Everything posted by seerex
Hood Emblem Question
I recently purchased a new hood emblem <datsun on it> from ebay from a person that regularly sells nissan parts and has 100% feedback and when I go it its plastic? Are the oem replacement ones plastic ? The original one I had was aluminum or another light metal. Just asking its been a bit since I have bought one . Thanks Jeff
All Watanabe's Mounted..New Pics Inside
thats awsome , may i ask how did you come across the wheels?
Z driver in trouble !!
Keep it at the top so all can see and read
New Owner! Yay!
home depot carries a line on contact cleaner its in a dark blue can that works wonders , its been a life saver for me
New Owner! Yay!
you should be able to pick the headlight for 5-7 bucks a piece , but you will still need a tester , I suspect its a connection or in the switch being that the brights don't work, clean the connections you can find and spray then down with a cleaner and then a sealer, either motorsport or courtesynissan should have the sending unit , good luck
Battery Dead after a few days.
there should be a signal wire I think it is called if it happens to be wired with the power wire it will cause a draw constantly
How fast will it really go?
funny part is 7 years later I was behind the radar gun I actually did stop a cobra mustang about 4 years ago on the turnpike that my coworker had clocked at 127 and we let him go lightly , so I know there are out there , funny part I used to go 95-110 with not a thought in my 240z but after feeling what it drove like above those speeds I wasn't all that eager to try it again .
How Close Are Our VIN #'s
in signature
How fast will it really go?
Hmm I was clocked by a FHP trooper on a overpass as I headed east/north towards daytona at 142 according to him. He stopped me at roughly 85-90 mph about 7 miles up he just knew it was a loud red car and actually he let me go . I raced a 911 sc in this 240z and whooped up on him very badly so it was quick but I wouldn't say fast by todays standards. I had cam and head work done to it , header and a type 2 5 speed. Unknow what rear end , , about the only thing I didn't break and replace. The car was not very stable and what ever speed I topped out at made me a bit cautious of trying again. I would guess< big guess> you will be in the 160-165 range if you can keep it from flying .
SU Help 72 240Z
Was this a somewhat gradual or kinda overnight thing? From you starving the from carb of air and it running better means it running a bit lean , and sound like your rear might be a bit rich but I think it might be something else. Not trying to steer you in other directions but if this was kinda a overnight situation I would check the vacume lines to the dizzy and to the other areas of the motor < not sure if you have the emmissions at all> also if you are sure timing is correct and you have changed points, cap, rotor and plugs , just for laughs check the dizzy shaft for play. Also I highly recommend getting the z therapy tuning video which is great. Just as well check the oil in the carbs , also the advance for the dizzy. I belive if you crank down < shut down the carbs screw , on the bottom on the carbs and twist back out 2 and one half times that is the recommended starting point for them.
Snapped alternator adj. rod bolt in block...
I would also spray a lubricating or bolt loosing stuff in there as well
Thinking of selling my Z... advice?
one word , don't , you will regret it for many days and nights , I made that mistake , just put it in storage i know a few places in town , do what it takes , or sell it to my brother , kidding
Best way to tell a calif car
Were there emissions specific for California cars in 1973? I got a shipping papers with my 71 and first transfer of tag knowing where it came into the states at and where it was purchased and so forth but it could stay in Cali only for one year and be in Maine since you never know. Again the condition as in the body is key.
American Racing Libre's on Ebay!!
no offence to the person selling them but are they worth that much ?
Hurricane Katrina
Are suggesting we use goverment or donated money to hire a religous based network or do one of that nature in a memorial type setting? You don't get it I see . Hey this isn't my SIDE of it , its the facts, feed, cloth and move them as nescessary to make things better for these people.
