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Everything posted by Zs-ondabrain

  1. If your looking for a view of them on the car, the picture to the left of this paragraph is one shot. and the second page of my gallery has two more O.K. shots of them on the car. Any takers? Am I asking too little or too much? let me know.
  2. I'd like to finally sell the wheels off My Z, Why? Cause I finally got my Eagle alloys. The wheels were polished by me a little while ago. They have 195/70/R14 firestones on the, nothin to brag about. Im just not going to pay to have the tires removed from the wheels. I live in Marysville, Washington (state,) north of Everett. I'm looking for $200.00 but am willing to wheel and deal (no pun intended) I'm not big on the idea of shipping but if you really want them, we'll figure something out.
  3. well, moneys tight and a little paint goes a long way when it comes to stopping rust. thanks for your input guys. luckily, I've got a lot of Z friends here in the North West, and a couple of them have promissed to hook me up w/ a free hood. now its $4000.00 for body work and paint, SCREW THAT!! I'll do the work my self and pay the right guy to paint it for me. But I'll wait on the body work for now, I don't wanna drive around w/ a bunch of primer spots on her. I need about 4 grand to get her road worthy again but that'll have to wait. Dave in WA. state
  4. I ran out of compound, AND my arm got tired and almost fell off. Have'nt had time to complete the job yet. but summer is coming, thank god.
  5. I know it's too late but next time buy only nissan factory parts whenever possible. I've saved so much heart ache by spending a little more on the right part, instead wanting to rip my hair out cause I saved some money and got a part that ("should do the trick") and it didnt even come close. I'm sorry for your dellima and wish you the best of luck, and in the words of my mother, "if your gonna pinch you pennies, you'll have to bite your bullets" best of luck, Dave in WA. State.
  6. there is no camera, I know the owners of the club, and they said that a parking lot camera is in the works. But the good news is, A friend of mine says she knows the truck and would recognize the guys that were in it. they made some comments to her as they were getting into the truck, just before they she went in to meet me and my girlfriend in the club. So she is going to fill out a report for me and the local P.D. I will catch the S.O.B.!!! Even if it takes a while, I got nuttin but time when it come to catching the Idiot that hurt my baby. And he will pay, One way or the other........ With a vengful eye, Dave.
  7. Old rubber will Creak until it warms up, Lot less when you use polyurathane bushings. Just my 2cents Dave
  8. Thanks for letting me vent and put my sympathy pictures where all can see. I'll Have her fixed Before the summer sun comes out, Paychecks pending of course. Thanks again guys. Dave in Wahington State.
  9. the rubber flap gets laid over the lip, then the welting gets pressed down on top of it, compressing the rubber over the metal lip, and holding every thing in place. the two ends should meet under the metal kit plate, and a smart thing to do would be to use some contact glue on the ends to keep them from pulling apart. It's just a precaution. and If all else fails, look at another Z. I won't tell If you don't.
  10. thanks for the comments guys. I promised myself I would'nt cry, My girlfriend almost cried for both of us. God I love her. Any ways... Its just a hood and nothing more, the paint is gonna be the real hard part, without painting the whole damn thing.
  11. The sharp corner of the weather stripping goes into the UPPER corner of the door. and the 18 inch piece goes along the door near the door latch then under the kick plate. make sure you clean the surface of the metal where the weather stripping is going to go, and make sure that the edging that holds the stripping in place, (the U shaped channel edging) is re-squeezed before you put it back on or it might fall off. use heavy duty body molding glue (black) you'll thank me later. Dave.
  12. Ya, I told my girlfriend the same thing, It's just the hood. It could have been a whole hell of alot worse. I can find a hood as easy as finding gum stuck to my shoe. It's just finding the paint to match.
  13. it also dented my radiator, but not enough to hurt it to bad. (no leaks so far)
  14. whent into the restaurant for a fun evening and came out to see my newest night mare
  15. and another shot, sopposedly it was a big Bronco w/ a trailer hitch.
  16. so me and my girlfriend go to the local club, I come out to check on the car and find this, and know body saw it happen.
  17. If it were'nt for her, I probably would'nt have the car anymore
  18. Motorsport auto has them starting at $33.00 to $45.00 Hope that helps.
  19. I don't know how much the mounts are cause I usually get them for free. they are easy to replace, I just unbolt the front diff mount from the crossmember, then loosen the rear nuts that hold the diff to the mustache bar (NOT ALL THE WAY) just enough to lower the front half of the diff enough to reach the two nuts on top of the diff mount. I then replace the mount and work backwards from there. All takes about a half hour with regular tools. Dave.
  20. usually if the "clunk" occurs after lifting off the throttle, the diff mount rubber has ripped or in lamens terms, the diff mount is broken. Mine has broken in the past and has just broken again, and it "clunks" when I let off the gas. the only thing to do is replace it with a stock replacement, or the metal one if you don't mind the insidious noise that rings through the car whenever you're in motion.
  21. That would be nice but my camera was FREE. It has a max resolution of (640x480) and a minimum of (320x240) It's a JamCam 3.0 by KB Gear Interactive, and was a promo deal for some software company?? So I got what I paid for, It was free so I ain't bitchen. And I have the same problem as most of you, to dark w/o flash and to much reflection with the flash. Oh well, time to break down and buy a real camera.
  22. And my latest model from Tamiya Done in a Mica Blue
  23. and the 240Z. Made to look as mine will look in the future, when I get buddy buddy with Bill Gates Ha Ha
  24. and seperately this is the yellow 4X4 model from Revell? I think?? I modefied it to the extreme but until I get a better camera, you won't be able to apreciate it as I do in person.
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