Everything posted by seerex
car has hard time getting into 1st gear
I would first check the clutch to see if its bad , the easy way is to start off like normal and at about say eith 25-35 put the car in its highest gear and floor the pedal<gas> if the engine revs up but doesn't pull or pulls slowly its most likely the clutch starting to slip , from what you say I would next check the shifter bushing if you have alot of play in the shifter , sometimes if they are very worn out it will make it difficult to put in gear , but I would also start looking for another tranny for the possibilty of bad sychros , good luck
Fueses Getting HOT!!
I got the burn on my finger to prove its a good Ideal , clean the back of the fuse box and spray it with an inhibitor got my clean and spray inhibitor at home depot and works great , good luck
Fueses Getting HOT!!
as written above check for breaks in the cover of the wire as well as at the socket , look for green buildup on the connections and inside the socket, another aspect i would consider would be checking the fuse box under the ashtray for a lose wire or maybe something that accidentally got in there, also check the back carefully for green build up or burn areas, clean the terminals with the fuses out of the box , only takes 2 minutes to remove it BUT REMOVE THE NEGITAVE SIDE OF THE BATTERY FIRST
Hls30 00855
Talk you out of it?, a low number 70 with good pans I think 2k is very reasonable if not an outright deal, wish I had another garage for a 70, unless you don't have room I think it would be a great buy
History Channel Show on Z's
yes I have that on vhs tape somewhere, let me look for it I wanted to put both on dvd soon , I will let you know
History Channel Show on Z's
hhm I need to read my threads first ,and fix the broken keyboard the show was on them redoing a pair of 240z's for more power
History Channel Show on Z's
Ok I watched the full throttle show on them red the pair of 71's , but did anyone see that the cars were both automatics? Kinda disappointed they would use autos , also I don't agree with the holley carb usage. But atleast our Z's got more airtime which they so richly deserve, also the show has some neat old video and pics , Jeff
what do you think about 5.0 miatas?
I see no prob with overbuilding a car as long as you use things that are equally good as the car as in parts, but its alot like keeping a 240z stock or building a 400hp turbo screamer but get you to the store to buy beer just depends on how fast you want to get there, but I was gonna shove a bigger or overpowered motor into a car I would stay with something japanese , just my 2 pennies
MSA exhaust
I have owned both , I like the sound of both as well, the turbo one sound more like a indy car/ v8 motor where the sound of the targa had more european , old aston / ferrari sound minus the singing of the webbers, but both setups have headers. The turbo one is not quiet and I got that one because of the large diameter pipe and targe is like under 2 diameter if I am correct, and the turbo is 2 1/2 , I do like the look of the targa better , but work well but it all depends as wel if you are leaving the car stock as in motor wise . but I am sure you will get lots of feedback on the sounds of the two . But leaving the factory manifold on I would go targa,Good luck
Is my tach dead?
I have a install guide for an eletronic distributor that might help if you want it pm me with email address
Door handle broke - parts help
if you pm broken74 that my brother , he is very good at fixing door / lock problems also there isn't alot of parts that go wrong in there atleast on the 240's . rather simple system, doubt its too serious
Door handle broke - parts help
might be something very simple, mine did the same thing and the rod had just come loose but you have to be sure first
Tan Interior
check the galleries I think you will find several examples that will help you , good luck
240Z Tach hook-up advice needed
Jeff pm me and I will email you a trouble shooting guide to getting it working. Its an installation guide to the electronic ignition, Jeff
Z Cars at the Tampa Auto Show
very very nice wish I had known , I would have loved to come over and seen them upclose
Electronic Distributor Install Instructions
Hey Will , I sent Mike a copy as well, and offered that suggestion, Gavin that also sounds like a great ideal, Good luck guys
Electronic Distributor Install Instructions
Honestly don't recall , I was under the impression he dealt more with the fairladys <small convertables> more than the z cars , but he rebuild the distributors as well.
Screen Names - Where Do They Come From?
Hmm well here mine goes , the seerex explaination is simple , its my other car , see = c r=r ex =x honda crx , have had 3 of them but 5 z cars now , kinda stuck when I first made my name on aol then it went to my business and so on , Jeff
Electronic Distributor Install Instructions
good to hear , was sure
Z Car On History Channel November 7
oh sorry I misread it , us rual folk in south don't use them fancie time zones
Z Car On History Channel November 7
not sure Carl but on my dvr channel lookup it shows it there, I guess we will know for sure on sunday
Z Car On History Channel November 7
Bill that won't be a prob I am gonna try and get it put on dvd, worst case situation it will be on vhs, I will let ya know how it goes , Jeff
Z Car On History Channel November 7
Carl at 11pm it shows it and I have standard cable its right after the Alexander the Great stuff ,
Electronic Distributor Install Instructions
I can also rescan the instructions sheet by sheet if that is needed as well, that way it might be easier instead of one big file, Jeff
71 Ashtray / Switch housing Pic
Thank you very much