Radiator fan (part 2 i guess)
This problem just happend to me on my 73 240z. Everything is new as far as water pump, fan, fan clutch. It ran fine for a while and all of a sudden I have a hole in my radiator at the upper center part. Looked at my fan and its chipped up at the tips. I think that this might be coused by bad engine mounts or something. This sucks.....I dont know what to do. Saro
Car Dies after turning on headlights
Thank Steve, your help is greatly appricated. I'll stop by this weekend and pick me one up. Saro
Car Dies after turning on headlights
Hey guys, Just wanted to let you all know that I tested the car out by letting it run and disconnectiong the battery cable to see if the alt would keep it running. As soon as I tried this the engine died. This way I knew that the alt was not charging the battery. Turned out that my voltage regualtor was bad. I just changed it and all is well. I wanted to thank all of you for helping me out. I finally got to drive the car around after two years. Man it feels great to be back. Saro
Car Dies after turning on headlights
Beandip, You guys might be right. This is my car I've owned for about three years. My old engine gave up, so I basically restored the engine bay with everything new except the wiring. What I did was put a fuse in all the available locations in the fuse box located in the center console thinking that it needs to be there. This could be the reason for the short. I'll charge the battery and take out the excess fuses to see if there is a difference. Thanks, Saro
Car Dies after turning on headlights
SteveJ, I replaced all fuses in the center console and have added no electrical aftermarket item. The car dosent even have a stereo. The only aftermarket items are in the engine and suspension. Thanks, Saro
New exhaust system & Im not that happy!
Thanks for all the suggestions. Victor, Tim's work is amazing. He did such a nice job that It kind of makes up for the tone. As far as the glass pack, mine doesn't have one. It's just the headers with the piping to the muffler. I'm going to go back there this weekend and talk to him about some options. Gotta thank you for recommending his shop. I've sent him a few customers ever since. Thanks, Saro
Car Dies after turning on headlights
Thanks for the help guys, SteveJ, By adding fuses I meant replacing fuses that weren't there, not adding more. Sorry for not being clear. Arne, When I turn on the headlights, it dies suddenly like the ignition is being switched off. I drove the car the whole day, parked and started it many times with no problems. My last stop was to Pep Boys were I bought the fuses and replaced all before I left the parking lot. I started the car and drove all the way home with no problems until I parked the car and couldn't start it again. I roll started the car and let it idle to recharge the battery and that's when I discovered turning on the headlights causes the engine to die out. I tried a few times to turn on the headlights but kept turning them off quickly so that I could keep it running. After a few more attempts of this, I kept the lights off and the engine running. I tried to rev the engine and It completely died out with no power. Sorry for the long write up, but the day all this happened was the first day I got it back on the road after two years. I'm getting anxious. Saro Fagerian
Car Dies after turning on headlights
Thanks for the advise. I added a few fuses which is why I assumed would be the cause of the problem. Im going to jump start it and disconnect the battery to see if the alt. will keep it running. If it dosen't stay on, then my new alt. is probably bad. I dont have a volt meter so If all else fails, I'm gong to have to take it to my mechanic. Thanks, Saro
New exhaust system & Im not that happy!
Hey Victor, Hows it going? I really dont want to trouble him. But I'll go and ask for his opinion on a different set up. I cant really remeber your exhaust note much but mine kinda sounds like a deep civic with very light buzz. I'll just go back and ask to see what they suggest. But at the moment, I have a bigger problem with my car than the exhaust note. Every time I turn on the headlights while ideling the car dies out. Oh well, I'm almost there. Can't give up now. See you around soon Victor, Saro
New exhaust system & Im not that happy!
Hey Mark, Thanks for the reply. That's what I'm thinking. If the tone keeps bothering me, I'll go with a different muffler. I was originally thinking of going with the piping and a resonator in the tunnel an running it straight through the back. I really liked the sound of the car runnig straight headers, but wanted to keep that tone but much more quieter.
Car Dies after turning on headlights
I have a 73 240z which dies out as soon as I turn on the headlights, This wasn't happening before but started happening after I changed my fuses in the center console. The car also has no power even after its been running. The car has a new battery, alt. What gives? Thanks, Saro
New exhaust system & Im not that happy!
Hello Everyone, I just had Morse Muffler shop in Burbank Ca. fabricate the exhaust system on my 73 240z, and I'm not that pleased with the exhaust tone. Morse muffler however did a beautiful job fabricating the system. I have the MSA 6 into 1 coated headers, 2 1/4 inch piping into a SS Magnaflow oval muffler, with a single inlet single outlet muffler, and it sounds a bit like a bumble bee. I drove the car with just the headers before I had this setup ,and it sounded beautiful, but too loud. What can I do to make it sound more like a 60's & 70's era sports car? Thanks, Saro
Toyota 4 piston calipers & Panasport
Thanks Marty, Where do I get the spacers for this setup. I ve never seen them and dont know much about them.
Toyota 4 piston calipers & Panasport
Thanks everyone. Will the vented setup need spacers then? Are the calipers wider on the vented? Thanks, Saro
Toyota 4 piston calipers & Panasport
Hello Everyone, I am thinking of going with the Toyota 4 piston caliper set up and wanted to know if I would have a clearance issue with my 16x7, 0 offset Panasport wheels? Thanks, Saro