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Everything posted by 83280zxNA

  1. just FYI i have a 280zx n/a (obviously) and removed/recovered it very cheaply and RELATIVELY EASILY. if anyone is interested, go to walmart (or equiv) and get your fabric of choice. :tapemouth i walked into the crafts section in my crappy oily clothes. you shoulda seen the looks!!! ANYHOW! get about three square yards of it. then go over to the automotive dept. and pick up some 3m brand adhesive spray. go home peel the fabric off the board. BE CAREFUL! there is a small layer of padding. if you go slowly, you can leave it on there. it looks better with it. next drink a beerLOL take the fabric and lay it on the ground. cut it in the rough shape of the headliner leaving 1 or 2 inches all the way around. IRON THE FABRIC YOU JUST CUT TO FIT! i have a permanent wrinkle in mine because i didn't iron. it's girly but hey, it looks better, trust me. okay, no the fun part. the spray can has a setting on the nozzle. you want the widest one. lightly spray the padded side with the adhesive. quickly place the fabic over it and pull it taut in all areas. it should now look good except for the cut part. after letting it dry for a few minutes (read: have a beer) turn it over and start gluing the 1 or 2 inches to the back. this is kinda messy but pull it as tight as you can. you may have to let it dry a little before it will stay on its own. i decided that i didn't want my visors anymore, so i simply covered the holes with the fabic and it looks great. i hope this might help. E

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