Everything posted by seerex
Who WENT to Z Fest?
Rick , I had saved most of the beer money for you . Since you aren't going I will be fine . We plan on taking lots of pics and will post them asap. We expect you to be there next year I hope you realize that. Jeff
States droping tax on gas !!
Yes very true , I just hate how things are put in with bills just to get them into law covered by another bill or law, unfortunately we have to be very careful on this we vote for and who we put into office < not starting something here being blue or red ok > just a simple comment
States droping tax on gas !!
Enrique thats the added weight feature to the gps
States droping tax on gas !!
I agree that they are trying to soften us up but no thanks still gonna keep my rights , guns and privacy
States droping tax on gas !!
yes florida is still based on weight, why doesn't the goverment find other things to do, just raise the tax on gas , no way anyone is tracking my moves
Nice side view
Front view
New wheels installed
Who WENT to Z Fest?
Hey All, I was hoping to get a run down of who all is going to Zfest in Orlando. I know of only a few and I would like to get to meet as many of you as possible during the event. Unfortunately I only know your screen names and some cars. Didn't plan on wearing a big seerex shirt , but I can. Well just would like to know who plans on going and to get a chance to buy a couple of beers and chat. Thanks Jeff
Pre-installation TT383 Chevy
72 240-TT383 Chevy Engine
Need to know......
there have been several very good threads about this , many showing how to test and fix existing issues , also I think there is a article on the internet z club as well reguarding it, good luck and yea not too uncommon
Out of the Garage today
the new rims are for this z and I wish the Libres were in silver , I think i will have it at Zfest atleast for friday , probably the only day i can make it
Got my custom exhaust system!
Sean, thanks for the advice , I was considering just such a set up seems to be the best way to go. I hope to be there and would love to get a ride in you car. Jeff
Ok, I need help on some wheel i.d.
interesting , they say in the magazine article that they are Chevelon's as well as online
Ok, I need help on some wheel i.d.
they are nice, but there are others out there that are around the 300 range that are very nice too like works wheels , they make very nice old school and modern style wheels in custom offsets and bolt patterns at very reasonable rates
Out of the Garage today
Ok, I need help on some wheel i.d.
they make a simliar racing hart but the issue is finding the correct offset with the bolt pattern , the Chevelon are true one offs , when I looked into them I was told they were milled to your bolt pattern and made to your size so far as offset, that and the fact they are a true 3 piece wheel makes then expensive, I wasn't as excited with the Racing Harts as I was with others , to me personally there was a diffrence
Ok, I need help on some wheel i.d.
not that i am aware of , but I could be wrong, I checked out the prices on the Chevelon wheels and they were very expensive, 700 ish a wheel
Got my custom exhaust system!
Love to know what all you used for your exhaust I have a 2.5 from ms and I am not exactly thrilled, and the other has the monza and its too quiet
Ok, I need help on some wheel i.d.
http://www.superstreetonline.com/featuredvehicles/38983/ http://www.superstreetonline.com/featuredvehicles/38983/index2.html
Ok, I need help on some wheel i.d.
yea Tod's 240z has Chevelon Sport 3 piece wheels , here are some links to more info on it http://www.superstreetonline.com/featuredvehicles/38983/index2.html http://www.superstreetonline.com/featuredvehicles/38983/
Nice Lip
Nice Lip
Hey Victor, yea I think they stopped making these quite awhile ago. These are a used set. I know Hayashi used to make this wheel for Saleen in the 80's and are kinda rare to find.
My new babies arrived
no unfortunately he is California, but he said he a several sets of rare 240z wheels that he had restored amung other stuff new and used , thank you Vicky cant' wait to see them on the car:)