Thanks for the Plug Darrel. Dave, It is, as you say, only a temperary fix. Even the new fusebox will overheat, seen it a few times on the new MSA box already. Not saying you have to buy my upgrade, but I am saying that you need a relay in your Parking light circuit. Or this will keep you busy for a long time. Plug my PLH in and never worry about it again. Not to mention you won't even have to replace your fusebox because the PLH only uses a 12 volt signal at 0.30 amps. That means you won't have 15 amps going thru the fusebox or combo switch anymore. The relay will handle that current from now on. Think of it this way, $60 for the PLH at MSA Versus the $200 fusebox also at MSA. your choice. once again, not pushing my product, pushing the idea that a relay is what you really need, whether it's home made or store bought. Dave