Hi all. I am new to the Z community, as I have just purchased a 1972 240Z that is quite the basket case. It is all original, but has much rust, and a blown head gasket. At least I got a good deal... $300 for the whole thing, and it would still run, and even idle!!! I have the head off now, and am getting it machined smooth. I plan on just getting it running for now, and then tweaking it later. I can't wait to learn how to tune and set the round top SU carbs!!! Here is a question. What type of welder should I get? I would like one that is 110V, if it could handle body welding, and perhaps some frame welding... 208/230V would be ok if that is what it takes. I have not welded in 10 years, and then it was only arc welding. Should I look at a MIG?