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Everything posted by seerex

  1. seerex replied to ScoHo's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    ahh ok my bad
  2. seerex replied to ScoHo's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    I have a recently redone n36 intake and all i left open is the brake booster line in the top left and the bottom egr valve that goes to the crank case , but sucking noise is not good , all the rest of mine are capped
  3. seerex replied to EricB's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    I am getting the parts together for a e-31 f54 combo what are the arp bolts and where can i get some? , thanks
  4. I did the same thing a long time ago , ending up being the link , if nothing in the car works at all , thats most likely it
  5. seerex replied to seerex's post in a topic in Parts Swapping
    I also have an early e88 head and I didn't know if it made a huge diffrence or not , what kind of cam are you gonna use?
  6. seerex replied to seerex's post in a topic in Parts Swapping
    thanks for the software that is pretty kewl anybody know approx hp output of the engine?
  7. seerex posted a post in a topic in Parts Swapping
    By chance does nayone have any info on if this is correct the f54 with the e31 will give you 10.8 to 1 compression? I have hear alot about other combos but I have access to both the head and bottom end <f54> for a good price will this work ok , I have a e36 intake and round tops from my 240 to finish it up , any with expierence good or bad , and is it as easy as i seems? Thanskhttp://www.geocities.com/zgarage2001/heads.html
  8. seerex replied to ALUCARD's post in a topic in Body & Paint
    seen alot worse , actually owned worseROFL but if you love the car by all means fix if not sell to someone who will , rather see it fixed than parted , enjoy it
  9. seerex replied to seerex's post in a topic in Carburetor Central
    I have got the back carb rebuilt and all went very well , i am holding off the other til my brother shows up with his extra set of su's , i used a electric tooth brush best 4 bucks i think i ever spent, and old white teeshirts , took it slow and easy , gotta say they are quite simple, thought they were complex and extremely hard , waiting for my ztherapy intake to go much farther, I appreciate all the help you guy all have given during my carb issues especially Chino , thanks hope to post pics soon I will of my new carbs and manifold when all is done
  10. seerex replied to seerex's post in a topic in Carburetor Central
    Good news all 3 screws to both carbs came off , relatively easily , I sprayed them for a 3rd day all day then had my fiance hold them dowm with a towel as I used my weight to hold the screw driver on the screws , I got my rebuild kits from bv , I am waiting for my su video from ztherapy , I guess i should order the fuel lines as well , i was reading that any others seem to Melt? , I appreciate the help and suggestions , :classic: , any big don't when cleaning these carbs?
  11. seerex replied to seerex's post in a topic in Carburetor Central
    I don't think the treats are stripped at all , just the screw it self , am gonna try the vise grips , I tried some linesman plyers but could get a good grip . if i get it all disassembled I am rebuilding them using a rebuild kit from bv and the video from ztherapy , the fuel line they provided in the rebuild kit is it ok to use or should I get the one from ztherapy , and its the fuel line from the bottom of the float to the adjustment ring <for lack of a better term>?
  12. seerex posted a post in a topic in Carburetor Central
    I am trying to remove the 3 screws on the top of my round top su"s . On the back carb I have 2 of the 3 out and the 3rd is on its way to being stripped , I have sprayed the for two days with wd-40 and It seemed to have helped. Any suggestions on getting them out with out a drill, and does anyone know where to get replacement screws. The car had never been taken apart in its 31 year life so its a touch sticky with the nuts and bolts . Thanks Jeff:geek:
  13. seerex replied to seerex's post in a topic in Carburetor Central
    Well i found the leak is at the manifold itself , figures , so new header time
  14. seerex posted a post in a topic in Old Want Ads
    Looking for SSR or Enkei style mesh wheels , preferably 15 or 16 inch but has to be the 4x4.5 size please replay here or email me at seerex@aol.com thanks Jeff
  15. seerex replied to seerex's post in a topic in Carburetor Central
    Great ideal Victor thanks
  16. hey crazy ideal here , if you have spark and getting fuel ie pump working and injectors are full , check your air flow meter and make sure the cross hairs aren't damaged
  17. very nice pic love the finished look
  18. I have a exhaust leak from the smog crap it rusted a hole in the pipes that come up from the manifold , any thoughts , msa their header or the monza from bv , both very close in price I was considering the 3 to 2 to one from msa anyone has good or bad on them and the exhuast the monza as opposed to the targa? Thanks Jeff:geek:
  19. seerex replied to seerex's post in a topic in Carburetor Central
    yeapper got it to run , wouldn't say laying down rubber but its very positive , i took out both the front and rear floats and released the valve in there that was stuck but then it stuck again as it was running and had a flood of gas again , I have a exhaust leak from the smog crap it rusted a hole in the pipes that come up from the manifold , any thoughts , msa their header or the monza from bv , both very close in price I was considering the 3 to 2 to one from msa anyone has good or bad on them and the exhuast the monza as opposed to the targa?
  20. seerex replied to seerex's post in a topic in Carburetor Central
  21. Would you be willing to sell just the wheels and if so how much , fla here seerex@aol.com thanks Jeff
  22. seerex posted a post in a topic in Carburetor Central
    Hey I have a 72 240 with the round top , 3 screw carbs , is there any known issues with using these carbs with the 260z intake n36 or a nonwater type intake , trying to eliminate all the hoses on the intake , thanks Jeff:stupid:
  23. seerex replied to seerex's post in a topic in Carburetor Central
    ok just got back from the keys should have been working on the z but you gotta do what you gotta do , i took off the retaining pin from the float valve , the valve was stuck i got it instuck and the top portion little nipple looking thing with the spring came out , cleaned it up and reassembled , not leaking fuel from the line anymore , a bit now from the gasket that i have destroyed , any feedback on the rebuild kits from BV , I have heard little about them , but all has been positive, didn't know it the Ztherapy was wortht the 125 more , car still turns like it wants to start but fuel starved, gonna it hit tomarrow with a few more edumacated people , got fire so I assume its carbs and from the condition of the valve which i assume closes when the float raises it might all be needed attention before it will fire or run . love to hear more input especially with the rebuild kits
  24. seerex replied to seerex's post in a topic in Carburetor Central
    Ok I have good news finally, me and my bro got the linkage free they return completely without assitance , and we got the car to fire with the choke on DUH , I know no need to say it , but it was still pouring gas out like Zoolander gas station sceen so we stopped til we fix the leaking prob or get a overflow tank, the front carb float level was like 1/4 to 1/3 full of gas where the one that is leaking is almost completele full when we took the covers off again , when you squeeze the line going from the bottom on the float tank the gas goes up and down so at that point it isn't clogged , by the way put a coil in as well , not sure if it was the prob but my bro had a spare , any thoughts?
  25. seerex replied to Chino 240Z's post in a topic in Carburetor Central
    i just found it , can't bring up the pricelist , nice site , anyone bought directly from them?

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