Everything posted by 240Zdragon72
need pertronix wiring diagram
Well I don't have a specific diogram but I do have one that shows how to wire up a MSD ignition control box with the pertronix ignition. Hope some of this will help you. Just check out my gallery for the pic. Have fun....
One bad a$$ front fesca!
R-34 rims on a Z!!
Won't turn over motor
I talked to one of my Z friends here and he suggested to run a "hot" wire from the battery to the + on the coil. Then short the starter. She started right up....and ran!! The idel was pretty high, probably because there was no dampaning oil in the carbs:stupid: . I excitedly drove the car around the block, but got halfway and the car started to die. I noticed that there was water on the windshield. Damn! I forgot all about the hole in the radiator. Tried to start her the way I did then and nothing. Could she just be hot, or did I fry something:( ? I hope that it was just hot. I put some water in the radiator, will see what happens tomarrow. Any suggestions? Thanks, Brian:alien:
Can the tach be used with the Pertonix ignition?
Forgot I had this...... Might be a good thing to have for later reference. Brian:alien: http://www.classiczcars.com/photopost/showphoto.php?photo=7065&password=&sort=7&thecat=500
Won't turn over motor
My '72 is doing the same thing, except mine will turn over but stop when the key is in the "ON" position. I'm getting fuel and spark, but she won't run. Could this be a problem with the starter or with the ignition? Thanks Brian:alien:
How MUch Damper Oil?
Would power steering fluid be the same as fork oil?:cross-eye
Rear view
Skyline R34 VSPEC wheels.. oh i want em
I know they make a conversion for the rear axels, but what about the front hub? I am assuming that it too will need some welding? Anyone with some advice? (by the way, Those Skyline wheels are tight on the Z!!!) Thanks Brian:alien:
Post pic of your Z and your home
http://www.classiczcars.com/photopost/showphoto.php?photo=6969&password=&sort=7&thecat=500 Brian
16" or 17" better for autocross???
16" or 17" better for autocross???
16" or 17" better for autocross???
I have Ultra 5 star rims in 15". What do you think of these rims? Would these be good in 14":stupid:
Not original but looks like original for 240Z press photo
Ultimate ignition setup?
Strut Brace From Heck!
http://www.pdkfabrication.bravepages.com/240%20front.htm This is where I found it! They also have a rear brace, but that is for later. Have fun. Brian
Strut Brace From Heck!
Posting pics....
Yeah, the pics where taken pretty much as the sun was going down, It's also very dirty and rusty. Thanks for the compliment, I'm trying to rebuild her from the ground up. (but I need a starting piont....Garage and tools for starters:stupid: ) Anyway they are posted and I'm sorry for being so impatient. Brian:alien:
engine bay
Posting pics....
Thanks for the tip, I posted them on Thursday....seeing how it's the weekend, I'll just wait until tomarrow Thanks again Brian:alien:
carb backfire, help
My forward carb does the same thing. The only difference is that I can't even get my car to start.....well, it turns over, but dies when I go to the ON position. Does anyone think if I need to buy some damper oil to see if the problem lies with the carbs or the ignition, etc. Thanks, Brian:alien:
Posting pics....
When you upload pictures into your gallery, how long does it take for them to approve the picture before they put it in the gallery? Brian:alien:
Strut Brace From Heck!
Wide Body Kit
Carbon Fiber Hood