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Everything posted by cygnusx1

  1. No disrespect all around but sometimes, when you are nearing the end of a deep restoration, and there is just one more little thing to do, you simply overlook it, to call it done. Look at it this way, something to fix so you can call it your own.
  2. ...which reminds me, that since the engine from my 280Z is now powering my 240Z, I should swap the engine plate over.
  3. Those are the original screws. The engine plates are not riveted. Here is the plate in a 77 ZAP:
  4. Whoever he is, he is right about self-entitlement running rampant.
  5. Oh that baby needs triple Webers in a baaaad way!
  6. If I had a dime for every can of Duplicolor Cast "Aluminium" I used..... Looks GREAT!
  7. Are any of those home galvanic coating kits worth it? Might investigate those. That yellow/gold metallic coating that people often use to restore the metal parts of a Z engine bay, would make a great color for your wheels.
  8. I have never had an F series datsun trans that wasn't oily at the base of the shifter. Oil slings everywhere in there. Don't worry bout it. Put the inner shifter boot on with a zip tie to contain it.
  9. DulpiColor Ceramic Engine Paint in Silver, is chemical resistant, and looks like bright, blasted, aluminum, in color, and texture. http://www.google.com/products/catalog?client=opera&rls=en&q=duplicolor+engine+paint&oe=utf-8&channel=suggest&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=shop&cid=9723597978317045487&sa=X&ei=f0nYTqmpCOrh0QHc_MDDDw&ved=0CFkQ8wIwAg After cleaning the wheels, hit them briefly with the flame of a plumbing torch to prep the surfaces. Spray them when they are lukewarm to the touch.
  10. I would love to see what you have. I will PM you my email address so you can send me pictures/details. Thanks. I could use carb rebuild kits for sure!
  11. I would build the 240Z with my son, before I did a 280Z. I have both myself...and a son. I would not make it a daily driver for a 16 year old. I would definitely let him have the car, but not for cruising freely around in. Just keep it for you and he, to take to shows, to go on Sunday drives, and buy him some time at a high performance driving school. Get him a safe, modern, beater for daily driving, and use the 240Z to teach him "the skills of driving and maintaining" a car. Nothing teaches you how to drive, like a car that does NOT drive itself.
  12. Good explanation. One of the reasons, if not the main reason, they emulsify the fuel with air is to reduce it's density so that it can accelerate through the passages more quickly, increasing the fuels response to demand. I am about to go pick up a full set of triples with linkage and manifold. I can't wait to rebuild them! It's so relaxing.
  13. I think my left turn signal was tweaked...so I un-tweaked it. I just can't leave anything alone.
  14. Nice shots. I agree, Fall is a great time to photograph cars.
  15. They LOOK like 280 ZXT half shafts. The flange bolts are probably 8 or 10mm metric. You can probably get them at any hardware store.
  16. That's hilarious. What are you supposed to do if you find a bag of cash with no way of identifying it? Make a Craigslist ad titled, "Free money"? Sometimes your ship comes in. If it does, get on it.
  17. I have reported credit cards that I found in a parking lot. I would do the same with a wallet. If I found a brown bag of unidentified cash....that's a different story.
  18. Yeah, try some toe out up front. Try 1/8" toe out. It makes my 240Z transition like a go kart. I also use pretty large sway bars front and back, and poly everywhere. You will find a lot of 240Z racers run no rear bar, but I find that it neutralizes the car a bit (on the street). Normally, with understeer, you want less front bar...or more rear bar.
  19. Certainly looked like at least 1G, from the corner speeds you were holding.
  20. Very nice. That's when an S30 is at it's best. Yours seems to love the corners, got slicks? I could almost feel the G-force in the video. Thanks for posting the video. Oh, that Caymen needs to learn some lines...
  21. Sounds like a fun tool. I have often wondered if GPS units for cars, compensate speed for incline and decline. I have found that the GPS windshield nav units always read low when going up or down steep hills, as compared to ground speed (analog speedometer). Sin Cos Tan is the reason. Any engineers know if they are corrected from horizontal speed?
  22. The speedometer cable serves ZERO sealing function as is. If you have oil there, your oil seal and/or O-ring have failed. That said, if you don't ever want a leak there again, and you don't need the speedometer drive, remove it, and fabricated a plug with an o-ring that fits into the housing socket and call it a day. You can also gut the speedo drive, weld the center of it shut (where the pinion shaft used to fit), and install with a new outer o-ring.
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