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Everything posted by Zron

  1. I will be there taking orders for the Monterey Historics tickets and corral passes. Just look for the Monterey Historice sign on the windshield of my Z
  2. I will be at Blackhawk taking orders for tickets and corral passes. Just look for the Monterey Historics sign on the windshield of my Z.
  3. I haven't heard from anyone that went to the LA show yet. Possibly this evening I'll here something. I'm curious myself.
  4. This coming weekend in Danville
  5. Time is getting limited, so if you're interested in saving your spot act quickly
  6. http://www.zonc.org/BH62604.html
  7. I only posted what was on the ZONC site as far as events.
  8. Here's the link to the Z.O.N.C. blackhawk show http://www.zonc.org/BH62604.html Also, stop by the revised Z.O.N.C. website at www.zonc.org for other events. This Saturday (5/15) there's the Oakdale Chocolate festival and on Sunday 5/23 there's the Drakes Beach run http://www.zonc.org/Drakes.html For more information visit the Z.O.N.C. website.
  9. Here is a link to some of the photos from last years event http://www.centralvalleyz.org/lagunaseca03.htm
  10. Although not a ZONC sponsored function, I am trying to put together a group together to retain the "Z" coral for Saturday, August 14th. http://www.montereyhistoric.com/ Tickets are $50 presale or $60 per person at the gate. To retain the coral, a presale of 35 tickets must be in to the track by June 28, 2004. At last years event, John Morton was on hand to sign autographs and came to the no host dinner later in the evening. Everyone that attended had a great time. I also have some motel information. For more information contact Ron Fuller cvzonc@hotmail.com
  11. ZONC is planning a Drive to the Oakdale Chocolate Festival on May 15th. Participation in the car show is $20 for one day and $30 for both days with an additional $5 for registration the day of the show. Included is admission for two adults and a bag of goodies. Normal gate hours are 9:00AM until 5:00PM so get there early for a good parking area. Admission to the festival without being in the car show is $4.00 per person, children under 12 free. The Corvette Club is putting on the car show so let's get as many "Z"s to show up as possible. I have some applications available, or you can use the link. http://www.chocolatefestival.org/ My E-Mail is cvzonc@hotmail.com
  12. TOUR TO DRAKES BEACH Sunday, May 23, 2004 Main Start at 10:00 AM On Sunday, May 23rd there will be a tour to the Marin Coast. The main start will meet at 10:00 AM, at the Petaluma Marina, 781 Baywood Drive, off Lakeville in Petaluma. We will have lunch at Drakes Beach. Bring a picnic lunch, a kite, a jacket, and your walking shoes, for a fun day at the coast. Also if you have a CB radio or a hand held 2-way radio, please bring that. Z you there. Please let me know if you are coming on the tour. Thanks. Tour Leader Bob Jenkins (707) 546-6867 thebeard@sonic.net DIRECTIONS TO MAIN START: From the NORTH: From Santa Rosa take Highway 101 to Petaluma From 101 in Petaluma take the EXIT: Hwy 116 Sonoma East Napa At the end of the exit, make a LEFT onto Lakeville (This is a "T" intersection) Take a RIGHT off Lakeville onto Baywood Dr. (This is at a Signal) Take a RIGHT at the second driveway, into the Petaluma Marina parking lot. From the SOUTH: From the Bay Area take Highway 101 toward Petaluma Take the EXIT: Hwy 116 Sonoma Napa At the end of the exit make a LEFT onto Lakeville (This is a "T" intersection Make a RIGHT off Lakeville onto Baywood Dr. (This is at a Signal) Take a RIGHT at the second driveway, into the Petaluma Marina parking lot. From Highway 80: From Highway 80, take Highway 37 past Marine World Make a RIGHT onto Lakeville a couple of miles past Infineon Raceway Make a LEFT onto Baywood Dr., just before you reach Petaluma Take a RIGHT at the second driveway, into the Petaluma Marina parking lot.
