There are some things that some may call Molesting, but if you consider what is completely reversable, the definition may change a little. The only REAL Molestation of a Zcar would be "Irreversable mods" such as holes (ie: Sunroofs, fender vents, etc), welding or drilling holes to bolt on parts. Almost everything else is reversable. Tires can be swapped, 4 lugnuts at a time. Paint, at this point is 41 years or newer and will show signs of fade, wear and damage. So a Tasteful repaint is not only called for but occasionally a Necessity. Proper paint protects the body. Creature comforts of the individual owner is for the owner. Be it seats, stereo, speaker boxes or Shag fricken carpet. Once again, this is not Molesting, if it can easily be replaced. And as for Offending someone with the word Molest, non-molested or abomination, these words are commonly used words in the classic car world. Anyone who has read a classic car Ad will read this on occasion from someone describing their car for sale as Un-Molested. If you take offence to the words, then you are not in your right mind, especially if you confuse a car with a person who has in fact been molested. Seriously E? So if anyone here is offended at the words or phrase, please kindly tell every one selling their classic car to not use the terms mentioned above. What-ever. The great thing about most upgrades, mine included, is that they can be removed as easily as they were installed. Engine parts are replacable, distributors, headers, alternators etc. It can all go back to stock. So find the car that suits your needs, with minimal holes and mods and go from there. Good luck, Dave