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Everything posted by Zs-ondabrain

  1. I believe the only common between the headlights and the wipers is the larger black ground wire on the combo switch. Make sure that the Ground wire is properly grounded, either clean the connection at the terminal, or double check the ground point near the frame rail in the engine compartment in front of the firewall, near the starter. That ground wire controls the wipers as well as the HI/LO switch (ground swap via the T/S stock) If it is not getting a proper ground via the dash harness, make a connector on that ground wire and ground it near the steering column. Hope that helps, Dave.
  2. Another thing to keep in mind is the hazard switch. When the switch starts to go bad, the turn signals also suffer from it. If I bump my hazard switch just right, the turn signals will not work, until I play with the hazard switch, then they come back on. The turn signals all go through the hazard switch. Just throwing that one out to you guys. Just an FYI. Dave.
  3. As long as they leave that dumb arse monkey out of it, I'll watch it.
  4. If at first you don't succeed, get a BIGGER hammer.
  5. I haven't had a notification for almost 2 weeks. I clicked on the site and found I had a butt-load of private messages that I did'nt know about. Is there a problem with the site?? Anyways, I planned on going but the finances are kicken my butt again. Trying to find a baby-sitter for 5 kids, who are almost out of school for the year, is pretty damn hard. Any takers? I don't think we'll be there and forgot about registering until the 11th, when I found I was too late anyways. Dave.
  6. also sounds like the booster valve is possibly backwards. The valve in question is located on the firewall inbetween the booster and the intake. just follow the hose. The valve only lets air go one way and if it's backwards, it'll push air into the intake and make your RPM's go up. my $0.02 worth. Dave
  7. Goo Gone or Zippo Lighter Fluid. Those work for me. But then again, I used to use Margerine (butter) to get tree sap of my hands. Something to do with the oil in the soft spread. $0.02 worth Dave.
  8. If it already had the substantial increase in HorsePower, what would I do with all my upgrade money? What would I do with all that extra time, that i'd normally be working on the car, to make it go faster? Just a thought, Dave.
  9. the first thing I'm gonna suggest is 1) Start checking all of your grounds. It's one of the most missed areas when people start having electrical issues. 2) I Am the person that does the switch service for the 240Z's. I am also the one that makes the headlight and parking light upgrade harness's. These harness's take away the load problems that usually cause the problems you're experiencing right now. They lower the amperage thru the fusebox and combo switch by over 98% the 2 of them together (HLH and PLH) are $165. The switch service is only $40 and when combined with the 2 harness's, will last for about another 50+ years. 3) the contacts in your switches with were designed to last 15 to 20 Years, it's been 33+ YEARS. After lowering the load down to 0.30 amps, dwon from as much as 20 amps, those contacts will last for a lifetime. If you order all 3 items (HLH, PLH and the switch service) the total would be $205. I'll knock it down to an even $200 and cover the shipping to you. Email me at wolfin32z@yahoo.com or P.M. me and I'll give you all the shipping and payment details. It's up to you. Let me know, Dave.
  10. Cranking the crystal clear stereo, Revving up the finely tuned 37 year old motor with those throaty exhaust notes, Dropping the clutch and laying a nice smoky twin black marks in front of a bunch of ricers who are staring in aww. Leaves me smiling from ear to ear, every time. Dave.
  11. good point, probably good to have either way. And now we know, Dave.
  12. Thanks, We had a blast and the weather was ok. Pretty cloudy all day and the occational sprinkle of rain but other than that, It's a great way to spend my birthday. Driving a beautiful car, with a beautiful woman in the passenger side, on some great roads with other great Z car owners. The views are always awsome when you go over the mountain passes around here. We live 10 minutes from the Pacific ocean and 30 minutes from the Mountains. It's a 2 hour drive over to Leavenworth, which is a Bavarien Style town. They have a Sausage Fest to die for. All the buildings are German and Bavarien style. Look it up on Mapquest or Google it. I definately suggest it for future vacationers. Dave.
  13. On April 21 (also my birthday) 10 members of the local ZCCW (.org) gathered in Monroe Washington and set off for a 2 day tour of driving and tasting the local spirits of Eastern Washington. There are PLENTY of winerys in the Lake Chelan area. Both private and big Business type. We drove over the mountains and into the winding hills of Leavonworth WA and headed straight for the wineries. Nobody broke down, speeds up to 120 MPH were reached on the downhill slopes of the many mountain ranges, Plenty of wine was tasted and fun was had by all. Me and Leah had to cut it short on the first night because of her Epilepsy but I here that the second day was just as great. Here are some of the pictures me and Leah took. Dave. You'll also notice Duane Bender's 1973 silver 240Z. His Z was featured on page 24 of the Winter of 2007 edition of Nissan Sport Magazine. It's a Beautiful Specimen of a Z and was the Lead car of the group, cause he was the only one who knew the way to the Winery's. Thanks Duane.