  13. Here is some information that could be just what your'e looking for!!! TOUR TO DRAKES BEACH Sunday, May 23, 2004 Main Start at 10:00 AM On Sunday, May 23rd there will be a tour to the Marin Coast. The main start will meet at 10:00 AM, at the Petaluma Marina, 781 Baywood Drive, off Lakeville in Petaluma. We will have lunch at Drakes Beach. Bring a picnic lunch, a kite, a jacket, and your walking shoes, for a fun day at the coast. Also if you have a CB radio or a hand held 2-way radio, please bring that. Z you there. Please let me know if you are coming on the tour. Thanks. Tour Leader Bob Jenkins (707) 546-6867 thebeard@sonic.net DIRECTIONS TO MAIN START: From the NORTH: From Santa Rosa take Highway 101 to Petaluma From 101 in Petaluma take the EXIT: Hwy 116 Sonoma East Napa At the end of the exit, make a LEFT onto Lakeville (This is a "T" intersection) Take a RIGHT off Lakeville onto Baywood Dr. (This is at a Signal) Take a RIGHT at the second driveway, into the Petaluma Marina parking lot. From the SOUTH: From the Bay Area take Highway 101 toward Petaluma Take the EXIT: Hwy 116 Sonoma Napa At the end of the exit make a LEFT onto Lakeville (This is a "T" intersection Make a RIGHT off Lakeville onto Baywood Dr. (This is at a Signal) Take a RIGHT at the second driveway, into the Petaluma Marina parking lot. From Highway 80: From Highway 80, take Highway 37 past Marine World Make a RIGHT onto Lakeville a couple of miles past Infineon Raceway Make a LEFT onto Baywood Dr., just before you reach Petaluma Take a RIGHT at the second driveway, into the Petaluma Marina parking lot.
  14. Zron posted a post in a topic in United States
    Starting May 12 and every second Wed each month thereafter ZONC is having meetings for its Stockton, Modesto, Tracy and Turlock contiengency and interested parties. The meetings will be held at Stockton Nissan in the Stockton Auto Mall. For those not familiar with the area, take Highway 99 to the Hammer Lane exit, go west to Hollman Road and the Stockton Auto Center. Meetings will start at 7:00 PM. Meetings for the Sacramento area will continue as usual on the third Wed of every month at Peoples Nissan in Folsom. For any questions contact Ron Fuller, Central Valley Coordinator, at cvzonc@hotmail.com
  15. Zron replied to ecp48's post in a topic in Interior
    I just wanted the strongest dye mixture I could work with (I'm a tightwad and the rit is about $4 per package).
  16. Zron replied to ecp48's post in a topic in Interior
    Rit dye works well if you mix 1 package to about 1/2 gallon of hot water and SOAK the area with a sponge. WEAR GLOVES!!!
  17. Zron replied to blitzkraig's post in a topic in United States
    I-5 MSA caravan Northern California Zers The MSA event is two weeks away !!! I have a tentative trip schedule for the ZONC caravan to the MSA event. Currently it's loose (except for the start time) as far as exact meeting places, but here goes. Friday, April 23rd: 7:30 AM Leave Flag City at the I-5 highway 12 junction (South of Sacramento) Good place for breakfast if you arrive early 8:30 AM Westly rest stop to pick up Bay Area and Tracy/Modesto Contingent 10:00AM Santa Nella for South bay contingent and those from Merced, Turlock area (at the Ramada Inn parking area, Highway 33 at I-5) We will be in the area of Harris Ranch Restaurant about noon and we can stop for lunch, walk, etc 2:00PM Grapevine (just south of the I-5 /99 junction) for south San Joaquin Valley people. If traffic is light at that time of day should pull into Orange at 4:00 - 4:30. If anyone plans on joining up with us, contact: Ron Fuller cvzonc@hotmail.com so we know what to expect. Should be a fun trip!!
  18. until

    ZONC Sacramento area meeting every third WED of every month at Folsom Nissan in the Folsom Auto Mall
  19. until

    ZONC Sacramento area meeting every third WED of every month at Folsom Nissan in the Folsom Auto Mall
  20. until

    ZONC Stockton area meeting every second WED of every month at Peoples Nissan in the Stockton Auto Mall
  21. until

    Stockton area meeting every second wed of every month at Peoples Nissan in the Stockton Auto Mall
  22. until

  23. until

  24. until


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