Everything posted by SuDZ
Roof? Vinyl or not?
Hey guys, On my 260 the PO has removed part of the vinyl on top. They basicly just cut out a huge square in the middle where there was some rust. Not sure why exposing the rust to the elements was a better idea but what the heck. So I removed the rest of the vinyl up top since it would have to be replaced or removed anyhow. Now the roof is totally bare and I have a few questions. 1. I notice in a lot (almost all) of the pictures you guys put up there is not vinyl on top. Did the 240 come that way or did you guys just leave it off after painting etc? Kind of like the chrome alongside the doors etc. I notice you guys do not have this on but mine does. Are these just 260 things? 2. I am going to sand down the rust that is currently on the roof now and clean it up a bit. I figure I will put POR-15 on it when I order some. Is POR fine for items like the roof if they wind up being painted? SuDZ
Finally going back together!
Now you wouldn't want all that fun at once now. Save some for later SuDZ
Motorsport auto on my s**t list
Well, like I said I made my first order one week ago today and got in my Dashcap this morning before work. So far so good hehe SuDZ
Motorsport auto on my s**t list
I hope not, I just put in my first order to them Friday SuDZ
EFI Hassles
Thanks. I have to get used to the new location of everything. On my Maxima I know where every little thing is by heart. Now on my 260Z I feel like I am blind always trying to find everything and figure out where things are still. I will get it eventually. SuDZ
EFI Hassles
Where is the fuel filter actually located? SuDZ
t-5 or nissan 5 speed
You did not like it huh? I have it in my '98 Maxima and loved it. It felt very smooth and shifter well. Smoother than it was with the stock fluid. SuDZ
Linkage rod?
Well, looks like you guys were right about the clutch fluid. it was completely empty. Looks like I will be bleeding it and refilling it. Now I have to find out where it came from. There also seemed to be a lot of black buildup in the canister. Not sure why. SuDZ
Stolen 240z in socal!
Being on the East Coast I can not help much but good luck and sorry to those who lost this sweet ride. SuDZ
Linkage rod?
Well, looks like I will be adding the bleeding to my to-do list then. I figure that way It takes care of the first two replies in one shot. I was planning on trying to replace all the fluids anyhow since I was not sure when it was last done. Now I figure I will pick up some on lunch but, is there any reccomendations to look for? Are they primarily the same? By the same I mean as in oil (I do not mean to start a huge war on oil types but I mean how in theory you do not need to track down anything special) or more like Automatic tranny fluid where you need certain types for different brands like Chrysler, Ford etc. SuDZ
Linkage rod?
Alright, I have a problem. Today I went to put my car into the garage because it looked like rain. So I hoped in and started it up. I tried to put it into reverse and it just grinded at me. Hmmm. So then I said "Let me try 1st" still no good, it just won't go into gear. No other gear works for that matter either. So I wound up shutting it off and then it would go into gear just fine. So I left it in reverse and turned it on. It took off on me even though the clutch was all the way in. My father had said he thought it could be a linkage rod but I did not see anything about it in my Haynes book. Any ideas as far as if this is the problem or if it is something else? Is the linkage rod external or able to be repaired without pulling the tranny? SuDZ
how do i pull the distributor?
I have no idea where cap came from in my typing. I did mean distributer. SuDZ
how do i pull the distributor?
I have a question about the distributer. I hear people say that they upgraded the 240 to the 280 cap. This I understand the reasons etc but since I have not looked yet at mine, is the 260 a points distributer or electronic? I was figuring points but not sure since I am right in the middle and did not hear anyone say anything about upgrading to a 260's. Just looking to confirm. SuDZ
How much coolant
Thanks guys. Flushed the coolant over the weekend and let it run for a while to check to see how much it sucked up after being run for a while. I am hoping this (along with a thermostat I replaced) will take care of my overheating issue. SuDZ
Got some new pics :)
Hmm, I wonder if I can pick up the fuel light or maybe even the seatbelt one. I will have to figure where it hooks up to though. I have no idea why they would put in the switch that is there now. basicly all it does it allow the fan to come on. So you have to turn on the fan and heat/AC on the regular controls below then pull this knob out to turn them on. I do not really get it. SuDZ
Got some new pics :)
Hey I have a question for you. On your center console next to the light you have a red button or display there. What is that? On mine I have a HUGE pull knobs that sticks out and looks god awaful. i was trying to figure out what was supposed to be there. Is what you have there ( can't tell from the picture ) supposed to be there and if sowhat is it? Thanks. SuDZ
Dash Out... What a Headache!!
I looked a bit at the wiring mess that I have going on right now and figuring out what all the random switches and knobs people have added on are for. Some of them have been disconnected over the years and just left there to do nothing. So now it is my job to track them down and remove the non working ones that just look bad. SuDZ
- Dash Cap
Dash Cap
Cool so it is what I am looking for. I was a bit confused at first and did not want to order the wrong part. I figure I might as well just get the whole deal for the 80 bucks since that way it just replaces everything at once. Now do I remove the existing cracked dash or does this go over that piece? SuDZ
Dash Cap
I have a question about dash caps. This one here on ebay but what I was unsure of was is it the entire dash? On my dash the face part on the front is not all that bad but the rough part is the top. This is where I have a huge crack in the middle and "stuffing" coming out. If this has the flat part on the top that runs from the windshield to the front then great. But if it is just the front then it is not what I am looking for. Can anyone tell me if this sounds like what I am looking for? Thanks again guys. SuDZ
Modified 240Z pics
Nice, thanks. SuDZ
Modified 240Z pics
Looks sweet, nice job. Hey, where do you guys find those headlight covers? I was looking around a bit but did not actually come across anything. Is there a particular place to check out? i was looking on Motorsport Auto but they did not have pictures of them, just saying they were three pounds and about 50 bucks. Are these the ones I would be looking for? SuDZ
Freind got hurt
You never know though, my uncle has been told three times now "We mean it this time, you cut your finger too bad and will lose it". They have not been right yet. He is also a tradesman who has caught his fingers on saws but still has all of his. Goodluck. SuDZ
NOS and triple webers?
I seen that book the other day (or at least one like it) when I was getting my "Restoring your Z" book. It actually had a lot of info in it and might be well worth it for anyone looking to get nitrous for any application. SuDZ
My first day as a Z owner
The worst part was I was thinking after getting on the road "What if there are other nests IN the car? hehe looks like I lucked out in that way. Glad you all got a kick or smile out of the story. I know I did while it was happening. The whole time I was just saying "Come on, you can do it just go a little further. Let's just go one more exit at least" It was a great time. Now once I get this heating issue taken care of I will be looking into the body. Let the fun begin. SuDZ