Everything posted by seerex
Heater Fan Wailing Noise
Enrique , where did you get your new squirrel cage? I am in need of a new one myself , thanks
Cost to Restore a Zcar
I expect to be around 12k give or take a bit, for refreshed , but I think you could spend 50k if wanted but I would be hard pressed to drive a car I had 50k in around town , I think it might ruin it for me , would rather have a very nice 15-25 k in it
Blower Motor fans
I think I am describing it correctly , its the fan blades that look kinda like a rodent fun wheel that attches to the heat/blower fan . I haven't tried nissan yet out of fear of their price and motor sport doesn't sell it without the motor<even with motor is back ordered> anyone know of anyone with one or who might sell a new one reasonably? Thanks Jeff
my 71 240z is for sale make offer
any more info on it? A/c by chance , I see the motor is very clean is that from just a tidy owner or a rebuild? thanks Jeff
5 spd g/box
hhm what part of fla if I may ?
in need of a lady! a very... fair lady
wish I was in Cali , how much are rust free cars going for even if they need alot of work<mech , paint and such> in cali?
I just enjoy a change of racing types , the states are dominated by nascar , add more Rally , F1 , scca , hell I like watching the Drakar , but I agree nascar is like watching tennis , Except the tennis player don't crash nearly as good , now I enjoy more of the monster series and chopper stuff while they show the 6 hour Dale tribute show, but glad to hear Steve Irwin isn't like all the aussies <susupected so anyway >
Fuel tank maybe?
hhm should also replace the lines since I will be back there ? not sure if they rot at all when back there , Carl I haven't forgot about the tape , I had to get another vcr mine died I should have then sent out by sat I hope , thanks , also any fittings I should order ahead of time or seals for when the tank goes back in ?
Do you know?
I have only 6 fins on my 240's louvers mine are the flat screw down kind if that makes sense , I pulled up a pic of my 82 supra and gotta day they have 8 fins and look very similar to those
Fuel tank maybe?
Ok got my z running great su's all tuned then when I was driving it back from the muffler shop it started sputtering and spitting like it was not getting fuel, made it home and waited 5 mins and it fired up fine , then the last 2-3 times it will fire up and run ok for a bit then start the sputtering part and today I couldn't get it to fire without that, the car has sat for almost 2 years from the previous owner, it ran fine when I first got it running so I added a touch of fresh gas to help things but I think I loosened up some bad stuff, got a guy in town who wants 125-160 to clean the tank , came highly recommended from a guy I regularly use, any big NO NO's when removing the tank other than not lighting my cig with a blow torch? thanks all for reading my long winded thread
well honestly except for history channel ,tlc and discovery most of it is crap , and for speedvision which was my favorite channel till a bunch of rich rednecks at fox decided to shove enough left turn only racing and reruns < as if watching them again made you feel anyless sick> in your face to make me stop watching now, I see speed racer is a wonderful addition to their great line up , UUH why not Speed buggy or something original , I loved it when it only Jet boat racing and Alain <british dude> giving us the lap by lap of anything but damn nascar :mad: but who am I but a consumer
RS-Watanabe 15" Datsun 240z 510 280z AE86 MG in the USA
I saw them about 30 mins ago on ebay , very nice set , should be interesting to see what they go up to
Tire Size Question
Ok I know there have been many threads about this but I just got 6 spoke 280zx wheels for my 72 240 they are 14x 6 and was considering 2 tire sizes 205/60hr 14 and 225/60hr14 , on my old 240 which was lowered like this one will be soon had 215/60-14 with no issues , unfortunately it seems I can only find these two sizes in the speed rating and tire style I desire , is a 225 too big ? I have read that 24.75in diameter is roughly the size to keep the speedo in sync , the 225 is very close in reguard to that but questioned the rubbing issues that might happen, any help with your expierences would be appreciated:geek:
This has the biggest wow factor of anything Ive ever seen take a look!
Wow , thats all I can say
Fuse Box Spray Coating
I picked up a zinc spray that supposed to keep the contacts on the back from corroding, I haven't used it yet , I was also considering the liquid electrical tape , anyone every used spray on zinc?
Buying a 240z
other than the rust which u have mentioned , I would chose a 72 or older 240 dues to carbs, if you can get round top or domed carbs as opposed to flat top units, other than that , if you like the car buy it and enjoy the ride and save plenty in the bank for the things you will change , good luck
Have you seen these wheels? Sell em2 me!
never seen them before , seen some close but not exact , look on ebay there are 2-3 guys from japan selling jdm wheels yes you pay a ton but you get what you want if you find out they are ssr wheels I have the number for a stateside dealer, good luck
I have had it with motor sport
i just put my exhaust from them on , which did you get maybe I can help doubt it but willing to try
Air conditioning
http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=40017&item=2450990896 check here even if it doesn't all work it might not be a bad deal to piece you way to a working unit, I also recommend using msa compressor , its much nicer and easier to get to run colder, good luck
Fuse Box Spray Coating
I recently saw a thread about spraying plastic kote spray or coating on a fuse box before installing to keep it from corroding , I am replacing my swiss cheese fuse box < accurate description due to the many fuse holes > with a very clean one from ebay , the short tail style , was hoping if someone knew the exact name and how much to spray on it , I am hoping to avoid redoing this job again, also any suggestions in area of contact cleaner , i have to clean all my contact I am sure I don't want a repeat with this box, thanks
Which oil pressure sender?
I just put a new one on my 240 and its a bullet plug type , I would use the older sending unit and just attach a new splade style connector , good luck
Can I remove this
yes nice new linkage thanks to z therapy , it helped alot to remove the smog stuff , not quite done still have a few hoses I am deciding what to do with but a great improvement
Stuck throttle
ok we got the su's on the car and we started it a few time and when it got fired up it finally it reved up like it was full throttle , but it wasn't , i checked the buttleflys and they are opening and closing without any probs, is theresomething i could have done when i rebuilt them that would cause this , the linkage I know incorrect but it still sems to operate the trottle correctly, any suggestions
Center linkage
hey all , crazy issue here, we are putting 4 screw su's on my brothers 260 , we are using the center linkage from my 240 with 3 screw carbs , it doesn't seem to fit , is the center linkage that goes between the two carbs diffrent?
Lightened flywheel
who is tep , kinda researching for a flywheel was curious , thanks