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Everything posted by Zs-ondabrain

  1. the only connection the battery has to the electrical system is THE FUSABLE LINK!!! If nothing works, then the fusable is shot. Disconnect it and test it. If you use a test light, ground one end and probe the disconnected end. if nothing, then test the other end of the fusable link, that is bolted to the start, same as the battery cable. This will tell you what you need to know. Dave.
  2. Zs-ondabrain


    New hood with new paint job, new grill, cowl painted with the hood. Polished the wheels and did the winter cleaning for the MSA WCN's
  3. New hood with new paint job, new grill, cowl painted with the hood. Polished the wheels and did the winter cleaning for the MSA WCN's
  4. New hood with new paint job, new grill, cowl painted with the hood. Polished the wheels and did the winter cleaning for the MSA WCN's
  5. Zs-ondabrain


    New hood with new paint job, new grill, cowl painted with the hood. Polished the wheels and did the winter cleaning for the MSA WCN's
  6. New hood with new paint job, new grill, cowl painted with the hood. Polished the wheels and did the winter cleaning for the MSA WCN's
  7. New hood with new paint job, new grill, cowl painted with the hood. Polished the wheels and did the winter cleaning for the MSA WCN's
  8. New hood with new paint job, new grill, cowl painted with the hood. Polished the wheels and did the winter cleaning for the MSA WCN's
  9. Without buying that particular one, I can't be sure. but yes, that looks like the right one. Obewon posted 3 links and the first seemed to have the correct one as well. #plug8973 is the correct one, I can't copy and paste from there cause it's protected... http://www.crc2onlinecatalog.com/connectors.htm I'll look into them when I get back from MSA. I apologize for upsetting anyone, but I guess all I needed to do is threaten a little... LOL Thanks guys, Dave.
  10. Ya I was wondering if you guys got hit by that crap last night, my mom called around 10:30 and said she had 6 frackin inches in the back yard. Lynnwood usually gets it worse. Damn convergence zones... Glad to hear all is OK. I was cut off in the first year that I owned my Z, in the rain. I slid sideways at about 35MPH and hit the curb with the rear right wheel. It snapped my strut housing in half and made the spindle pin look like a "Z". it also bent up the dogleg a little. but it's all good now. Sorry again, Dave.
  11. STage 2. It's a 470/280 grind and is perfect for streetability and autocrossing. I get great fuel milage and awesome top end (3000 to 6000 is the best range) Dave.
  12. See there Jay, I told ya someone would have a line on them, some where. Dave.
  13. To question #1 -- YES!!! Easier starting, better fuel economy, more power at higher RPM's. Or at least that's what I've experienced. To question #2 -- Unfortunately, the MSD 6A will need to be coupled with the MSD Tach Adaptor, Part # 8910? I think. -or- 8910EIS (electronic ignition system) they run under $30. Easy install with instructions. your Mallories green trigger wire goes to the MSD's white trigger wire. Big red to battery, big black to closest ground, small black and orange to the Promaster coil. small red to keyed ignition wire (Usually the same wire that the Unilite is powered with as long as it's a 12 volt keyed source) I can't remember the rest but I know it's on this site somewhere as well as HybridZ. I can't be the only other one with this set-up. If yu can't find it, let me know, I'll go look at the car and try and make a diagram for ya, but look around here first. Dave.
  14. He's been working on the car, His Z is just what his screen name implies, a rust bucket. When I installed the headlight upgrade harness for him, I informed him of things that needed to be done, including a FULL run through of the electrical. I think his battery is old and the alternator is even older. Unless he'ss done something about it since I was there this winter. He's a friend of The Ian Monster, owner of my previous yellow Z. It was Ian that kinda got him into the whole Z scene. His lights were shot and I could'nt find the problem in the short amount of time that I was there, so I installed the Upgrade harness to give him some decent driving lights. Dave.
  15. Pull the "All nighters" and "Get-er-done" tell the boss you need monday off so you have an extra day. You'll need that day for the fine tuning. Check all your fluids, electrical, nuts, bolts, carbs, fuel, etc, etc. It'll make every minute of the drive to and from the event, worth every penny. Not to mention all the help you'll get "At the show" by any and all who are willing to help fine tune your Z for the ride home. Hope to see ya there. Good luck on your decision, Dave.
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