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Everything posted by Zs-ondabrain

  1. Kinda confused, why are you posting my triple S.U.'s? They're already in my Gallory.
  2. Top right is the left headlight fuse, second down on the right is the right headlight fuse third down on the right is the parking light fuse. Parking lights, dash lights and sidemarkers are all on the same circuit. Check your fusable links between the alternator and the engine harness, and inbetween the starter and the engine harness that plugs into the starter. It's been 35 years, time to change the battery cables and clean ALL of the ground points. Make sure your Combo (Headlight ) switch is actually switching. just use an ohms meter between the green/white and green/ blue for the parking lights. Red/white? and white/red or black for the headlights. That should give you something to do until someone else chimes in. Welcome to the forum, Dave.
  3. Basically, Unregistered cars, that show up the day of the show, will be put in the grass lot to the west of the entrance. That's what they did with our group, that showed up the day of the event and weren't registered. It's basically a nice way to hang out with all your friends, possibly get a peoples choice Award, check out some nice Datsuns/Nissans and park inside the event, close to the action. Hell, most of the spectators don't even know your car is NOT in the show, and they look anyways. Hope to see ya'll there, Dave and Leah.
  4. So I guess when all else fails, Take It To A Shop!!. Sorry but you seem to be running in circles. Isolate the dash light circuit, unplug all the wires and bulbs, replace the bulbs with new ones, Run a new ground wire to each dash light ground wire, insert the new bulbs now run a hot wire to each red/blue wire, one at a time to test each light. When you find that they all work, connect all the dash lights together and connect them to the parking light circuit. So you add 2 runs of wire, at least it'll all work and no one will be the wiser. So basically find the problem or Fix the problem and then drive the car. Dave
  5. Don't forget to thank Arne, it was his idea initially. Looks great.
  6. Hey now, Wait a minute, What's wrong with "Orangy" Looks Awesome Arne. Makes me wish I had just rolled mine down the road and had a profesional paint it for me. See you at the show, Dave.
  7. And that's why I work on 240Z's.......... Almost strictly. I figured the 280Z would do something like that. Oh well, good luck. Dave.
  8. Yes, the base is grounded to the housing, that's your lights ground, but you need to make sure that the red/blue wire isn't grounded. Remove all the bulbs (dash lights) test the circuit again and if it blows the fuse, the problem is before the bulbs. If the fuse does NOT blow, replace the bulbs back into there sockets, one at a time and watch the fuse. If the fuse blows apon inserting a bulb, that's your problem area. One thing at a time, that's the best I can give you at the moment.
  9. The only thing I can think of that would cause the instant blown fuses would be a direct short. Start checking the dash lights for ground problems or wires shorting out. One at a time.
  10. ya, most likely around 7am I figure my freeway time at 65MPH but we all know that everyone else is doing 70 to 75MPH, I'm doing 73 to 78 or better. I refuse to go the same speed as everyone else. Did ya wanna meet up somewhere or something? Just let me know at wolfin32z@yahoo.com
  11. Anythin being drawn off the fusebox will show up on an amp meter and things that draw directly from the battery (like my upgrades) rarely show up on AMP and Volt meters. Make sure your fan is powered directly from the battery, via a Hi amp relay. If a typical relay is not strong enough, you can use a starter relay like those in older cars, just make sure it has a long duty cycle so it don't burn out. Dave.
  12. Yes, Sunday, June 15th, on I-5 at the rest stop just south of exit 282A heading South on I-5 near Canby Oregon.
  13. Fine, be that way. I'll just take my ball and go home now. But at least anyone else (Who've never been there) can use these great step by step instructions to meet us there or at least find their way if they miss us at the 9:30 roll out. Hope to see as many of you as possible. Dave.
  14. Hey Jon, We meet at the rest stop in Oregon, immediately after exit 282A (about 1/4 past that exit) Just look for the rest stop sign. Figure it this way. It's 16 miles from the WA/OR border, I live off exit 200, that's 216 miles at an average of 65 MPH. That's 3.5 hours for me, so figure how long it takes you to get to my place and add 3.5 hours, Minus that from 9:30 am and that's when you should leave your house to meet us there in time. we'll be leaving at 6AM. Want to meet at Fred Meyers? Call me. If you're gonna be later than that, (WRITE THIS DOWN) Just take the next exit (about 2 miles) after the rest stop, Take exit 278 ( Ehlan Rd NE ) take a left onto Ehlan Rd NE, follow it East for under 2 miles to 1st St NE and take a left onto 1st St NE, go for about 400 feet then take a right onto Liberty St then left onto 99E. Go under 4 miles miles to town and take a left onto NE 4th Ave (over the tracks) and follow the signs that'll say something about "Driving Canby Fun" Follow that road to the left until you see a building on the right and take the next driveway into the parking are. Just mapquest Canby OR and follow my directions on that map. Call me if you're running late and call me when you take the left onto NE 4th AVE near the fairgrounds, I'll meet you at the gate. Late Arrivals almost always park to the left of the entry gate, on the grass across from the vendors. I can't get more descriptive than that. Dave.
