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Everything posted by Zs-ondabrain

  1. 16x8 with 225/50R 16's is about the best you can do without mods. I have that combo on my 240Z
  2. Tried what? Do you have power at either of the green wires on the headlight switch? Did you jump the two wires together and see if that works? What have you done? Did you use a test light on both sides of the parking light fuse? (third fuse down on the right.)
  3. Ace, What you're describing is a typical Parking light circuit failure. 90% of us have had to deal with it. The Dash lights, front and rear sidemarkers, front marker lights, rear taillights and License plate light are all on the same circuit. Start at the switch (combo switch / headlight switch) Check the green/white and green/blue wires at the switch, located on the top of the switch assembly, next to the white and red headlight wires. Everything I'm stating is located on the steering column. If the wires look good, run a test wire from the green/white to the green/blue, using the solder joints on the switch. If the lights kick on, your combo switch is bad and needs to be replaced. You can also just see if you have power on either green wires. if you do, then the colprit is still likely the switch. Dave
  4. Buy a new electronic flasher unit (3 terminal) ground the (-) or (E) Then connect the white wire to the (L) and the green to the (+) Make sure all your connections are tight. The electronic flasher will use less current and flash consistanly without all of the amperage that is normally required bu the old "Thermal" style flasher. Try that and see if it works. They run about $15 and one of the best upgrades I can suggest for the price. Dave
  5. Rich, I bow down to you Sir. That is some Beautiful work you've done. My 70 will Never look like that again but I can only hope that the 260Z is even a shadow of what your Z represents to the Z community. That is a Gorgeous Z. Dave. PS. You can can keep track of my very slow progress on Cardomain. Link is below.
  6. Reconnect the slave cylinder and push the clutch pedal in to give your self an INTERNAL push and seperation, using the clutch fork and throw out bearing as a wedge. I had the Same problem once, it would NOT seperate, until I pushed the clutch pedal in and it popped (seperated) apart easily. Good luck, Dave
  7. If I remember correctly, Connect the red to the Blue/White, for a counter clockwise rotation. Look at the 2 (+) symbles on the motor plug. The blue/white wire as a (+) will turn it CCW and blow air towards the heater core assembly.
  8. Are you F.U.C.K.I.N.G. Kidding me? Who the hell brought up Nationality in the comments? Get over yourself. NOBODY Bitched about Race, Creed, Religion or or Nationality. We bithed about you bitching. That's all. Once again, Kill this Stupid A$$ thread!!!! Moderators? Anyone?
  9. Looks like your basic home security video. I have 4 camera's around my house as well. And it also does the time and date stamp. Video's without time and date stamps are not typically submissable in court. For their lack of time and date, it could have been anytime. I can download and burn DVD's of video footage to give to the local PD, in case of burglary, theft, accidents, etc. Very innexpensive set-up and well worth it. Sucks for the Z owner, looks like HE was the one at fault. Stay back and let them do their job. If they screw up, you were no where near the accident. Dave
  10. Send me $20 and I'll ship both left and right push-rods to you. PM me for the details. Dave. By the way, where is the middle of no-where? If you're in the lower 48, then it's still $20 and I use USPS Priority Mail. (2-3 day)
  11. 15% is farely dark but Like Tyler said, It's not that much of an issue around here and I'm just ten minutes from Everett. I think 35 or 30% is the legal limit but as long as you roll down your windows when a Cop is near, they usually leave you alone. I've actually had conversations with the local PD, from inside the car, and they never even mention the tint. I guess the rest of the car is too much of a nice distraction. Maybe?
  12. I use a 15% window tint, it reduces heat and Ultra-violet rays as well. I know it sounds weird putting a dark material on a car to cool it down, but it's what the tint does that's important. A/C will help when working properly and fully charged. A good blower like the Honda Conversion is never a Bad idea. If you don't mind tearing things apart, DynoMat and a few other companies make excellent Anit-Heat, Anti-Noise materials, that can be added to the firewall, floor, doors and anywhere else you feel the need to reduce heat.
