I wanted to say thanks to all of you who have raved, bragged, and given good and great reviews about the "headlight relay upgrade harness" I just spent 2 hours looking over every forum on headlights, harness's and anything else pertaining to the subject. I read more than a few reviews out loud to my wifeand she said "you must be doing something right, for them to write all that and even defend your harness to others". Few more things... Jim Coffey, You check was recieved and your "parking light harness goes in the mail today. Thanks for being the first on this new venture of mine. Bryan Pilati, Thank you soooooo much for your patience, Your harness is boxed and being shipped out today. Bryan Ray, I got your money order and your harness's should be in the mail by mid next week (around the 2/1/06) Thanks again to every one who has been involved in any way, shape or form in the ordering, making, and reviews of the headlight and parking light harness's. Much love and appreciation, Dave in WA. State.