Or more basically put, Don't push your luck. Don't expect your garden hose to handle the output of a pressure washer. It was built for 3 to 7 PSI, NOT 1200 PSI. See what I mean?? An increase of 20 amps is more than plenty for what ever you're running. I have a 70' 240Z with the 280ZX 60 amp alternator. I also have 90/100 H4 lights, 55 watt fog/driving lights, 800+ watt stereo system, power windows, power locks, full alarm system, DVD player, under dash monitor, Honda wiper motor, honda blower motor and some other goodies. And I can listen to the stereo with both subwoofers going, for over 2 hours, and still start the car afterwards with NO problems. And I've never had a power or lack of power issue. Never. Just make sure all of your power wires are up to spec, your grounds are godd-clean and tight,and all your connections are clean and tight. You don't want or need any more than 20amps over stock. JM2CW, Dave.