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About DadAndLadZ

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  • Joined: 06/30/2022

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  • Age: 56



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    Wichita, Kansas

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  • About me and my cars
    Resurrecting a neglected 260Z that hadn't been run in seven years.

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  1. Hi folks: It's been a minute since I was on here last, but after much dithering the boys and I *finally* got our rebuilt harmonic balancer installed on our '74 260Z. My question is... How do you know it's seated where it needs to be on the crankshaft? It *looks* about right but is there a surefire way to know? Our latest video: Thanks in advance, MC
  2. Thanks for the tips, everybody. If it wasn’t so deep down in there it wouldn’t be such a quandary
  3. So, after about a month's break, we are back out in the garage working on our 260Z. Put on the new water pump and everything went swimmingly — until this long, skinny bolt snapped ALL THE WAY DOWN INSIDE as I tightened it. How the hell am I gonna get the broken piece out of there, so deep inside the block? UGH!!!!!!!!
  4. Story of my life. lol... Well, the whole point of this was to teach the kids some mechanical stuff, so mission accomplished!
  5. I appreciate you all digging up older related threads, as I am new to these forums and haven't been digging around that long yet. Much obliged for all your help, insight and guidance!
  6. @Captain Obvious and @Racer X I have sourced a used replacement from @Terrapin Z and will be sending it in for refurbishing. I got a strong light in there and bumped the engine around with a remote starter to inspect the end of the crankshaft and don't see anything obviously chewed up, will get in there and do a thorough cleaning/inspection before proceeding any farther. And yeah, someone has done A LOT of updating on this car in the past... The balancer is a later model, the carbs are from a 240Z, there is a five-speed transmission(!)... I wish I knew who had done all this work years ago just so I could pick their brain about what else lies in store. LOL...
  7. Here's a video I just now shot! Also now that I have a used one on the way (thanks to @Terrapin Z!), does anybody know who rebuilds these? The only company I have seen advertise this service is Godzilla Motorworks out of Texas and they charge $350.
  8. The seal itself looks fine, though we plan to replace it while we have all this apart. We probably managed to break it taking it out. 😕
  9. Hey, glad to hear from you… I will take more pics and measurements if it helps.
  10. I would like to know too but this car was sold to me by someone who bought it seven years ago and let it sit in a driveway without touching it and he doesn’t know anything about this particular issue either. May be unknowable. I can tell you it was stubborn AF to pull!!!
  11. Well it *is* more opportunity for the kid to learn, but not great on our budget lol
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