For all those who want to attend, We or I am putting a meet and great picnic together on the 5th of June, 2004. I'm planning on a park or good sized area in or around the city of Everett, Washington. Pot luck picnic where all who attend bring their favorite dish for all to share, bring pop and other assorted beverages. But PLEASE!! NO ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES of ANY kind. This will be a public area and we don't need anyone getting in trouble or ruining a Beautful bay or your Z. Telephone poles are hard to remove from the side of a Z or your spleen. For a better description, go to the calander or click on ANY event then click on the calander sign in blue writing just above the event, then go the bottom of the calander and goto june, click on the 5th. if you have questions, comments, or wish to discuss any thing about this, my E-mail is thanks, Dave in Marysville, WA.