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Everything posted by Zs-ondabrain

  1. What-ever you decide on, just remember to clean both terminal and post with a battery tool (round wire brush with post cleaner on bottom) Clean all corrosion with a simple mix of Baking Soda and water (1 Tablespoon Baking soda to 6 ounces of water) This will neutralize the acid and is enviromentally safe. And practically free as most people have this in the house already. Go to the auto parts store and get the "spray on" Battery Terminal Protectant. Spray sparingly to lightly coat all exposed Lead. All other terminals in the engine compartment should have a light coat of "Di-electric Grease" which will stop or severely slow down corrosion and (oxygen and water) problems. I found blue corrosion in my ZXP plug and have yet to find anymore now that the terminals are coated with the di-electric grease (light bulb socket grease) Good Luck, Dave.
  2. does'nt that year 280Z have a fuel pump relay up front, in the engine compartment? I know the 260Z had something similar to that but I could be wrong. Dave.
  3. So I order the 50-5220 White Face Gauge kit from MSA. Today, I instal the kit on the temp/oil gauge, followed by the Amp/Fuel gauge, then I get to the Usual NON-working clock. I go to the local Value Village and buy 2) AA battery operated small clocks. I tear the smaller of the 2 down and build a battery operated clock into the Z's clock. Looks and works beautiful, battery sits back behind the fusebox area. So I tear the Tach out, dissasemble it, paint the back of the face with chrome paint, go to put the Vinyl sticker on and find it's off a smidge. So I line up the mounting holes and tweek it just enought that 0 to 1000 RPM's is dead on. The rest is off a little but it ain't brain surgery and we're talking.5 to 1.5 MM, depending on where ya look. ON TO THE PITA. (pain in the azz) I put the tach back in and move over to the Speedometer. Tear it out, tear it down, paint the back alcohol swab the face and get ready to instal the white face and Vhoola.... WRONG. The 90MPH mark on my face matches the 85MPH mark on the white face. My Speedo starts at 20MPH, the white face starts at 10. So the question is...... Does MSA have the Correct face for the 20 to 160 speedo. Dead center above the "HI BEAM" light is 90MPH. ANyone deal with this problem yet. I've done all the other gauges and they look AWESOME!!!!!! I just need one more gauge to finish the Much Brighter gauges. HELP....... Dave. Pics below are lit garage, garage lights off - parking lights on close ups etc. All gauges are lit with those Wide angle white B9 LED's from Superbriteleds.com AND YES, I used the wifes red nail polish for the needle tips for that extra.....you know.
  4. Actually you're wrong. Solid red is the right headlight and red with a yellow stripe is the left headlight. Hi beam at the sockets is the red/white and the low beams are red/black. Hi and low beam are determined by the T/S stock and are red/white and red/yellow. They swap colors in the harness somewhere, that's where they turn red/white and red/black. I believe the 280Z's have relays near the battery for hi and low beam. look for those same color wires going into the relays near the battery. The relays could be bad or check for power in that area. I think the 280Z's also have a passing relay as well but that may only be on the automatic. Not real sure. Let us know what ya find out. Dave. Hey John, Where were the fusable links located at? just for both his and my sakes
  5. I got hit by a truck, decided to make a custom grill the way I wanted, not the way Nissan has forced us to for 37 years. All aluminum slats and supports. What do ya think?
  6. I got hit by a truck, decided to make a custom grill the way I wanted, not the way Nissan has forced us to for 37 years. All aluminum slats and supports. What do ya think?
  7. I got hit by a truck, decided to make a custom grill the way I wanted, not the way Nissan has forced us to for 37 years. All aluminum slats and supports. What do ya think?
  8. I got hit by a truck, decided to make a custom grill the way I wanted, not the way Nissan has forced us to for 37 years. All aluminum slats and supports. What do ya think?
  9. I got hit by a truck, decided to make a custom grill the way I wanted, not the way Nissan has forced us to for 37 years. All aluminum slats and supports. What do ya think?
  10. 5-speed allows you to have a 5th gear for cruising on the free way, better gas milage at higher speeds, and occasionally lower 1st and second gears for quicker take offs. I'll never go back to a 4-speed now that I have the 5-speed in the 70' 240Z. Definately worth the effort and very easy to swap. Dave.
  11. Great point Wayne, I was wondering if someone would have an issue with the screw touching the metal of the housing and grounding it out. As soon as I started reading your responce I immediately thought about heat-shrink and widening the housing hole for clearance. And You must have read my mind, or Vise-Versa. Heat shring is available at almost any auto parts store and you could even use a small diameter drinking straw to isolate the screw from the housing. Great solution to a simple but hidden issue Wayne, Dave.
  12. I'm as impatient as they come when it comes to the Z. I already purchased and picked up the NEW hood from Performance Nissan in Everett, WA. Got a grill from JMortenson and started tearing it apart for refinishing when I thought of the New Aluminum grill. Now I'll finishe the new grill and rebuild the other to sell to help pay for the aluminum in the new grill ($60 so far) now I just need to brake it down, paint it and re-assemble, then install it. Unfortunately, the hood has to be off to install it cause it's wider and taller than the stock grill. Trying to keep it looking like the original while updating it to a more modern look. Thanks for the compliment, I'll do a full write-up on it when the last picture is taken. The pics of the new hood are below, Now I just need time to do another cowl induction mod on it. Dave.