  14. Enigma was correct as far as I know. If I rememeber correctly, only the automatics had this vibration dampener. So if the car was originally an automatic, then that is most likely what it is. Not totally sure of anything nowadays, Dave.
  15. I was on ebay the other day and ran across a guy who also does the same exact thing as I do but charges a lot more. I'm not advertising for him but I thought I'd let you guys know that there is a comparison of services out there, but I don't think you'll be happy with his results (prices) just thought you should know, Dave. QUOTE FROM AN EMAIL I GOT FROM HIM. I ASKED HOW MUCH TO REPAIR OR REFURBISH MY 2 71' SWITCHES. THIS IS WHAT HE SENT. My prices for repairs and reconditioning are: Headlight/wiper repairs are $75.00, repair and reconditioning is $125.00. Turn signal repairs are $50.00, repair and reconditioning is $75.00. All my work carries a full 2 year warranty of repair, replace or refund if they fail to perform like new during the 2 year period. 70-72 switches are fully load tested in my 71 z before shipping. I hope to hear from you and thank you for writing. Zswitchman.
  16. I think you guys are a little late. I'm sure he went with the only solution he knew to make things right, right now. The auction ended today at 6:24PM for $5101.00 I hope she went to a good family and I'm sure I speak for all of us when I say that "Our hearts and prayers are with John and his best friend" Must be one hell of a dog to sell off a dream. God bless and good luck John, Sincerely, Dave.
  17. sounds like a good idea. And if your 24 0 was made before 3/73' and your combo switch has a 6-pin 3/8" X 1 1/4" white plug, Your Z will accept my parking light upgrade harness as well. Just something to keep in mind when you decide to get the Headlight upgrade. Dave.
  18. You can also try and do a straight JUMP on the starter. turn the ignition on choke the carbs if it's got S.U.'s put it in Nuetral Use a screwdriver to make the connection between the starter terminal on the silenoid and the power wire from the battery, on the silenoid. That should jump the starter. if that does'nt work, Your battery is dead or the starter is bad. Plain and simple. If it does turn over, your starter wire coming from the ignition has a problem or there is no power to that wire from the ignition switch. That's it, thats all Dave.
  19. I found yer fusebox cover on ebay but it was about $150 last time I looked.
  20. Looks great, Nice to see your a strong supporter of McDonalds. Looking great though, Dave.
  21. I typed in datsun 240Z today on Ebay and somehow recognized your Z. What the hell John? You're killing me. But seriously, I really appreciate the few comments both on the description and on your 10 minute walk around about the "Professionally Built wiring harness's" That was cool and I knew exactly who you were referring too. I hope the dog gets better and everything works out. That sucks on so many levels. Sick dog and saying goodbye to your other baby. Dave
  22. Well, First off, I just noticed that your signiture says 6/74' 240Z. Somethings wrong with that one. They only made the 240Z up to 10 of 73' You own a 260Z unless I'm severely missinformed. As for your question, It's commonly asked and a good question. The Black Dragon Harness sucks arse!! Unless you feel like tearing into your headlight bucket, cutting a bunch of wires, dissasembling the BD harness in order to put their wires into your bucket, or even worse, cutting your engine harness in order to use their harness. It's not a bad unit if the back of your headlights are exposed like a 510 or some older Toyota's. But on the Z's you cant just plug in their harness into any 240, 260 or 280Z that I know of, without cutting the crap out of it. They are cheaper than mine but you also get what you pay for. Mine is a true Plug and play unit, theirs is not. Mine is built specifically for the 240Z theirs is NOT. Mine is guaranteed against failure, IE: if it fails to work or quits, I'll talk you through it or make the repair myself, free of charge. They won't. Dave. PS. all the info is in the first few post's of this thread. But you can always ask me thru an email if you can't find the answers in the 150+ posts here.
  23. See there, NOW I UNDERSTAND totally! Thanks and now it's locked into my "Favorites" for easy access. Kinda like a short short skirt. I LOVE short skirts on a long legged woman. Had to throw that last part in there. Did I mention that I lOVE short skirts!! Dave.
  24. When I removed my spindle pins, It took the machine shop 34,000 pounds to get the pins out. I've always wondered just what Garys Puller can do to make up that kind of pressure. Or even better, a picture and description of Gary's unit would help us "Mechanically minded" people get a better understanding of "How it Works" A picture is worth a thousand words, cause 1000 words still would'nt help till I see it first hand. Ya know? Dave.
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