No offence given and none taken but DUH! I'm not talking fricken HOT, I'm talking at least room temperature or above. I obviously did'nt look to see where "Schevets" lives or take in to account that he may actually have a "real shop", as compared to mine. But I was thinking about the fact that it is winter around here. My garage when the heater isn't on gets to be about 40 degrees or less. And even NEW undercoating will get brittle as the temperature drops. If any one on this site would have an understanding of how finicky I am or my complex understanding of how things work, especially on a Z, I thought it be you.
As for the POR-15, I still don't quite understand why a lot of you are putting it on, then undercoating. Undercoating, when applied to a clean, bare metal surface will protect the car from rusting. Thats why the factories do it that way. And they don't use POR first. call me silly but it seems to worked for them for the last umpteen decades.
Obviously you guys have a way of doing things that I've yet to understand.
I DO use POR-15 on metal that needs to be protected but will not have undercoating applied such as my control arms and strut assemblies, as you've most likely seen from the pictures I posted the other day.
I think that POR-15 is a great product! Hell, I use it myself. But when you're on a budget as I usually am, You don't think about covering a great product like POR-15 with a cheaper product like undercoating.
Like I said earlier, "no offence taken, none given". We were both obviously looking at different sides of the coin.