Everything posted by 240Zdragon72
Valve cover identification? Picture inside.
That is true. Sleeper, no doubt. I don't think any Honda-boy would know where to look unless he knew about the Z. :sleep:
Post pic of your Z and your home
http://www.classiczcars.com/photopost/showphoto.php?photo=14117&sort=1&cat=500&page=1 All I need is about $20,000 and she will be good as new!
Freeze plugs
You can get a set of 9 new ones vrom VictoriaBritish.com. They will send a free catalog and then you can call to order. As for the process of pulling the plug out, you say that it is the aft plug where the trans mates up, right. What you can do is tie a piece of wire around your trans and hook it to your hood latch mounted to the firewall. this way you will not have to pull the trans all the way out. When you get the motor out, take a punch or a smaller diameter socket and beat one side of the plug untill the other side pops out. take a pair of vice grips, needle nose pliers and work it out. To get the new one in, put a bead of ATV around the outside diameter of the plug and then take the biggest socket you can make fit into the plug and beat it into the block using even force. You wont get it in on the first couple of hits, but it will eventualy go in. Try not to get it crooked. If this happens, you will have to pound on the one side that is uneven (furthest in the block) to get the other side to come out again. Good luck and I hope it is just a freeze plug and not the block itself.
240Z racing and street videos
Awsome. The 240Z was on him though!
Early Z Doors
Vicky, I did a drawing of my Z a little bit ago, 26-th Z is right. No matter how I drew it and colored the car, it just did not look right. So, now I am shaving the handles. Still not sure about the side markers.
F1 in Australia - Sydney Harbor Bridge Run
That car is wicked! Really cool design, thanks for the pics, haven't been into F1 lately but I enjoyed them.
Engine Stand Horror
Yes. I have been moving the stand around my carport with the fully assembled turbo engine on it. I think until you get your hand out of the cast, try not to move it at certin angles. Sometimes I have to pick-up on the backend to get it in those tight areas. Good luck, and get well soon. http://www.classiczcars.com/photopost/showphoto.php?photo=14113&sort=1&cat=500&page=1 http://www.classiczcars.com/photopost/showphoto.php?photo=14116&sort=1&cat=500&page=1 Just a few pics of the stand and engine
Engine Stand Horror
I, too, have the same stand. I got mine from the local Auto Zone. Around $40. I also went to ACE Hardware to get the bolts, $0.40 a piece. Good luck with the build Schevets!
Which Ignition System do you use?
You didn't wizz me off, I thought you had a valid statement. If there was something better than MSD, you have a right it your own opinion.
Ok, here is the poll!
I would rather have my car running the way it should be with what ever part Nissan can get for it. On the other hand, if I need something that Nissan dose not make anymore, I will have to find a suitable sub....no?
Which Ignition System do you use?
I have a 280 ZX engine with the original distributor and a E12-80 black box on the side. "Stock" This might be the reason why I can't get the timing right. You say MSD sucks? What would you suggest, bpilati?
Lady Jennie 4
Lady Jennie 2
Lady Jennie 3
- Lady Jennie 1
Flywheel from turbo engine
I thought someone had rigged a really lightweight flywheel, come to find out the engine is from an autotrans 280ZXT
New color on fan
2.8 liter N/A engine
I put this one in from Orange 72 so I could still drive the Z, still having trouble with the timing.
Dissassembaling Turbo
Tearing it down because I don't know how much is wrong with it. I found a stick in the timing chain and the chain guides were very warn and cracked.
"Strobing" lights
What are you talking about? I wanted a suggestion on what the problem might be with the car.....I found that it might have to do with the "melting" fuse box and the voltage regulator. Thanks anyway...........
Stock interior
"Strobing" lights
Good day, I finaly got my Z to run. Now I am having a problem with the exterior lights. When the engine is running all the lights seem to have a strobe effect. Could this be the voltage regulator or the alternator? Also, my headlights come on and off when they please. the fuses are new and so are the bulbs. Any suggestions? Thanks.
Z Racecar model link
This car is also in the X-box game Sega 2000 GT. I thought the paint was just for the game, I'm happy that it really exists.
How Old?
I am 26, but I feel like I'm 50+
Engine runs only when choked...
I removed the 3 bolt carbs and installed the 4 bolt ones that came with the car. Woulden't you know, the car runs...and not with the choke on this time. I was trying to get the idel set, but I could only get it to stableize at the first hash mark on the Uni-sun. Idel was way too high...judgeing from what the tach was reading (1700 rpm). I would "blip" the throttle and get a backfire from both carbs. Then at one point it would backfire through the exhaust. The car was running out of gas so I did it one last time and there was no backfire. This morning I am going to get gas and take her to the auto hobby shop and see if they can help me with the tuning. Thank you everyone who has helped me with my problem. Next time I promise not to spaz-out so much!