VIN ID Plates......Stamping
Does anyone know who can stamp my new ID plates? Thay are an 1/8 inch or 3mm in height. Trophy shops and jewerly stores will not touch them. I'm sure someone has had their plates stamped on a total restoration. Thanks Keith
Rear hatch latch/striker, clear zinc or gold cad
To keep it original, is the rear hatch latch and striker suppose to be clear zinc or gold cad? Thanks Keith
How Close Are Our VIN #'s
Zdreamer, where are you located in NC? That VIN is sure weird for a 9-71 build date.
How Close Are Our VIN #'s
Zdreamer, are you sure the build date is not 9-70 instead of 9-71 for #9974? Go to zhome.com and look at the register.
How Close Are Our VIN #'s
Late 1971.....7-71.....#38600
Good custom cam grinder in US
Delta Camshaft in Tacoma WA 800-562-5500 deltacam.com
Inspection lid rubber cushion
Where is the rubber cushion located under the inspection lid? I have never seen a picture of one. Thanks Keith
"OK" decal sticker on the passenger quarter window
Does anyone have a picture of the "OK" decal sticker that goes on the passenger quarter window? If not, does anyone know where on the window the decal goes? Thanks for your help. Finally finished 17 months later.
Fuel Filler Door Lock Detail for Series II 71 240z; Picture Request
My 7-71 has a latch, but no lock.
Which oil filter do you use?
Nissan and Castrol
240Z battery position
Which is the closest top post to the engine? I thought the negative was closest to the motor and the positive was up under the inspection lid. Thanks in advance......Keith
Aftermarket Body Panels
Buy Nissan fenders.
Correct metal fan, early 71
Was the correct early metal fan, 5 blades, 7 or something different? Thanks
Correct upper thermostat housing, 2 or 3 screw holes
I have a 7-71 240 with a 3 hole upper thermostat housing. Is this correct? Do you have a 2 or 3 and what is the production date? Note sure what the extra hole is used for, since one of the other holes holds on the sparkplug wire loom. My lower housing only has 2 holes. Thanks Keith
Hood hinges, color
Are the hood hinges gold cad plated or body color for an original car?
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