Everything posted by seerex
Completed Auto to 5-speed swap, now I have a SPORTS Car!
thank you 2many
no oil presure at idle
The place i got mine was a local import place called triangle , gonna look for the receipt to make sure but I know it wasn't in the 25-35 range. I find alot of parts on msa are cheaper at a good import parts place, but don't count on finding hard to find stuff, thats where I count on them .
Completed Auto to 5-speed swap, now I have a SPORTS Car!
May I ask what year max did you get it from? I assume it had to be from a manual maxima as well?
what about the new z's?
I agree that maybe the nissan 350z is not a honda in the quality aspect but by no means are they close to any american made car or truck. I have owned 3 240z's, 3 maximas , 2 supras , 3 hondas and numerous other japanese and german cars. BUT only 1 amercan made vehicle a ford truck. I think nissan may not be toyota and they are not a honda but never would I compare them to anything made with a gm or blue oval tag. But I also hope nissan doesn't release a 40-50 k version of the 350 because it will drive it out of the grasp of their meat and potatoes market at 26-33 k. Still on my purchase list as well as a titan.
no oil presure at idle
try the sending unit first , I has the same issure til I replaced it , as well as my brother , they don't seem to last very long , they are 8-12 bucks and take 3 minutes to put in
New Graphics on my Z
I love thr BRE if you were gonna stripe it, otherwise you might just choose a wild solid color , but I am not a big stripes or graphics kinda guy
Completed Auto to 5-speed swap, now I have a SPORTS Car!
How much lighter is the maxima flywheel compared to a stock 240's , and did you use it as it was or did you have it lightened at all , thanks Jeff
what about the new z's?
I might be the exeption on this site but I really like them, I hope to get a Silverstone track one soon. I look at it this way if someone steals or runs into my 240 I would be hard pressed to replace it or the time I have put into it. A 350z if stolen or wrecked can be replaced the next day. I think it would make a wonderful daily driver. Just my 2 pennies:geek:
Other Datsuns Section
I enjoy reading about all the diffrent info on datsuns 240k, skylines, right hand drive z and so forth. Even thought they aren't all interchangeable I enjoy seeing new ideals and things for all of the datsun line. Gotta love them all , even if they aren't all 240z's rather keep it together
ZX Dizzy Issues
I removed it completely and connected the two wires directly
ZX Dizzy Issues
I bought it on ebay so I don't know for 100% that it was, the shaft turns in the right way and I have a new coil on it , the car fires but barely starts , but won't stay running weird
ZX Dizzy Issues
Robin thanks for the link , I switched out the mount and turned it 180 to reverse the mount of the dizzy , but the vacume advance hits the top radiator hose housing, and the distributor shaft will only go in one way , kinda sure I have it in correctly , any thoughts?
ZX Dizzy Issues
ZX Dizzy Issues
ok got it turning over nicely like normal it it fires but runs very lightly and only for a sec sounds like the timing is way off , there are two adjustment screws on this dizzy , one on the bottom that is the mounting bracket where the screw is pointing down towards the motor and it is on the right side of the dizzy like my points one was< this one has an adjustment area where the plate and the dizzy can be moved like the timing one and it is adjusted all the way to one side>. And the other is on the left and appears to be the timing adjustment screw and points up towards you when looking into the engine bay from the top, no I do not know how to do static timing , would love to learn , any help would be appreciated , when I tried to fire up the car I move the dizzy all the way to the top and to the bottom of the timing adjustment , neither seemed to make a bit of diffrence
ZX Dizzy Issues
ok got it turning over nicely like normal it it fires but runs very lightly and only for a sec sounds like the timing is way off , there are two adjustment screws on this dizzy , one on the bottom that is the mounting bracket where the screw is pointing down towards the motor and it is on the right side of the dizzy like my points one was< this one has an adjustment area where the plate and the dizzy can be moved like the timing one and it is adjusted all the way to one side>. And the other is on the left and appears to be the timing adjustment screw and points up towards you when looking into the engine bay from the top, no I do not know how to do static timing , would love to learn , any help would be appreciated , when I tried to fire up the car I move the dizzy all the way to the top and to the bottom of the timing adjustment , neither seemed to make a bit of diffrence
ZX Dizzy Issues
hhm called my brother and had him read me the firing order according to the notches on the cap and I was one forward , yeaa it fires now normally, didn't start but I had worn the battery down as well as its getting late , hopefully will be running tomarrow , thanks 2many
ZX Dizzy Issues
ok I checked the cap and the order is correct , the number 4 wire is just above the notch on the cap and the 2 is below it , < the raised portion on the cap so you can only put it on one way> hhm looking for a pic of where the plug wires go in order on the cap thinking I might have then one over on the cap
Rolling Diameter
the original tire size I used as a basis was the 195/70r14 which has a dia of 24.75 , the 175sr14 was very close to this , most tire guides list a rpm rating which can help you get close to the original revolutions , I have a 205/60 14 on mine which was 23.8 and the rpm rating was very close, alot of that info can be gotten at the brands website , good luck
ZX Dizzy Issues
the timing bolt is on the radiator side of the motor is this normal or do I have it mounted backwards <is it possible> my 240's orginal dizzy was on the firewall side
ZX Dizzy Issues
I checked the firing order on the cap and made sure to put the dizzy pointing towards the same cylinder when I replaced it ? and the timing is set in the middle on the adjustment on it
ZX Dizzy Issues
I just put in a used dizzy from a 79 280zx with the box box on the side , I have all the wiring right according to threads and instructions from the web , car turns over won't start but makes a strange noise like the starter is having issue turning over the motor , any ideals?
H4 halogen 7" head lights
do you take paypal by chance?
Competition headers - carbs too hot
I looked into the jet hot coating , according to their stats it reduces the heat quite a bit , I don't have a heat issue with the carbs but I wish I had sent it to them before i put it on the car also if you look up chinoz he has a custom heat shield he did that helped alot
Garage Design
If you don't use an a/c unit atleast put in a large attic fan Also might look into a wall mounted fan like in corner, I would put in cat 5 cable for internet access out there if you dont use wireless as well as a phone line. Skylights as mentioned before are wonderful natural light sources. If possible run outlets to all corners and to central ceiling points easier than using cords. If the bathroom isn't possible , if there is water source and a sewage hookup like via washer/dryer I would put in a wash sink <wish I had one in my garage> . Two minor other things , get a wall mount tv holder , gotta have tv in the shop as well as running lines for a stereo if you like. I would take a piece of graph paper and draw out the garage and make a templet of where things might go and what all you would use. Good luck love to see the end result
4BBL Intake\Smog Free Exhaust or Header
i would buy the rebuild video from z therapy and some rebuild kits there are inexpensive ones from bv for like 25 a pair before I put the 4 barrel on it , money better spend there , just my 2 pennies