake boot
I made a shifter boot but carefully cutting up the old one and using it as a template, so I was going to suggest that, but since you don't have one :stupid: I was thinking of making a matching handbrake boot, but never got around to it. The clips that hold it in place threw me off a bit. If I ever do make one, I'll let you know, but first I have to fit a G-nose, wire up electric mirrors, install new springs and shocks, try and make new guage faces etc etc.... It never ends.
Rear wheel bearings.
Yeah not really enthused about it, but I have to do it. Just I have a 280zx sitting here and I can steal the part from it easily if it will bolt in. Takes the car off the road for a shorter time, which is handy since it is my daily driver. Don't know of too many 240z at the wreckers around here, so it may be hard to find a complete strut to swap.
Rear wheel bearings.
I need to replace one of my rear wheel bearings due to a bad noise. This involves taking out the stub axle and going to a shop to press off the old one and press on the new one. This takes the car off the road, which I don't want too much of. Now here's the hard part. The 280zx seems to be fairly similar around this area, with rear brakes interchanging and half shafts bolting on and stuff. So is the stub axle the same for both cars, the 1983 280zx and the 1973 240z. This would be much easier if I had a new bearing ready on the stub axle to install once i got the old one out. I know it is a bit left field, but anyone tried it? Thanks Scott
New Tokico's have arrived.
Cool. Make sure you take some piccies once the springs settle in too.
- garage
New Tokico's have arrived.
Have you got around to fitting the shocks yet? And if you have, what do you think of them? One more question, what springs are you running with it all? I'm still gathering info on all the options before I go out and start spending the dosh, so I'm interested in what you think of your new setup. Scott
Springs in OZ, Kings, Lovells and Eibach
We don't get Suspension Tech springs over here. Only the local made stuff, and the big name stuff like Eibach. And even the local companies are starting to drop the 240Z off their list due to not enough interest.
Flaring Guards
Someone got a set of ZG flares and was going to sell copies. Can't remember who. Anyone know who, and if he started making copies?