Yes, there are 2 speeds on the honda motor, just like the datsun motor. Your contacts are probably to blame. Remove the switch from the steering column, the wiper switch is on the bottom half of the stalk. Remove the two small screws and the other screw near the wire clamp. DO NOT PRY THE METAL TABS UP TO REMOVE FIBER PLATE!! They usually break off and you don't want to deal with that. Carefully remove the switch over a towel, to not lose the two plastic bullets and springs. Use a small screwdriver to pop the contact plates out. Takes a little wiggling but they'll come out. Clean them with steel wool or a small Stainless steel wire brush, to get in the burnt hole that you'll likely find. Clean off any old grease where the bullet slides back and forth. If you have a curved hobby file, use that to clean the contact posts inside the switch. Or fold a small peice of 360 grit sandpaper to reach in and brush the posts clean. Wiper contacts are not typically HI amperage so blackening of the contacts should not be too evident. Also clean the plate cradles, where the plates rest on them, this is usually missed by most people and is very important. Use a little Di-electric grease ( available at most auto parts stores for .99 cents for a packet of bulb grease- same thing) inside the spring hold to hold the springs and bullets in place when you re-assemble the switch. Make sure the plates snap back in to their cradle when you put them back in, before re-assembly. Hope this helps a little. Dave.