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Everything posted by SuDZ

  1. SuDZ replied to Project Z's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    I like the cobwebs SuDZ
  2. SuDZ replied to Project Z's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Congrats and welcome. I am also a 260 owner. SuDZ
  3. SuDZ replied to SuDZ's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    Well here is the update. I'm still stuck. I have hooked up a fuel filter to the hard fuel lines after the mechanical fuel pump. I get gas all the way to the carbs because when I pull the lines the gas comes pouring out no problem. It still won't turn over though. It gets to about the same point as it was earlier to tell you the truth. The fuel now is getting to the carbs but won't turn over. I read in the repair manual that I can inspect the float level with an inspection mirror which will tell me if gas is getting there I guess. I just don't know where it would be going otherwise. I'm getting low on some ideas to check next... SuDZ
  4. SuDZ replied to SuDZ's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    I went and picked up a fuel pump last night. I am going to try to hook it up tonight for a test. I am thinking that I will fill up a can with the gas and hook the fuel pump up after the mechanical one right where it would be feeding to the fuel rail. I will see where this gets me and if it will fire up or not. I picked up an after market fuel pump from Autozone but just didn't have a chance to try it out yet. This seems like it should let me know what's going on one way or another. SuDZ
  5. SuDZ replied to SuDZ's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    The hard part is that I don't have SU's. They SU from what I have read (never seen any in real life) have external bowls that you can see easily. The carbs I have are built in so you can't really see them without removing the carbs I belive. Considering how dry the lines were though I know they were not getting fuel to them. SuDZ
  6. SuDZ replied to SuDZ's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    As far as I know this is how the 260Z came stock. Ok as far as an update, the car did turn over and run for a second when I sprayed some starter fluid in. I was psyched even to see that and called my girlfriend out to the garage (so she would believe me hehe) and when I started it there was a huge puff of black smoke that came out over the engine. I'm not sure where it came form though but it only lasted like a second. Afterwards I poured some fuel into the inlets and it started for a second again. I am going to try to get a new elec fuel pump since that one is dead after I tested it. I will replace that and tear down the mech one to see if that looks clean or not but it is tough to get at since I will have to remove the AC compressor. So if I get that pumping and running off of that then I will take it from there. I figure this way I can get a regular amount of fuel constantly coming to it from an external canister and see if it will run for more than a second worth of fuel. I am going to try that next. Seeing the car even turn over like that after 4 years or so was so exciting. This definitely gets me in the motivated mode again to get things going again. Thanks for everything and I will let you know more as I go. SuDZ
  7. SuDZ replied to SuDZ's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    The Z has not been run in about three years. I had the carbs rebuilt by a carb shop around my area about two - two and a half years ago or so. I am going to pick up a can of the fluid tonight since I ran out and only had a couple sprays worth in the can at my house. I am going to see if this gets me someplace. I had read in the Haynes manual that the pump doesn't start until the 400RPM mark. This was for the elec pump though, not the mechanical one. I am going to keep playing around with it though and see where I can get. Thank you so much for the help so far. SuDZ
  8. SuDZ replied to SuDZ's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    That's my next step. I will have to remove the crabs to inspect all that. Last night after messing with all the fuel lines for so long I gave up on it for the night. I am hoping to get more time out there tonight to check everything out though. I do know though that the oil is right in the domes but will have to check the floats next. SuDZ
  9. SuDZ replied to SuDZ's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    The part that has me wondering though is the fact that even when I take fuel and put it directly into the fuel inlet tube, I still can't get it to turn over. Last night I took apart the elec fuel pump and it had a pretty worn filter in it. I was looking to replace that but it seems that it may be dead all together since I couldn't get it to activate at all on a bench test. I blew air through all my lines and everything looked clear and fine. The thing that bothers me is that even with the gas directly going into the carbs I wasn't able to get it to turn either. I'm kind of stumped. SuDZ
  10. SuDZ replied to SuDZ's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    I had seen that pump also when I was cruising the MSA site. Is the benefit of the new pump just the fact that it's newer or does it actually perform better somehow? If it doesn't need to be replaced just yet I will hold off. I guess testing it tonight will let me knows whats what. SuDZ
  11. SuDZ replied to SuDZ's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    I had a feeling I was accomplishing nothing on pumping the pedal. I must admit that my only experience with carbs was pretty much on US cars. Glad to know that now though and I don't use that as a gauge to tell what may or may not be working. I was figuring I can remove the elec pump tonight and see if I can hook it up to a 12v source and see if I get any action off of it. I am figuring I will at least hear a click of some sort or it trying to work as well as replace the filter and see what was inside. I will take your advice on checking out the connectors and fuses as well. Thanks for the help. SuDZ
