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About Zs-ondabrain

  • User Group: Member

  • Member ID: 4156

  • Title: 240Z Elec. Upgrade guy

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  • Joined: 09/19/2003

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  • Age: 53


Zs-ondabrain last won the day on December 19 2017

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    Marysville, WA. U.S.A.
  • Occupation
    mechanic/car audio specialist

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    70' 240Z (8/70) HLS30-08077 (Daily driver)
    71' 240Z (10/70) HLS30-12157? Sold to IanMonster
    72' 240Z (11/71) HLS30-53007 Newest Edition
    74' 260Z (2/74') RLS30-_____ (in the garage being rebuilt for Summer of 09' drive.

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  1. The series 1 240Z headlight switch, completed the ground circuit (black wire and a red wire on the contacts of the headlight switch) and a constant positive feed to the headlights. The series 2 (Feb of 71?) had a white/red and a solid red on the headlight switch contacts. So the headlight switch controls the positive and the hi/lo beam switch controlled the grounds. So the series 1 had ground switching and the series 2 had positive switching.
  2. Randalla, the headlight switch has a red and a white/red wire. Parking light wires are green/blue and green/white. Zed Head.... BOO!!
  3. The extra bushing goes to the long, thin contact for the wiper washer switch... Also, that bushing has nothing to do with the headlights blowing the fuse. Your headlight contact Inside the switch is grounding out because it's misaligned. Open it back up inspect it. If you bent that "teeter" contact plate, it will go to high and hit the metal case and ground out.
  4. None of the S30's came with headlight relays. I don't think they planned on the car lasting as long as they have, honestly.
  5. The 240Z headlight upgrade harness was designed for and only for the 240Z. No simple modifications will allow it to be plug and play on the 260Z or 280Z. I used to make a Hard-wire version of the headlight upgrade harness as well as a plug and play 260Z/280Z harness but only when the customer could find and send me the connectors from a donor 260Z/280Z harness. They are super hard to find and making the Hard-wire version HLH is just not in the cards at the moment. A 240Z HLH can be modified for a hard-wire install if you wanna cut the connectors off. Or additional connectors and terminals can be added to the 260Z and up to 76' 280Z to make the harness plug and play.
  6. Mark, Sorry about that. Between Yahoo and the site host, it can be a battle to get some emails. Please email me at wolfin32z@yahoo.com and I'll be happy to answer all your questions, including prices and shipping.
  7. *NOTE* The new address is.... David Irwin 5830 70th St. NE Marysville. WA. 98270 You can also use the contact here.. https://www.datsun-240z-upgrades.net
  8. I just re-edited my whole profile as well as listing the web site
  9. The website works fine. As does my email. But I don't always get notifications from here. Yahoo does like to SPAM a lot of emails from my website though.
  10. Likely only 1 filament of that bulb will light up. I've seen it many times and on a few different brands of cars. If it works, leave it alone.
  11. LED headlights will occasionally flicker with a lower than needed power supply. Yes, the Headlight upgrade harness I make (and MSA sells) will give true battery voltage to the headlight pigtails (and headlights)
  12. Replacing the spring loaded bullet will not fix your problem. You'll notice the little finger that holds the bullet in, is broken. You will need a whole nother swingarm.
  13. ignore 1, 2, 3 and 4. those are for the key in buzzer. they rarely work and most people unplug them anyways. You can lube the spring loaded tabs with basic household oil... WD40, 20 weight oil, anything thin enough to work into the joints and not evaporate. bench test, and possibly open the headlight switch CAREFULLY and check the spring loaded bullets, contact cleanliness and if you lube them, do it VERY Sparingly. like a small dab on the top of each plastic bullet.
  14. #1. The problem with the brake lights is most likely in the turn signal switch. The T/S switch makes and breaks the contact between the brake switch and brake lights when the turn signal is in use. #2. Time to swap your T/S flasher to an EF32 electronic Flasher. More consistent flashing from 9 to 15 volts. #3. Sound's like the headlight combo switch needs service or the P.O. did some bad wiring. You can remove the column cover and use a jumper between the white/red and solid red wire on the headlight switch or from the green/white and green/blue to see if the headlights or Parking lights operate individually or together. Also inspect for non-stock wiring done by the previous owner.
  15. Captain, you're wrong. The turn Signal switch on the 240Z has one brake wire input from the brake pedal switch. The turn Signal switch splits the signal into left and right brake light wires. The T/S switch disconnects the right brake light output and switches it over to a right turn signal Flash. SteveJ, thanks for the shout out. Grubb240Z. I hold a 1 year warranty on the switch rebuilding service. SteveJ is right. I think the T/S switch is failing. If you want to send the turn signal switch back to me, I will repair it and get it back to you ASAP. Unfortunately, I do not have a built or spare turn signal switch to send you in the meantime. Email me and we can go over the details. Dave
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