  13. Maybe he has/had 2 in the shed.?? Anyways, Thanks for the offer brushie1320022 but I'll have to pass. I've decided to make my own grill. Here's a fw pics of the progress.... All Aluminum except for the long (#8 X 32) bolts and nuts. Everything is made by me and a 10" band saw, drill and a dremel tool. I still need to make the brackets and tear it apart again to paint the 4 vertical brackets. What do ya think? Dave.
  14. The low beam wire on the engine compartment harness is Red/black. Hi beam is heavy gauge red/white. Right headlight power wire is solid Red and left headlight power wire is red/yellow. The fuses in the fuse box are for L and R headlights, Not Hi and Lo beam. Just FYI. Also, the white hi/lo switch on the T/S stalk could be bad. Use a screw driver to jump the contacts on top of the switch and see if that works. Email sent. Dave.
  15. Unlike Spammers, I actually try to serve a purpose around here. Along with the occasional previous purchases of CZC items, I also plan on a decent size, if not many, donations to the site over the next few months. I spread the word about ClssicZcars to EVERY Z car driver I meet. I can't begin to tell ya how much this feels like I'm being Scalded like a child. I guess I figured that after 100's of post praising me for my contributions to the Zcar world, I'd have a little leeway. But figuring is like assuming and we all know what that does. As for PM'ing, 99% of people who order from me, fail to mention their screen-name, where they found the ordering info, or even something as simple as their email address. I usually only get a name, address, and what they want, and the usuall "Thank You for all that you do and have done for the Z car community" statement. And that, with the exception of being able to pay some bills and buy the occasional gift for the car, kids, and wife, Is the Main reason I do what I do. I am a Man of Many, many talents. There's almost nothing I can't do, if I really put my mind to it. Because of these many talents, I now have a great car, wife, kids, family, and friends, some who I've never met in person. I would never say that I am a great contribution to this web-site. I believe that would be rude and snobbish of me. And besides, I have 100's of personal letters and 100's of posts here on this site as well as a few other sites that say that for me. I'd hate to think that I'm being called a "Spammer" after all the better things that have been said about me. Camera sellers are here for themselves, I'm here for the people of this site. I get asked questions about how they can fix their electrical problems and I answer them, to the best of my knowledge. Ya won't find a camera salesman doing that, will ya? So is this one of the last post's I'll be able to post here, or am I being Warned? Sorry, I just don't understand how I pissed in your Cheerios from here. Dave.
  16. To all who were or are interested or thinking of purchasing a (PLH) Parking Light Upgrade Harness for your late 69' to 3/73' 240Z, This is your last chance!!!! I only have 6 more available. Period. My distributor will not be ordering any more Female plugs from his supplier unless a VERY BIG order comes in. He can ONLY order 3000 at a time and I order too few to convince my supplier to purchase the 3000 in order to continue making these for 240Z owners. I'll do my best to keep up with orders as they come in but please E-MAIL ME FIRST before sending your order for a PLH as supplies will quickly dwindle down. Thanks again for everyone who has ordered from me in the past and Sincerely Apologize to all who may miss out on this great upgrade. Thanks again, Dave.
  17. Just a "BUMP" to let those who have ordered their SCP's withing the last week, The first one has gone out to John H. Jim, your 2 will go out with your Engine harness on Monday. S. Englund = Tomorrow Wayne = tomorrow. John H. You should have yours already, shipped it out earlier this week. Thanks again to all who ordered 1 or more. I ordered a bunch of parts and should be able to get the next 10 orders out very quickly, so if you're interested in the Sidemarker Conversion for your 240Z, Nows a great time. Thanks again and Don't forget to support your local Zcar site, hint hint. On the way soon Mike. Dave.
  18. Quite alright Mat. I really appreciate the thought. As far as I can tell, Mike B has 2 available and is willing to trade for some stuff, and he lives pretty close. Thanks again, Dave.
  19. There has to be someone here with a spare harness's they'll sell ya. Any one? I don't know what's been done to your wiring so I can't say if my upgrade harness would work on your headlights.
  20. My 78' Datsun 510 hatchback was hit by a Cadillac My 70' Z was hit by a huge full size Chevy 4X4 And then it was hit a few days ago by a small B2200 Mazda. We're almost a match, Cady, chevy and another truck. UPDATE, Gonna have to go thru the kids insurance co. That's OK though cause I might get more out of the deal. Found a Brand New hood in LA (Ca) for $344. Got the grill and I might have the over rider bar by Saturday in trade for some Items I have around the garage. But If I figure in the labor and paint, the $700 I tried to get from the kid would have been a hell of a deal for him. But he said he just started a job and was paying his dad for the insurance. So he suggested going thru the Ins. Co. Instead Dave.
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