Everything posted by seerex
This is how NOT to act...
Hey Rick long time no see, how goes it? I think I am gonna be sick by this video, this idiot needs to learn to repect the the flag and those who serve it. Without that he could not voice his lovely thoughts on things. Gonna restrain myself from more comments as I doubt I could put them down as well as you did Rick , nice to see you again hows that grandson doing?
The beginning of "Cannonball Run"
that was weird
The beginning of "Cannonball Run"
Chris was the Countach later sold by your friend? I was under the impression that Ron Rice still owned that car , he had it setup with the 12 exhaust tips in the back. And it is very much a part of history , I love the movie<s> , they just ran a gumball rally recently I think it it was may or june of last year to miami. Too much info was out and I heard alot of it was shut down and they moved it to europe. kewl link http://www.gumball3000.com/content/html/launch.htm?#
New: Help me get this car running again!
Ok I know you said you replaced all fluids but just to be sure , you did drain the gas tank? Because if you do get the engine to turn over you will be sucking up bad fuel if you can bring fuel up < fuel filter was replaced as well i hope>. Also just remove the air filters at this point and make sure your needles are not suck open. But again first thing is to get the car to turn over with the starter. Most shops will check your starter for free once you get the cylinders loosened. Good luck and there are lots of threads on this sort of things, hope to hear back that you got it running
Seat suggestions??
you can also get the wide versions of the Corbeau , if the Recaros fit the best , try getting a set from either a bmw or vw that is newer and wrecked , and just the proper rails for the 240z
240z Hauler
Crystal headlamp comversion kit for a buck?
well 25 dollars shipping and it does not mention the bulbs needed, its a situation of you get what you pay for
Worried....how do u protect ur z from being stolen
rarely do i ever park mine for more than 3-5 minutes and its somewhere I can watch it , guess I am ultra paranoid , mine stays in the garage under a locked cover and usually with another car infront of the garage door, I just need to get a sticker to put on the drivers side window saying " OWNER NOT AFRAID TO GO BACK TO PRISON "
240z Hauler
What kills/deters spiders? (in the garage)
hhm well if the M79 doesn't do it I prefer either a good blow torch , cook them down with some butter yummy, or a bit of napalm wll do the trick , works great for weeds I find. I use a stuff called Demon it can be bought at do it yourself pest control stuff and living in fla we get anything with more than 4 legs year around and works very well. I do the corners and wall/floor junction points as well as around every door frame and door, you will see the little dead bodies where they have tried to invade my personal space , god I love finding death in the garage. Take care good luck
240z wanted
there was a nice one on ebay.com < but located in the UK>recently that looked very nice , not prestine but very nice search complete items it was picture on a flatbed for transport
My 240Z doesn't crank - help!
Like mentioned before clean all the terminals including the starter cable and its ground , make sure the battery is fully charged , if still you get the click jump the starter using a heavy guage piece of wire to see its working and its not the solenoid itself , if the started is goo and tested and the terminals are clean work your way back to the ignition key setup as stated before it can cause all kinds of issues but i think its the starter either not getting enough juice or the starter itself , good luck
Hows the ride?
Its kinda like getting to the basics of life when comparing z cars to Ferrari and porsche cars. I have not driven a ferrari but have driven and owned several Porsches and BMWs mind you not new 911's but older units. I think the Z has everything to offer that a 356 or a 320is or 2002 bulit up does. And yet is a car that seesm to draw much more attention and praise that the others. No doubt an old Dino would cause more of a stir but more of a dent in the wallet. Dollar per dollar hard to really beat a 240z . Looks, value, and cost of upkeep. Myself having had 26 cars so far have had plenty of time behind the wheel of many cars some nice some not , but few cars have ever given me such a smile as a 240z does< or people that see it and brings back memories>. Unfortunately looks like one of my two will be up for sale soon. Need the room for a daily driver.
Got a rally clock, who fixes them?
Thank you Ben , yes I was thinking of putting it in my 71 when it gets back from paint. I might see if the zclocks.com guy which Z11 gave me the link to < thank you > can also do that switch or I may just hold on to it and see . I think I got a pretty good deal most of what I have seen for sale on ebay hit the 125-175 range so I was a bit surprised.
Got a rally clock, who fixes them?
Hey all. was hoping somebody might know how to test rally clocks or anyone that might repair them. I bought this one with the assumption that it doesn't work. I think I still got a deal. I also hope Alan or someone who is knows if I got the correct one that does not require an oscilator. Thank you in advance. Jeff http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=7971068032&rd=1&sspagename=STRK%3AMEWN%3AIT&rd=1
the place i bought mine was motorsportauto it cost me 215 for the whole set. If you price the parts seperately its outragous. you can also by sets on ebay.com or on datsunrestore.com , good luck
Way of the Future?
A local police department here in fla did a trial test with LP cars and from what I heard they worked quite well, but it was a somewhat closed situation. There was also several which took up a deal with ford to try hydrogen powered ford crown vics and I also heard it went well. I think the prices are here to stay, the gas people know we will pay them the higher price so why shouldn't they charge it, in their mind. Make diesels cleaner and cheaper , and make options < hybrid/lp/gas/hydrogen> for truck and larger vehicle buyers and you will see a change in my mind.
nice car but way over priced
Very true Will , very seriously doubt I would take it anyway, it would be like selling a family member < not that I haven't thought about that once or twice atleast the human ones > . What can you get for a mother inlaw these days?
nice car but way over priced
Yes I agree completely , 100k is really quite reasonable for a BRE car, I think just watching some of the recent auctions that took place on tv really amazed me how much of a market there was for race cars and how much they are treasured by collectors, used to be alot of the cars were crushed after they were used for racing. I think anyone who would be willing to pay 30k for a 240z wouldn't buy it off ebay, it would be a private sale. I was recently asked how much I would sell my 71 43k <documented> 240 for after it came out from being painted and I said I honestly doubt I would consider anything under 30k'ish and the person wasn't really phased by it, is the car worth it, who knows, only the person thats willing to part with the 30k knows that. But I know do know thats the size check it would take for me to make my pain go away.
Removing Paint Overspray
hhm some great ideals , keep them coming rarely does the first thing i every do work on any of my z cars , I have used brasso on lenses before with great results, I just got a buffing wheel and I will try using some products with a bit of rpm's and see how that goes
Removing Paint Overspray
Hey all, I was stripping my 71 to go to the paint/body guy when I saw that my front turn signal lens were covered with overspray from the po paint job. I am trying to remove the overspay without damaging the plastic. I tried a adhesive remover but didn't do a thing. I was trying to avoid taking a razor blade to them or replacing them. Any suggestions would be appreciative.
Query on Rewinds
Hey not sure if this is an option but he ships internationally , hope it helps , he also has the darker ones listed on ebay http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=7962741653&category=43955&sspagename=WDVW
What brand are these wheels?
they look very similar to ATS and look to be 15 inch and quite wide , here a auction of a set http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=7962758249&category=43954
'72 on ebay
Very good article
Early Z Doors
< shivering > no offence but it would ruin an early Z , I have seen several 350z with that done