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Everything posted by Zs-ondabrain

  1. Pretty pretty please, with a cherry on top. Don't make me beg too much, I look like a 6 year old in a candy store. Let us know, Dave
  2. Wanna take a Headlight upgrade harness and a Parking Light harness for trade. the combined total is over $160. I'll love you forever:love: Sorry man, force of habit, it's the only way for my girls to listen to me. But seriously, Wanna trade. I'll pay the shipping on the seats and the harness's. P.S. I DON"T CARE WHAT CONDITION THEY ARE IN. DAVE.
  3. Or possibly the cold start valve (if it has one) Could it be stuck open?
  4. See there, what did I say? what was that, 8 minutes? Thanks Enigma!
  5. Who pissed in your Cheerio's that morning. Not one single person on this furom or site is a DATSUN GOD, So lay off a little. If any one around here knows Datsun/Nissan History, It's Carl Beck! JM2CW
  6. Most heads have the model no printed on the right, front side near the fuel pump area. Look for something like E-31 or E-88 or P-90 or N-42 or something like that. it should also be in the same location on both heads (in car and in the box) The ( E ) indicates a head from a 240z. you'll find that a lot of 240Z items have an (E) in the part number. And I think (don't quote me on it) than an ( N ) indicates a 280Z type head hope that helps a little and I'm sure givin enough time, some one will correct me and fill in the blanks. Dave.
  7. So anyways, UPS finally showed up and the driver did'nt look very happy with me, WAAAAH! Here are the harness's that I finished and delivered today... Cliff Wood, 1-PLH & 1-HLH Mike Gard, 1-PLH & 1-HLH Dave Cherry, 1-PLH Sam Starr, 1-PLH Ruben Whittemore, 1-PLH Peter Van Der Pas, 1-HLH Kenneth C. Lewis, 1-PLH & 1-HLH Thanks for your orders and tell your friends!:cheeky: Mike Wang, got your PLH order and will ship asap Richard Ecker, got your order for 1-PLH and 1-HLH and will ship asap Brad Proudfoot, Your Canadian order will take a little longer, but you probably already knew that. Thanks man!. Thanks again guys, let us know when you get 'em and put em in. Dave.
  8. So anyways, UPS finally showed up and the driver did'nt look very happy with me, WAAAAH! Here are the harness's that I finished and delivered today... Cliff Wood, 1-PLH & 1-HLH Mike Gard, 1-PLH & 1-HLH Dave Cherry, 1-PLH Sam Starr, 1-PLH Ruben Whittemore, 1-PLH Peter Van Der Pas, 1-HLH Kenneth C. Lewis, 1-PLP & 1-HLH Thanks for your orders and tell your friends!:cheeky: Mike Wang, got your PLP order and will ship asap Richard Ecker, got your order for 1-PLP and 1-HLH and will ship asap Brad Proudfoot, Your Canadian order will take a little longer, but you probably already knew that. Thanks man!. Thanks again guys, let us know when you get 'em and put em in. Dave.
  9. Guess who finally called me. That's right UPS called me three days after I was supposed to get my package to finish these orders. Then they have the nerve to tell me "it won't be to your house till 6pm this evening". I reamed the hell out of her and demanded delivery of my package NOW. She's going to call the driver and find out where he is at this very moment, Then I'LL GO MEET HIM AND GET IT MYSELF. I could have driven to southern California (from northern Washington) and picked the order up and got home by thursday MYSELF. Screw U.P.S. I'll never be using them again, ever!! Sorry guys, Just venting again, the orders should be in the mail by Tuesday morning. Unless I get hit by a fricken truck or something :mad: Dave.
  10. Guess who finally called me. That's right UPS called me three days after I was supposed to get my package to finish these orders. Then they have the nerve to tell me "it won't be to your house till 6pm this evening". I reamed the hell out of her and demanded delivery of my package NOW. She's going to call the driver and find out where he is at this very moment, Then I'LL GO MEET HIM AND GET IT MYSELF. I could have driven to southern California (from northern Washington) and picked the order up and got home by thursday MYSELF. Screw U.P.S. I'll never be using them again, ever!! Sorry guys, Just venting again, the orders should be in the mail by Tuesday morning. Unless I get hit by a fricken truck or something:angry: Dave.
  11. That's what we're here for. So straighten up damnit
  12. I'll keep my yes pealed for it. Thanks in advance, Dave
  13. There's a Z up north from me but it sits behind a chain-link fence and its hard to see. Anyways, he has one on the Z-car and I'm thinking about stopping in and asking about it (possible sale) hehehehe Later 240's and almost all 260Z's had that vapor lock problem. But that doesn't make sense on Fuel injection cars. Oh well. what do I know about 260's anyways.
  14. You'll also find a picture of it in the "How to Restore Your Datsun Z-Car" book by Wick Humble. It's on page 15. It was actually used as a "stopgap to reduce underhood temperatures" as well as an anti-vapor lock.
  15. I just looked at that yesterday. Here ya go.. http://www.atlanticz.ca/zclub/techtips/wipermotor/index.htm Sounds interesting and a little involved but what the heck, It might be worth the time and effort. Dave. And here are the rest up for veiwing. I love tech sites. http://www.atlanticz.ca/zclub/techtips/electrical.htm
  16. OF COARSE WE ARE!!! I gotta get the hell out of this house. I'll call ya later on this evening. I'm just giddy, thinking about how ape-sh!t I'm gonna go on the Yellow Z when I get a chance and the extra funds. Anybody in the area wanna meet us in Anacortes, WA. tomorrow (2/19/06) around noonish (Washington Park) ??????
