Everything posted by gundee
l24 blocked engine build - Few Questions
That Superchevy page is good reading. I plugged my new L24 proposed.engine build into that S30 Engine Modeller and got a no-go on the squish. I have the over size pistons and the block bored out, but not assembled yet. I will have to put that issue in another thread. Not here
l24 blocked engine build - Few Questions
What exactly is "squish" referring to?
Input on power gains by swapping head.
Schneider shows 9 different cam grinds for a L6 Z car. What is a stage 3 cam? People throw that term around all the time like it is some magical grind.
240z 1972 Owners Manual
Ok I will bite and ask a stupid question. What does the owners manual have anything to do with new plates.
[2018] What Did You Do To/with Your Z Today?
All back together yesterday and could not get the timing set where it needs to be. Looks like I did not get the drive gear quite right. I thought it was good at the time. Must have been really tired. Just by the sound of it cranking I could tell timing was way off.
Slalom grind cam
Wow. Even has a Datsun Comp part number.
Monterey Rolex Historics Day 1 replay
2:50 mark is the GT and Imsa race with Datsuns. Historic F1 was race before this one. A favorite of mine. https://www.motortrendondemand.com/detail/replay-day-1-2018-rolex-monterey-motorsport-reunion-weathertech-raceway-laguna-seca/0_lqko3k4a/
Mecum 2018 Monterey Datsun Results
I heard it sold for $47500. Poor condition??
Let's show vintage racing pictures. I'll start.
front suspension and tire clearance problem
You really should pull the other side too so you can clean up both sides and paint. Rotor backing plates too. You went this far. Why not get things looking good.
front suspension and tire clearance problem
Just wondering before buying a strut, have you checked the nut that holds the hub on the spindle is not loose? Unless you have already removed the hub to check bearings.
front suspension and tire clearance problem
I have never seen a bent Datsun strut, but there is always a first time. How were you and the previous owner even able to drive it around being like this. I don't get it.
7" brake booster repair and restoration
I was told at a car show that there was not anything brake related this guy could not rebuild. Boosters too. I think you would actually have to send yours in to see if he could do a Datsun. I only have my one booster so I cannot be without it for now. http://whitepost.com/brake-sleeving-rebuilding-services/
‘72 on BAT worth watching
Nice to see. I guess I may have to keep my 72 for a couple more years I get it ready to sell every year but then holdout for another year.
Weber selection and initial jet tuning
Yes me too. Even though I have Mikuni's. The only thing I noticed was in all the years I have talked to others about Weber and Mikuni, I have never run into anyone say they were using a air jet over 200. I must have missed something along the way. Otherwise they would not make them I guess.
7" brake booster repair and restoration
Weren't these Bendix boosters made in Japan under license from Bendix. Like the SU's Datsun use look to be their version of the British SU. The brake calipers Datsun used look just like Girling calipers used on Triumphs. I had several British cars.
front suspension and tire clearance problem
Exactly what I was thinking. You can look at the wheel stud protrusion on each side too. If they are different then a wheel spacer must be involved I would think.
Let's show vintage racing pictures. I'll start.
Head gasket
I was reading the FSM for mine and noticed they mentioned a spray coating on the head gasket. Never knew that. From FSM: " Spread sealing agent over cylinder block surface. Place the gasket on it and apply sealing agent to the gasket top." I just installed a Felpro head gasket on my L28 and it had a sticky coating on it. I installed it just that way with no coating. I also did the same with the last Felpro I used. Non problems. You just want a very clean block surface and straight head surface.
[2018] What Did You Do To/with Your Z Today?
Installed my Mike Yoes Racing oil spray bar on the new head. All of mine are junk after 40 years. Good insurance. Also installed distributor and re-installed my ground strap from block to head.
[2018] What Did You Do To/with Your Z Today?
[2018] What Did You Do To/with Your Z Today?
Got the new rebuilt head installed on my L28 along with front cover. Rebuild Mikuni's go on next. Won't be too long now. Also scored a new L28 crank pulley that was stored 35 years. Now the belt sits flush in groove with other pulleys. 240Z pulley fits but belt groove is smaller. That is what I had been using.
Side view mirror location
Yes. What does this have to do with mirrors? Mark and Patcon you are not helping things.
1972 Float Adjustment ...
Mark, see your post #623
1972 Float Adjustment ...
The reported 100 psi across compression test, if correct, would also result in that performance. Just reminding.