Everything posted by seerex
Radiator leak
tried several ebay/internet rads for my crx and was very disappointed , ended up going to a local shop and was much cheaper and worked better, only bought one rad that worked great from ebay and it was an old stock msa 4 core, unless you are sure of what you are getting buy from a local , easier to strangle too when its not fixed right :rambo:
Evel Eagle 240z
very interesting but tail lights make me believe its a 260 or 280, reminds me of a shrunk superbird minus the bigger wing :sick: just my 2 cents http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=2485486954&category=6187 hope the link works ok
What are my odds?
I am sure is trans am could do a 10 sec quarter mile < maybe being dropped off a 1/4 mile high cliff > , I agree with the hp issue anyone can take a car add the gas make it faster big deal , depending on his motor < size and such > if you had a properly built 2.8 or stroker motor I would bet on your side easily , I remember a long time ago I whipped up on a 911 sc in my 240z < cam and exhaust and other minor stuff > but still was very embarrasing for him , if he is so sure of his car have him bring you time slips from the track , give you an ideal of where he really is , good luck
RS-Watanabe 15" plus tires and centercaps
hhm how much shipping to fla 32751? Thanks
Intermitent shifting issue
when it gives you these probs pump the clutch several times and see if allows you at that point to go into gear , if so I would go with a clutch issue , i had the same prob before
Can i use '73 linkage for '72 carbs?
go to ztherapy.comthey should have a pic of each years carbs and linkage
260Z exhaust manifold question
depends on where the leak was I was gonna try and use vice grips and clamp it down and fold it back but my leak was at the base of some of the tubes
Side marker bulbs
I just put in a new / used fuse box from ebay wow what a diffrence everything is bright and works , only two things on the car that don't are the front passenger fender running light and the drivers rear back corner side running light . These are the side markers that are screwed in and have a lens and then a chrome piece and then the black rubber gromet. The ones that are not working on mine are very rusty and I was wondering how do the bulds come out? A twist type or a push in and twist or just a push in type < that sounded weird > . I have sprayed some cleaner on it to try and free up the bulb but still quite stuck and suggestions before I damage the marker?
260Z exhaust manifold question
if there are tiny pipes coming up from the exhaust manifold area as I understand correctly , then yes those are emissions, they wouldn't shoot flames out but just sound like a bad exhaust leak , there are probably numerous threads on removing the emissions depends on where you live and the rules for older cars will dictate weither you can , getting a replacement exhaust manifold is very hard and if I were you i would replace it with a header <if you can> , if you look at my gallery the motor shown is a l24 but with the 260 n36 intake so it shows it without any emissions, if you have the flat top carbs you might have issues . good luck
more work done
well I tried doing it myself and that didn't work out well so I got this one off ebay , its polished not chromed so its not perfect which i prefer
more work done
- best side
looking good to me
broken74's car
bros 260
- new tag
- another
Out if the garage
Out if the garage
Clymer 240/260 handbook
hhm taking your advice
How do you install headers? Underneath or remove intake?
All good advice said but like Daniel I agree that I would be worried someone would break off bolts then tell you later and not really give a crap , I think the money saved the expierence of it < which in a sadistickinda way is fun > and just knowing you did it would make it worth for you to do it yourself , I actually just did the exact same thing but i stripped my motor to just block and head and rebuilt from there , Good luck
Garage or Storage Gotta know
I like the lift ideal
How do i get the freaking distributor off?
hhm I would tap lightly on it side with a rubber mallet or hammer , it sounds just like its stuck with normal engine dirt , but I would be very careful not to hit it hard at all, also spray some gumout or wd40 down at the base , good luck
How old were you?
hhmm hookers don't count? damn well I guess last year just kidding , actually was in a datsun my first time a 510 hatchback the flame orange color was my dads , and then my 2nd car which was a red 240 72 it was repeated broken in , gotta say the hood / fender is such a great height
Garage or Storage Gotta know
Also getting new house < new to me atleast > what all does everyone has as in add on's in there garage < lighting , air tools, racks , storage and such > 2 car here now front entrance and rather small but fits one 240 and lots of parts