  17. I'm only going off the book.The HAYNES owners workshop Manual, Page 168 clearly shows a passing relay right next to the diagram of the horn relay. The relay is powered by the Black/yellow wire from the H/L switch (-) the positive comes from the red wire that powers the headlights (+) I'm not sure of it's exact purpose but it's in the diagram.
  18. Your switch works fine. heres why, when you flip the switch the hi beam indicator light comes on and the low beams turn off. Like Stevej said, check the upper right kick panel for a bad or loose connection. Also, depending on the year of the Z, you may have a passing relay that is directly connected to your high beams wire. It's a sort of relay system for the hi beams only. Let us know what you figure out, just in case we run across this again. Dave.
  19. Bryan, At the risk of sounding like an asshole, do you ever read the forums or just hop on and ask off the wall questions? After two years of threads on the headlight harness, you still asked what it was and what it would do for your car. After explaining it um-teen times to other people, you still ask the same questions. I'm sorry for ripping on ya but come on. take five minutes and read the forums. There is a link on the bottom of my signature to both subjects. Having a bad day and taking it out on who-ever gets in the way, Dave.
  20. The other problem I have found is that the ZX alternator only puts out a higher amperage but still has the same downfall as the 240 alternator, It does not put out a decent charge at idle. This is thru experiance and the word of 3 different sources. So yes, the ZX alternator does have a higher output than the 240Z's alternator but does the same damn thing that the 240Z's alternator does at idle. I'm gonna do a little work on the Z today, being as how U.P.S. completely F%$#@!ed me AGAIN. They gauranteed me a delivery on the 17th, They even told me that they have untill 11:59pm to deliver it on the 17th. GUESS WHAT? NO PACKAGE!!! Which means no harness's can even be finished untill MONDAY and not be delivered until TUESDAY!! Needless to say, I'm F$#@in pissed off!!! I sit here an tell you guys when I'll deliver your harness's and then end up looking like a liar cause a Proffesional company like U.P.S. can't get there $^!# together. Sorry, just venting, Dave.
  21. And not to mention the price of a fuse box and headlight switch can push you over $300 for a good set. And a replacement relay (which you can get at almost ANY auto parts store) is only going to cost you between $3 and $6 dollars. not hundreds. Thanks for all the input, Dave.
  22. When I said "The only problem with mass production and price reduction is it does'nt seem fare to those who just paid the current asking price of about $125." What I was saying is this; "If you just paid me $125 for a harness, then found out that you could have held out and only paid $100, You would most likely tell me that I was being unfair or unjust in my business practices." PLEASE understand that I personally DON'T like charging the $125 for the headlight harness but with all the stress that they caused me last time, I promissed my wife that I would'nt consider doing it again for anything less. Now that I have new suppliers, new process's of manufacturing, and a little more time on my hands, I then and only then decided to start making them again. I personally can not think of one single person who likes to work for pretty much nothing. And thats how I felt when I was charging $45 then $75 for the harness's. Now that I might be able to "mass produce them" on a small scale of lets say "ten at a time", It would be easier to bring the price down closer to what it was before I stopped making them. So my initial statement of "it doesn't seem fare" roughly meant that I feel bad offering it at a lower price to the new customers, when it was the recent customers that helped me get to this point. Thank you so much!! I've been waiting for these numbers for a long time. To go from 10+ amps thru 2 fuses, down to ..13A and .33A on just one fuse is exactly what I was trying to accomplish. Just imagine or better yet, do the math, If your headlight switches contacts are supposed to last for 20 years at 10 amps for five hours a day (Thats really over over doing it but you get my meaning) Imagine how long they'll last at only .33amps max current. By my math, at 10A for five hours is 50 amp hours (for example only and .33A max flow (with high beams) at 5 hours is only 1.65 amp hours!!! That's over 30 times less current flow thru your fuses and headlight switch. Juan, glad to hear that the custom pigtails I made for you, worked out for ya. This will obviously not last forever Enrique, I know this to be fact. and thats one of the reasons I was making per order. Cause you never know when it'll all come to a screaching halt. Thanks alot guys, I deeply appreciate all the good things you have to say, Much respect, Dave.
  23. Thanks a lot guys!! That means alot to me. Hey, who knew that being a pick S.O.B. would come in handy one day? But if you think about it, Being picky is what got me a beautiful wife, a pretty cool car and terrific friends. Yes your right, the harness does seem a little pricey but in condideration of parts, labor, the fact that nobody else makes it and all the positive feedback I've recieved, it seems fair to me and all others who have bought the harness and written about it. I'm working on a way to mass produce them for less but it's harder than you think. It's the prep work that slows me down. I have actually decreased the build time by over an hour but it still takes a while to build each one by hand. The only problem with mass production and price reduction is it does'nt seem fare to those who just paid the current asking price of about $125. I'd like to reduce it to $100 or less but I would also have to be sure of orders before going that far. It has been suggested by another party to mass produce about 30 or so and sell them at a seriously reduced price to a Nissan dealer if they would take the deal. I'm still researching that and it's a tough one... Thanks for all your support and praise, it's what keeps me going. Dave.
  24. I was P.M.'d with questions about the output "wire" that comes from the switch to the parking lights, dash and side markers. the pic. identifies the wire that is "usually" in question. That is also the wire I use in my relay harness. Feel smarter? I hope so, cause my fingers hurt from doing harness's all day, which makes it hard to type. Dave.
  25. For hose of you who would like to know what the plug looks like before taking off the steering column cover, Here's a picture of the plug that comes from the headlight switch. The usual wire in question is the lifted one, It sits in the middle on the same side as the indentations (that only allow the plug to go in one way) it's green/blue stripe comes from the switch and into the plug then turns green/white on the other mating plug.
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