Hurricane Katrina
New Orleans is not done, and I think it far from it. I think a memorial service is the last things on these peoples minds. I also thing the big diffrence is that the WTC was an attack on us not a natural disaster, the feelings and emotions are both very strong but for diffrent reasons. I think memorial services show a sign of a turn from rescue stage to recovery and NO is not in that stage, they are looking for the basics. When andrew hit in fla the feeling was the same and no they weren't wanting a memorial service they wanted help. Sorry to sound cold but save the people you can and deal with the dead later, and yes there will be more of the living dying , those found and those not yet found. I pray the numbers are alot lower than what the projections were from FEMA's study that was done 3 years ago.
280ZX in Colombia
if you go to nissandriven.com I believe it will show you where the dealerships are in Montana, also you might try courtesyparts.com
Hurricane Katrina
Unfortunately alot of times the jet skis that are there locally are already sunk or damaged and in new Orleans case they might not be able to get to them. I saw them using them in rescue on CNN and FOX , they are great tools for rescue no prob to hurt anyone with they are easy to manuver and they can pretty much be ran anywhere . But you also have to remeber that new orleans isn't exactly a rich town , most of the residents live below the poverty line , I have visited there and I can say it isn't any miami or beverly hills. Here in florida the flood waters receed pretty quickly and it rarely gets to the point where you couldn't use a military vehicle to get through the water but I saw pics of the water over the roofs and such . Its just sad.
Hurricane Katrina
We have tried to get in contact with relatives in New Orleans and Jackson. Got an email from one in Alabama that they were ok but they could not get in contact with many of them and that the town next door was pretty much erased . Very sad situation . Meet some guys leaving the Orlando area with a caravan of airboats headed that way and I know 2 of Orange county rescue specialty units were deployed as well as Miami's structure team. Unfortunately I think it will get much worse before it gets better.
May be a problem!
You have no oil cap or you have a valve cover that has no place for an oil cap? Busted the head , explain ? Well if you got dirt and such in the motor you need change it rather quickly , and if you have been losing oil from running without an oil cap < assuming> you might also run into the issue of low oil which can be a slight issue at 150 mph. So slow it down to 135 atleast, get an oil cap and get the oil changed .
Electrical problems after restoration...?
Just for laughs follow the leads from the fuse box after you have checked them for the items that do not work. Once you are sure you have power at the fuse box for the items that do not work retrace thece them back up the steering housing and go from there. If you do not have power at the fuse box for the Ignition, turn signals radio and such trace it back towards the battery . The fact that some things do work and some don't indicate to me that you have a plug not completely "clicking" or a bad ground as mentioned before. But if I were you I would start at the fuse box that way you can detirmine atleast if the problem starts in the pre or post side of the fuse box. Good Luck and I agree it might be any number of things . Good Luck
Z specialites Hi Amp Alternator
I was looking into that upgrade , by the way the a/c install from msa was it the full kit or just the rotary upgrade?
Alternator Woes...
Well the alternator can be changed to several diffrent types including general motors and with the right Diodes can be made to work easily. It very well could be a later unit , very hard to tell without pics of the wiring to it and such. Well its probably as you suspect if someone changed out lots of drivetrain stuff and upgraded / updated , they probably did address the alternator as well. Again with a photo most of the guys here could tell you lots more. If the alternator is a later unit , it probably will be much easier to find than the original one that you thought you needed on the brightside.
Talk about Coincidences!
Rick you devil , never thought of using my Z cars in such a fashion
new member and need advice, 240Z or 260Z?
I agree for resale an early 240 is the only way to go , but for really enjoying the car and driving around the 260 is a great car. The price diffrence between the two can be huge, especially on the east coast. Early vin units , fairlady , documented low mile cars and ones that are in extremely good condition can double the value easily. But again its a case of what the buyer is willing to pay. Best thing to do is to pick up a good solid 240 or 260 in the midwest or cali and rebuild it yourself you will save yourself the shipping in time in money on body work. Funny part whenever looking at a Z for sale and the selling hypes it up expect the worst because that probably is what you will get. My 72 will be for sale sale soon maybe if my 71 ever get out of the shop. But will be 2 months or so . :)Good Luck