Everything posted by seerex
Interesting car
Death race 2000 looking car . Are those Pinto tail lights? But yes I can see the Z lines to it a bit. Interesting if nothing else
In-Car Time Lapse Photography Options
Most camcorder mounts i have seen is a mount on the roll bar but i am sure it can adapted with a rod or other things to work, the magnets would affect the camera in negitive ways with recording aspects. Ebay had several people making custom mounts for the same thing you are trying to do search there as well
I entered my Z at Hot Import Nights Dallas
Very nice and congrats, love the color
Hey thanks for the link , I have been looking for a new center rear bumper section
- Paint done
finishing up
Hello all :)
Glad to hear things worked out bought some parts from Jared a while back. great guy
How often for a Valve Job?
Alot depends on the material your valve seals are made of and seats as well. I think once you upgrade both you should be good for a very long time. I believe there is a article about the seat/seals and the advantages reguarded upgrading. If you are not leaking oil < smoking > I wouldn't spend the 500 to a grand to have it done unless you are gonna do the wrenching and you are at a stage of it truly needing the job.
What would you like to add to your S30?
right now , just want her back from paint
What is the worst part of this club
Hello All, just started more posting on the site after waiting on the painting of one of my cars < helps me spend less , out of mind out of pocket>. Not sure if there is anything I would change about the site , most everything mentioned is very minor , the approval with pics and some 240k , zx and 240z kinda stuff. Guess the biggest issue is the fact that we never really get a chance to get together and chat in person. I have met a few at last years Z fest , glad to meet some of you guys and gals finally . But also as mentioned before it would be nice to have a larger meet and greet. Not really possible I guess but sure sounds like a great evening: killing a few cold ones and learning more about the z and hearing z stories from some of the other members. But other than that and why I have hit the damn lotto yet are my two gripes . Thanks Mike for the site and hope it stays around as long as possible.
Steve Irwin's Memorial
Sad story but glad to see him was remembered in such a positive way. Amazing how much good one guy did with just doing something he loved to do.
Door Lock issue
When re-installing the door locks and hatch lock are there seals for them?
Engine won't start!
First of all have you changed all the fluids from the car before trying to start it? Mainly the gas tank? If the car is running a mechanical fuel pump try getting fuel from a gas can instead of the gas tank , the tank is most likely full of crap and you are only causing more issues by trying to use that gas. Then start with the basics, are all 6 cylinders getting fire? Check for spark and make sure the points are gapped right and that you have spark to all of them. If you know the spark is good time to work the carbs, mostly likely having sat for a bit the floats in the carbs are stuck and possibly the interal piston. Make sure all the carbs have oil in them, open the back cap on top and make sure it had oil in it < for oil types that will work do a search >. The car should run < not good but will run > probably at this point. If not you might have to rebuild the carbs and definalty have to tune them. I would get the video from z therapy great investment, probably 2-3 hours for a first rebuild and an hour of tuning to make it right. BY the way expect to have things break , if a car hasn't been ran in a long time expect to replace hoses and seals and everything else that has cracked and decayed due to lack of use. Good luck
Parts help Please, Restoration
Well he says 30 days or less, it looks awsome, hood and front cowl , grill and headlight parts are not on it , but still can't get the smile from my face today
Parts help Please, Restoration
Hello All, I am getting my car back from paint and as like most things go we have found more parts that have disassembled into more pieces than was intended. I have found my door lock grommets and my wiper boots , but my question was with the hatch lock assembly. Does the hatch assembly have a grommet as well? And is there anything else one might suggest , all the fenders, doors , and glass was removed before paint and all the hardware is out still so if I am forgetting something that is much easier to put in now instead of later I would appreciate info. Thanks Jeff
I got only one spark, I need spark!
First start with a list of what was removed since it last ran , like wires , coil, and back track from there , was the motor pulled?
How much are wheels worth?
I paid a grand for my 15 hayashi's they had been completely redone and trued , I had searched for quite a while for 15 inch Enkei 92's best set was still 500-600 <in 16 inch size>and needed to be painted , Autoban and epsilon are also great wheels but also kinda rare, as mentioned the ssr reverse mesh are wonderful but hard to find in the correct offset and pattern as i found , i found a dealer willing to sell me a set but it was between 550-675 <per wheel new>depending on width and if they were 15 or 16 inch and those were not shipped. If i was guessing I would say if they had little to no curb rash and could be repainted , easily 350-400 if they are 15's , at the 14 inch size take off a 100 or so again its a matter of supply and demand , expect 75-150 to refinish the wheels , wish i had saved a few sets remenber when they were 65-80 bucks new
any input would be greatly appreciated
when put in drive is it ok or is it only when you give it gas? does the car rev up fine in park?
ZZ Top 1962 Ferrari GTO
unfortunately it modified making it a worth a fraction of if it was original, its still worth alot of money but still not what it should be
What is the most important quality you want in a Z?
hhm with the pimp my ride Bill hat all is good , for lack of a better term resto- mod is what I like
Stretching my wife's patience...
with 2 cars <both 240z's> and one truck and hoping for another car <hopefully a cuda> I have the flower guy on speed dial and always keep a back up c note in the wallet for dinner when she is having a bad day and trips or gets dirty coming in from the garage , but fortunately my wife loves the effect the z cars have on me so i think she knows it worth it
New Guy in Florida-240Z for me?
The room is much more than expected , I am 6'3 and have no prob and my brother is almost 6'5 and he has plenty of room in his 260 . Good luck and enjoy the ride.
Looking for a parts car in the southeast...
I have a 72 I might be putting up for sale when my 71 get out of the shop due to room issues. It might be more than you want to spend , it has alot of new stuff on it. Pm me if you are interested.
Pictures of Center Consoles?
The one in the blue pic looks like a series 2 console 72-73 but the other one next to it appears to be a 260 or 280 console
Surprising non-start w/bad noise
Well start with the key cylinder and make sure it isn't keeping the starter engaged , and then check the start and soleniod. Sounds like the starter is stuck in the engage mode so to speak , has it sat for a while?Iwould check the switch first but most auto parts places can check the other two. Good luck