  13. I just saw my mistake, I meant 10/70. but it was always my understanding that the 70's only went as far as 10,000 or somewhere close to that. And I could have sworn I read that on your site Carl. But you guys know me, my brain is all over the place. I now see where I goofed, I mixed up the 12 on the vin with the 12 build date. Real sorry, been a real looong week. My 10/70 was registered as a 71' but that could have been a dealer thing too. They used to sell 70's as 71's to get the marked up price out of customers. Oh well. just asking. And this is how we learn, right? Dave
  14. Looks great but what color is the car gonna be? Also, I have one of those weird questions and comments for ya....... Your Vin is in the 12,000's but your Z is a 70??? I've never heard of a 12K vin 70' 240Z. Unless the original Dealer registered it as a 70', knowing it was 71' Your build date is in Dec? I'll almost bet. I mention all this cause I used to have HLS30-12085 and it was built in Dec of 70 and was definately a 71' I don't think there were any 70's past the 10,000 vin mark. Anyone else find that weird? Carl? Any comments. Dave
  15. That would be A chick, unless they don't mind sitting on a lap. hehe. Welcome, it's always nice to see another NW guy in here. not like tere aren't enough all ready..HAHA. Plenty of your fellow Oregonian's floating around here. Hope you find everything you need and all the help you can handle. Dave
  16. Too Late, I AM OFFENDED! I was being nice at first, but now your pushing your luck. I AM a Supporter, a Supplier, and well rounded member of this site. I'm also an MSA Supplier, and for you to say that the parts associated with this site, "Are a joke", you're pointing at me directly. So I won't be cooling down anytime time soon ****1, or Richard, whatever. Go be bitchy somewhere else. Sitting there saying that MSA, CZCC and Courtesy parts is a joke is a quick way to lose a lot of good people and quality info, by being removed from the site or some other stupid thing. I obviously don't have that authority but if I did........... I'd seriously consider it. Hey Admins, kill this thread, it's absolutely useless. Dave
  17. So I guess that the old phrase of "You get what you pay for" makes more sense now. I personally have no real issues with spending less on a good, decent replacement. But if I'm stuck with a piece of crap reproduction part, it's my own damn fault, for being the cheap bastard that I am. Live and learn, Dave
  18. WOW!!! I've been here for almost 6 years now and have yet to come across half of the issues you seem to be having. Like mom always says, "It's not what you ask for, but how you ask for it" The hatch opening for 70' to 78' is the same. If you were to take that piece you just got, and try it on a 74' you'd find that you still have the exact same issue. If the part is bad, SEND IT BACK!!!. MSA is usually pretty good at returning and swapping bad stock for good. But you have to actually ask. No offence, but bitching never really gets you anywhere. Go to the classifieds, ask for a used but in good condition seal, that you can use particular areas of, to rebuild yours. The classifieds get looked at ALL DAY LONG. And you don't have to worry about the WTB or Request of parts, slipping off the front page, like most threads do. When you mention us as a "CLUB" you basically are blaming all of us for your being picky on the needed parts, and for the parts that YOU purchased, from an Entity that is not a member but a contributor to the site. Think before you speak, saves you a lot of time, when reading posts like mine. Ya think? FWIW, Dave
  19. OK, don't hold it against me....but the wife had me watching old Michael Jackson as a "Remember these old video's" kinda thing. Anyways........ Michael Jackson Video Song : Stranger in Moscow Album : History (his-story) there is a 240Z to his left, driving by on the road at 1:32 - 1:35 and again at 1:52 - 1:54 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IqZvsUbQKxQ You don't even have to turn on the sound if you don't want to.. Dave
  20. Yes Carl, That's what he meant. I've ordered from them as well and they work well. The Upgrade harness from Black Dragon is the one that many of us, me included, have stressed about NOT buying. You have to cut the hell out of it to make it work. It's designed to work with Exposed connector headlights, unlike the S30's that have incased haedlights. You have to cut all the connectors off and hardwire them to your Z, unless you used OEM style connectors and terminals to make it work like My upgrade harness does. $30 is a good deal if you know what you're doing or have an exposed rear headlight system, And you don't mind the Bright yellow sleeving that it comes wrapped in..... I like CRC2 best for pairs of connectors and terminals by the piece. Dave
  21. Call me crazy but it looks like your starter wire isn't even plugged into the solenoid. (Black/white stripe wire above the white power wire at the starter) It looks like it's touching but not quite plugged in.
  22. Start with the wire on the starter, also check the ign. switch. It the 78' has a starter relay, check it for power with the key on and with the key turned to the start position.
  23. The standard Weatherstripping kit, Struts, springs, Poly-Urethane kit and almost any standard 240Z equipment will work just fine on your 240Z. I think the only issue with a 70' is the ball joints in front. I think they are a different size than the other 240Z's. I'm sure some one else can confirm this...... Carl, Arne, Enrique?? someone?
  24. Your light sockets are switched in the tach and the trun signal has a bad rocker inside the switch, not making contact.
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