They're both beautiful in there own way. Lines, curves, power, handling, etc, etc, they both stand out in an era that screams "look at me, look at me". The 240Z, even 33+ years later, exhudes quality, style, power and class. A simplistic engine that is easy to work on, easy to upgrade, and true engineering above the rest at the time it was designed. Yes, the 350Z is heavy, a crap load of emissions, heavy steel and plastic will do that to a car. When it first came out, Jaws were dropping, eyebrows were raising, and grins were ear to ear. No, it's not a 240Z. Its 33 years later and you can never go home again. People, styling, engineering, and the pure and simple thought of how things should be, have changed. Soooo..... Like it, love it, or leave it. IMO we all love some part, if not all of the original 240Z. Some of like or love some part, if not all of the new 350Z. We're all intitled to our opinions. I LOVE MY 240Z, I really like the new 350Z, Hell, I might even buy one some day. but until then, I'll stick with what I know and love, Datsuns and Nissans. Thats it. Dave.