  12. SuDZ replied to SuDZ's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    I only had a few minutes to work on the car tonight so I disconnected the line from my mech and elec fuel pumps. From there I blew air from the mech pump back through the hoses after disconnecting from the elec one. The air blew right through without a problem which was good. So I guess tomorrow I will finish taking the elec pump apart and replace the filter and put it back together and see what's what. SuDZ
  13. SuDZ replied to SuDZ's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    I was just trying at first to pump the gas pedal to get gas coming. I thought the mechanical pump would pull some of the gas through this way. This was before I realized the mechanical one would only work after a certain (400 I think) rpm range. Is this the right way to get the gas to start coming through or should I be looking into an alternative way? Also, I have the flat top carbs. I know most people will tell me just to swap them but right now this is just to get the car running before that. These carbs had been rebuilt before I reinstalled them however. Thanks for all the help, I have been pouring over the forums non stop since I started work on the car again. SuDZ
  14. SuDZ replied to SuDZ's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    I'll give it a look tonight again. Last night I had blown air from the hoses on the inlet tube on the carbs that connect to the fuel rail. I will take out the electric pump tonight and blow those lines out as well in each direction to see what's what. Hopefully I can figure something out soon enough and get the Z started. I will let you know where I get and if I can't figure something out I will post some more questions. Thanks all. SuDZ
  15. SuDZ replied to SuDZ's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    Do you mean like the tubing between the tank and the hard pipes? Or the ones between the hard pipes and the mechanical pump? SuDZ
  16. SuDZ posted a post in a topic in Help Me !!
    Hi All, I have been getting back into my 260Z as of late after taking off about two years from it while renovating a house etc etc with the same old excuses. I am back and at it full time and ready to get my Z going again. I was looking to get it fired up shortly and the last day or two I have reconnected my carbs, changed my oil, change oil filter, replaced plugs, replaced air filter, replaced the first white clear fuel filter after the tank, I am replacing the filter inside the electric pump tonight, and a few other things here and there like replacing coolant lines etc. I also forgot to mention that I have drained the gas and put in some new fresh stuff. The stuff that came out was not all that bad. I was trying to test for fuel last night at the carbs and I pulled the hose at the fuel inlet and it was bone dry. I am wondering where to test next. I took the hose off and put the ACC in the ON position and pumped the gas for a while. Nothing was happening as far as gas coming out the hoses. I traced back the tubes to the other side of the engine and I found the mechanical fuel pump. i was wondering what to check (if anything) on the mechanical fuel pump. Do I take that apart and check for something? I am just trying to figure out where the gas stops reaching. SuDZ
  17. Make it a third.... SuDZ
  18. Well, after unfortunantly taking off to much of the summer from working on my car (travel, work, life) I am finally back to trying to get some parts on and ready to go again. Today I just got at my house a whole bunch of stuff like XR 3000 Electronic Ignition Crane PS-91 Motorsport Header H4 Headlights Headlight Covers Side Stripes "West Coast" Outside Mirrors Speaker Panel Motorsport Performance Springs Tokico Illumina Struts So hopefully since I am finishing up replacing all the solid brake lines now, replacing front brake pads and hardware and some other little odds and ends this will give me the motivation to get out there and get some wrenching done again. Actually I spent almost all day yesterday out there working on some of the lines. Can't wait. So has anyone else taken a longer than expected time away from the Z and recently been able to get back into the garage? SuDZ
  19. My father told me that is part of the fun of a rebuild/resto the other day. I told him he was just a liar hehe. SuDZ
  20. The color actually works for me. Maybe it is because it still has the nice new shine and all to it but I think it fits the car well. The rims I agree, I am not so sure. SuDZ
  21. SuDZ replied to Ed's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Wow, that underbody looks sweet. SuDZ
  22. Luckily I have my Kwiklift that makes this a whole lot easier. I wouldn't dream of doing it any other way after buying this. If your intrested you can see it on my cardomain site in my link below. Tell you the truth I hadn't really looked at the fuel lines so much yet. This will give me a good chance to see them and the condition. I know some of the ones in the rear that attach to the fuel filter were redone by a PO but not sure about the others. Thanks for the help. SuDZ
  23. SuDZ replied to MikeW's post in a topic in Interior
    Really looks great. Good Job. SuDZ
  24. I am finally almost done installing all of my solid brake lines. The last I have is that long one that runs front to back. I havent removed it yet so that is my question, how tough is it to really get out and work with? SuDZ
  25. SuDZ replied to echocluster's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Basically you do something nice for three people, the y do something nicer for three people each and so on and so on. The thinking is that eventually everyone has and does something nice for somone else without expecting anything in return. SuDZ

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