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Everything posted by SuDZ

  1. SuDZ replied to SuDZ's post in a topic in Suspension & Steering
    Alright I will check out the slave. It is strange though cause a bunch of posts I found on here said Master and so did haynes. At least I am not the only one not finding a place to bleed it on the master. This will be a nice item to add to my list tommorow. SuDZ
  2. SuDZ replied to 260z's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Sorry to hear about this. I know how you feel, I have been noticing my dog who is now 15 having a harder time lately. I know how much you can love them. SuDZ
  3. SuDZ replied to SuDZ's post in a topic in Introductions
    I have no idea why that did not register with me. I was in a bit of a hurry taking care of some stuff then I was like Doh! :stupid: SuDZ
  4. SuDZ replied to SuDZ's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    That is waht I thought and told them but they were telling me otherwise. Perhaps they saw one of the blow through kits at some point and thought it was stock. SuDZ
  5. SuDZ replied to SuDZ's post in a topic in Carburetor Central
    Alright sounds like it will go pretty well then. I will make it a project for my little brother to help me out with tommorow. Thanks SuDZ
  6. SuDZ replied to SuDZ's post in a topic in Introductions
    I have been meaning to get the pictures up but my camera was just lent out to my parents for their trip. So maybe in another week or two now. Right now I am trying to get the engine running right, overheating issues fixed I believe ( at least in my short trips at night to prevent the law finding out hehe) and I am trying to get it too stop running so rich and backfiring. As well as bleeding things like clutch,breaks etc. After that is done then I am going to attack the body. I dod not know yet how much of a frame off I am going to do but want to strip out seats and caprets on the inside to take care of some problems like seats and floors. Then I will have to sand down the outside and prep the body. Luckily for me I have two uncles in the autobody trade who can help me out with tips and the final painting. So I am hoping to get the body looking good this winter and have it available to drive for the summer. Hopefully it actually workds out that way. Where on the east coast are you? SuDZ
  7. SuDZ posted a post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    I had someone ask me earlier if the 280Z was offered in a turbo model with carbs. I was not sure. Is this a setup it came in? If not is there this setup running around? SuDZ
  8. SuDZ posted a post in a topic in Carburetor Central
    I was looking to remove my carburetors for a rebuild. I have a friend who can help me rebuild them and show me a few things about carbs. Only problem is I have to go to him to do so. Since my Z is not on the road yet, so I would remove the carbs for this. I looked in the Haynes manual and they had no info on actually taking them out that I seen (granted I looked quick today before work). I was wondering if it was in the book "How to rebuild your OHC engine" or whatever the title is close to that. I am waiting for it to come in still to my local store on order. So basicly I am wondering if it is not in there are there any other places you would reccomend looking to for removal or any of you have any input to add into this? SuDZ
  9. SuDZ replied to SuDZ's post in a topic in Introductions
    just realized in that whole story I did not even say. It is a 1974 260Z. SuDZ
  10. SuDZ posted a post in a topic in Suspension & Steering
    When looking into bleeding my clutch due to a leak, I had a question. When I am looking at the clutch master (where the resevoir is to fill the clutch fluid next to the windshield washer fluid) I was reading that therer should be two screws on the underside of the body., one having the rubber piece on it and being able to drain. When I was feeling around I only felt one potential screw and nothing else. Also it had no rubber on it. Am I looking in the wrong place? Should I be at some other area to drain the fluid? SuDZ
  11. SuDZ replied to 260z's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    As far as Z specific stores around here that is going to be tough. There are a good amount of junkyards though in Cambridge (right outside of Boston) and further up in the suburbs. Also there are tons of parts stores that can order or carry forieng only parts. So those might be places to check for as well when looking around. SuDZ
  12. SuDZ replied to nutxo's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Man now I really hope I get to head down there for a couple weeks. hehe I will be going picture crazy of cars and people will wonder why I am so facinated by "just another skyline". SuDZ
  13. SuDZ replied to 260z's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Hey there. I am in the Boston area and have just recently gotten my 260Z. It will not be ready to actually hit the street by then but when you get this way maybe we can meet up some day. SuDZ
  14. SuDZ replied to St.stephen's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Trust me, I will do my best to keep up my end of the deal. SuDZ
  15. SuDZ replied to nutxo's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    I might actually be heading there next year for a trip. My sister is looking at going to school there from Feburary to July on a "learn Abroad" kind of deal. I might head over for a visit while she is there. I would love to see the sites and check out the cars there. Now if only I could score myself a test drive SuDZ
  16. SuDZ replied to nutxo's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Supra man and Skyline man hehe I wish these two cars were around here in the U.S. more. I have never been able to see a real Skyline and Supra's are almost as rare near me. SuDZ
  17. SuDZ replied to Datzun76's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Is this something that a lot of tire places offer or more of a specialty? SuDZ
  18. SuDZ replied to St.stephen's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Ouch, at least it did not land on you. How bad was the damage? SuDZ
  19. SuDZ replied to sapruns's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    Looks like I will be adding them to my list of thigns to pick up then. SuDZ
  20. SuDZ replied to Daniel's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Must be some garage. SuDZ
  21. SuDZ replied to SuDZ's post in a topic in Body & Paint
    I think that is the way I am leaning but won't be for months anyhow. SuDZ
  22. SuDZ replied to Daniel's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    You just motivated me. I was reading this and htinking to myself, if I am going to be doing all this work between now and the summer when the tires will hit the road (hopefully) and spending all the money to get it done then I do not want to waste it from something dumb like not being able to stop. I want to have this project car running for a nice long time. I just put in the order for my steel breaklines and will go ahead and bleed them out as well. What kind of fluid should I use? DOT 3? SuDZ
  23. SuDZ replied to SuDZ's post in a topic in Body & Paint
    Well at least this cleared up a few questions. I actually like the look better without the vinyl. Now I just have to sand it down and get it ready for the eventual painting. SuDZ
  24. SuDZ replied to SuDZ's post in a topic in Body & Paint
    I wonder if somewhere along the lines one of the owners had it installed for some reason? Not sure why it is was not even a nice color or anything for it. :stupid: If not POR-15 what would you guys recomend for the exterior like this? Just sand it down and prime ot or what? SuDZ
  25. SuDZ replied to sapruns's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    Is the Ztherapy a good video for a begginer? I have not really gotten into carbs before so I am a newbie at them. Would you say that the Ztherapy video is good for me or is it more advanced? SuDZ

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