Are you mental or something? YOU CUT the reverse light socket off, not me. I NEVER removed ANY reflectors nor did I cut your wires. As a matter of fact, both me AND my wife were wondering why YOU would cut off the socket to a bulb housing that normally gets refurbished. I'm sorry that you feel the need to blame me for your shortcomings when the ONLY thing that you paid me to do was make L.E.D. plates for your 260Z tail light housings. I Made the plates, loaded them with LED's, Mounted them and even threw in the bulb adaptors that I Normally charge more for. You're welcome. I'd be happy to send you a socket and some reflective plates for a 260Z IF I had some around, but I don't!! This is the part of the letter where I would normally thank you for your business, but after your beautiful letter, you can bite me. I don't know where you got the housings, but I would start looking there for your missing items. Dave. P.S. Ask any one who has recieved tail lights or harness's from me, I DON'T **** up orders. I FIX THEM!! I IMPROVE ON THEM!! I DO EVERYTHING POSSIBLE TO MAKE MY CUSTOMERS HAPPY! Next time you order a repair or ANY upgrade from ANYONE, TAKE PICTURES FIRST. Not only will it help prove your case, but you'll also see exactly what the improvement was. Have a nice day, Dave.