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Everything posted by Zs-ondabrain

  1. Well that's 2 possibles, ANYONE else?? Please let me know. The weather is supposed to be decent. Dave
  2. From the north, (SB I-5) Take exit 172 to N. 85th St. follow it west to Aurora Ave. Take a right and take an immediate right into the driveway of Jack in the box. From the south, (NB I-5) Take exit 173 to N. 85th St. follow it west to Aurora Ave. Take a right and take an immediate right into the driveway of Jack in the box. http://www.mapquest.com/maps?city=Seattle&state=WA&address=8502+Aurora+Ave+N When you're looking at the above map, drag the map from left to the right, do it enough and you'll see Golden Gardens Park at the end of 85th, on the water front.
  3. They say the weather is supposed to be decent on Sunday. Hopefully it holds true.
  4. Post in if you plan on being there and want to join the convoy into the park.
  5. If you have too much ATF in there, the pistons won't rise like they are supposed to. Check the dipstick and make sure the fluid is between the 2 lines on the stick. Also, check to make sure the needle is not sticking into the valve. If the pistons rise too fast (from lack of ATF) you'll suck in too much air and make the air/fuel ratio Lean.
  6. Just a reminder of Sundays All Nissan/Datsun Meet in Ballard (seattle) WA. This sunday. I hope to see as many of you as possible at the Jack in the Box on 85th and Aurora between 9:30 and 10 am. We'll all head in together at 10. http://www.classiczcars.com/forums/calendar.php?do=getinfo&e=418&day=2009-3-29&c=1
  7. until
    2009 Annual Golden Gardens Meet. This event goes off "rain, snow or shine", so mark your calendar now! Date: March 29th, 2009 Time: 10am - ~3pm Location: Golden Gardens Park Address: 8498 Seaview Pl. NW http://www.seattle.gov/parks/parkspaces/Golden.htm All 240Z's should meet at the Jack in the Box on Aurora and 85th. We'll all leave there and head in together at 10 am. I'll (Dave-Zs-ondabrain) be there between 9:30 and 9:50. Hope to see ya there.
  8. After picking up Transmissions all day long, 2 years ago, I felt fine. But later on, while picking up tools, I reached for a Torque wrench and only made it half way back up when my back wrenched in pain. I froze until I dropped to my knees for about 10 minutes. Never had the pain again, so I'm guessing I just pinched a nerve but nothing since. Sorry Enigma, That really sucks. My dad had bone spurs in his feet till they operated. No fun at all. Dave.
  9. All depends on the way you drive, the ride you like and the originality you'd like to keep or don't mind losing. Obviously, Urethane IS stiffer than rubber, new rubber is stiffer than old rubber, and old rubber is squishy and likely decaying. Worn rubber can cause other parts to wear faster than normal. SO the final say so is up to you. Urethane is a great substitute and there is plenty of it for all around your whole suspension. Urethane is also typicaly cheaper than Real NOS rubber parts. let your budget do the talking. And Tom is correct, don't use Urethane on the Torsion rods. There are reports of them snapping under hard steering, but those reports are typically from Racers and Cone dodgers. Dave.
  10. No need for overkill. just keep in mind that the 240z was designed for a 40 amp system. You don't have enough stuff to worry about going to 100 or more amps. the 81' to 83' IR alt will be more than sufficiant, even with the H4's, stereo, etc. I have an 800 watt system, MSD 6AL, Unilite, 100 watt H4's, 55 wat fog/driving lights, power windows and locks, etc, etc. And the 60 amp alt with my Interstate battery works great with no fuss or worries. Dave.
  11. If your voltage regulator is missing and those wires that are spliced, are supposed to go to the VR, then you have an internally regulated alternator. Pull it, take it to your local Auto parts shop and have them test it. If it's bad, have tem do the research and find the exact replacement. Simple. Dave
  12. Exactly!! WHat is this? Grammer School or CZCC? Just answer the damn question if you know the answer. I get where you're coming from but why waste time and space giving the guy crap. He's obviously a kid that uses his "Text Messaging" skills beyond his phone. He'll figure it out when he gets fired from lack of writing skills or something along those lines. Get over it. If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem. JMHO.... Anyways, Removing the sidemarkers is only making your small car less visable to others at night. Replace them with something more suitable to your tastes, but don't eliminate them. that's my opinion. Dave.
  13. I've seen them go from $50 to $400, all depending on quality of the assemblies and the need of the buyer.
  14. I like it, it's got that retro 70's thing going on. But I like red better, for obvious reasons. Dave
  15. There are 3 harness's in your 73' Which one(s) are you looking for. Engine harness (from the temp sender to the firewall Dash Harness (from under the dash Body harness (from right side dash to left rear corner
  16. Hopefully, one of these will help. first one is a 70' and the 3rd is a Later 240Z diagram. Dave 70_240z_wiring.pdf full automotive Wiring_Diagram_240Z.zip
  17. ""That 3-D "printer" is incredible. It even replicates moving parts."" And the original "Terminator" could'nt even do that.
  18. True, but how much money has the info on this site, saved you? The ultimate question in some places. I'm sure your $10 was put to good use. Dave
  19. I'm sold. Hell, that's pocket change, I'll take 2. In about 10 years....... Does Will know about this one??
  20. John, seeing that you have asked a lot of questions today, have you tried the "Search" button?? It can come in pretty handy when you use it right. As old as your Z may be, might be time to upgrade to a good set of KYB's, Koni's, or any of the other aftermarket struts inserts that are readily available from many vendors here on the site. Like MotorSport Auto. ( www.zcarparts.com ) Dave.
  21. all depends on the optical unit that is being used. If it's a low voltage unit, removing the ballast from the circuit will burn up the electronics of the optical pick-up. The Mallory Unilite will burn up after 10 volts, so a ballast is needed. Not sure on the others. Dave
  22. I am marked as a MONTHLY Donator. For one full year. Good Challenge though. Dave.
  23. Datsun-Parts... Nuff said. Sorry for your trouble. Guess you were one of the UN-forewarned. Sorry, Dave.
  24. OK, now I understand. That one is a P.I.T.A. Just warn it up as suggested. Slide the top into place first, then pull the bottom out to give it enough bend to slide it into place. The slide it forward to get the front tabs under the other plastic trim above the wheel well. Have fun and keep it warm while installing it. Dave.
  25. I'm confused. I've installed dozens of those and never had anything in the way. Just remove the taillight cover, load the panel with speakers, load it in the car, slide it back and into place, lift it a little to get the screws started, after loading the screw clips onto the tabs, screw it down snd crank it up. Dave.
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