  15. Or more basically put, Don't push your luck. Don't expect your garden hose to handle the output of a pressure washer. It was built for 3 to 7 PSI, NOT 1200 PSI. See what I mean?? An increase of 20 amps is more than plenty for what ever you're running. I have a 70' 240Z with the 280ZX 60 amp alternator. I also have 90/100 H4 lights, 55 watt fog/driving lights, 800+ watt stereo system, power windows, power locks, full alarm system, DVD player, under dash monitor, Honda wiper motor, honda blower motor and some other goodies. And I can listen to the stereo with both subwoofers going, for over 2 hours, and still start the car afterwards with NO problems. And I've never had a power or lack of power issue. Never. Just make sure all of your power wires are up to spec, your grounds are godd-clean and tight,and all your connections are clean and tight. You don't want or need any more than 20amps over stock. JM2CW, Dave.
  16. I'm all over that, I just have to make sure I tune her up before we head down. It's about a 300 mile trip for us, if I remember correctly. I'll just bring new plugs to instal before I hop on the dyno for the first time in 3 years. I still had the E12-80 and S.U.'s the last time we dyno'd. We were at 170 at the flywheel then, I hope the numbers are better this time. Who's going, chime in. Dave.
  17. Looking good so far, guess it's time to change the avatar again. Hurry up Arne, Canby's aroung the corner. Dave.
  18. Like I said and so did people in posts 2 / 3 / 10 / and 14, Check your connections. Glad you found it. Dave.
  19. Hey Will, I forgot to ask if those silicone terminal boots ever came out ok or if you've had time to make any. I'm talking about the ones for the fusable link connectors on the starter, alternator and power terminals on the inside of the car at the start of the engine harness. If the price is right, I'll take 10 asap. Let me know. Dave.
  20. Hey Arne, Can you make the whole list of build dates and numbers available on the combo switch thread that I'm doing (69' to 78'). The pictures help alot but if I had dates on paper to matches switches in cars, that would help a lot. Dave.
  21. We're working on getting all the switches and their build dates documented here... http://www.classiczcars.com/forums/showthread.php?t=30640 Your best bet is to exchange pictures with the guy, and once you get the correct switch, document it on the link above. Dave.
  22. That was an hour ago and I haven't recieved an email or PM as of yet. Maybe my email sees you as spam or something. Try again? Or PM me here at CZCC. Dave.
  23. Have you tried them on your Z yet? If they fit and everything works as it's supposed to and your Z is a 72' then that's what I need. What's the build date if they do fit and work? Thanks man, Dave.
  24. I dropped the price to $150. I cannot find a pair ANY where that comes close to how clean these are. Arne was right. The single row is for the parking light, and all 3 rows light up for the turn signal. I was really tired last night when I wrote up the AD so we'll chalk the rediculous price up to lack of sleep and too much work. I was just so happy with the finished product that I went overboard. The only problem with a "Do it Yourself" kit would be the "Mounting of the plates. I Use a soldering iron to melt a very small lip just over the plate, so that it'll not lift up, then I hot glue it in place. The iron provides a rougher surface for the glue to "hold" to. I'm sure I could come up with a metal mount that uses the OEM screw plates to hold the LED plates in place. I'll look into it. The other problem with a first timer rebuilding a set of lights is.... The screws almost always rust and strip the heads before they get the screw out. The rusted screws also break inside the lense and they're NOT coming out after that. The plastic also likes to break off the lense in the removal and replacement of screw. Then you need to find new screws if everything goes OK. Personally, I'd rather keep them and use them in the 260Z I just bought rather than sell them for the $150 asking price. I say this because trying to find another set, in this good of shape, with no cracks or broken screw issues, and then have to build another set of LED plates, will take more time and money than I can afford at this time. I need the money to get this 260Z on the road, as she needs alot of help. If I were to build these LED plates as one of "Dave's Upgrades" I don't think I could sell a set for any less than $90 a pair. So does that sound better or am I still spitting in the wind? That's what this thread is about, So I don't take anything personal and evrything is fair game. If you guys say $150 is too high, Then I'll either make another adjustment or jsut install them on the 260Z. I'm not hurt either way. Thanks for your opinions guys, That's why I keep coming back everyday. And the pictures in the AD will not show how brite they truly are, It's a digital camera thing I guess. Dave. And here's the pictures you requested Julio.
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