Ya, it knew it was you. Just wanted to see if you played it off as if it wasn't you. My friends call me "Captain Obvious" cause I'm able to catch obvious thing that most others don't. After looking at both profiles, I noticed both of you acted about 31 years old, both own a 73' and both live in the Bay area. Logic says you are the same person or know each other. I opted for the "Same person" theory. So being as how I re-read my post, I saw how one could take it as "Harsh" so I apologized. But coming back with "Purist Circlejerk" without explaining that it was you, or that you thought the comment was offensive, was rude and wrong and seemed to be pointed at EVERYONE. Where as a Circlejerk would include more than just one person. Are we done yet? Or should we continue this charade?