xxr 513 pictures?
Here ya go. XXR 513 16x8 205/50/16 Fuzion Rubber...no rubbing as of yet...Tokico spring+shock set-up. Cheers, Colin
240Z Mechanic on Long Island?
Hi Robert. First off, reach out to the guys at the NY Z Car Club. There are a few members on LI. http://www.nyzcc.com/forums If you can get your 240z up to Connecticut, many of us in the CT and NY Z car clubs go to Vinny Bedini in New Milford, CT. Send a Private message if you would like his contact info. Or head here: http://www.ctzcc.com/images/bedini.pdf Cheers, Colin
Only starts when jumped..?
I am no expert on the subject...but I went through a charging challenge a year and half ago, where I was not getting anywhere close to 14.5V across the battery (~12.7V)...turned out it was a short in the harness. Once you have ~14.5V across the battery, your system should be charging properly....anything less and you have a drain in the system. It may be worth going to a mechanic/service station for a check on your charging system (could be alternator, voltage regulator, or a short?).
HLS30-OOO13 Has Been Found!
Umm...guys...unless I'm really thick-headed, that Chrissimmons post looks to me to be...ummmm...sarcasm...and if you read between the lines, and take a step back, you may think it's pretty darn funny. I do not know this poster, nor do I have any affiliation... BTW - I have met Rick - he's a great guy who I am proud to call a friend. Cheers, Colin
HLS30-OOO13 Has Been Found!
Back to number 13.... We (CTZCC) had the opportunity of meeting the owner last night...what a ball. The owner is truly a Z nut, who has not been online and aware of the current fanfare associated with these early cars. He really had some great stories about the acquisition of his 3 early Zs. He also brought a portion of his vintage Datsun gear (jacket/shirts/posters/pics) I'll leave the stories for someone else, more qualified, to tell. But I will say that hearing this gentleman speak really put the whole thing in perspective...when he said that the lowest VIN listed in his old (US) parts/service manuals started with 00013...so when he did purchase this car, he knew he had something special. In my humble opinion, I think this car is significant in that it is quite possibly the first 240Z available for public sale in the US...that's it...plain and simple. As for restoration? It's only (mostly) original once...I would say freshen the mechanicals a bit and leave the patina. Here's to less controversy n' hubbub. Cheers, Colin
Attn. Bob Sharp Fans...
Josh, My Dad was kind enough to offer these photos for viewing...he didn't have to...and could have kept them in the vault. We should be glad to have a glimpse of the event at all. (Not to mention my Dad's older SLR doesn't have video.) I understand your point, but no need for the "this angers me" phrase...this tone is inappropriate and uncalled for - when you do not know the situation and conditions of that particular day, nor the people involved. BTW - If you look closely, there was a video staff there...so maybe we'll see something eventually. Cheers, Colin
Attn. Bob Sharp Fans...
Hey Phillip. Unfortunately, I can't post any hi-res pics at this time, as I do not have clearance...maybe we'll see a story or two, and more pics, about that test day sometime soon. I'll post to this thread with any more info, as I get it. Cheers, Colin
Attn. Bob Sharp Fans...
So my Dad had the honor of being at a Lime Rock test day last week...to witness the legend...back in action. As some folks may have heard, Bob has acquired and tweaked a GTU tribute car, replete with the BSR paint scheme. Last week was a shakedown run, that turned into a Photo op. You will also see the BSR Sam Posey GTU car, now owned by Dr. Allan Robbins, which was on-hand. I'm sure we'll be getting more details and pictures from that day, as things develop, but here is a little teaser photo montage. Needless to say, I'm just a bit jealous of my Dad. Cheers, Colin
imsa gtu fenders etc.
And speaking of Bob Sharp....(not to take anyone away from this thread)...our Z club in CT had a gathering at Lime Rock with him this past weekend...it was outstanding. In one of the galleries in the linked forum post, you'll see Bob showing a pic of his new GTU toy (= http://forums.ctzcc.com/viewtopic.php?t=3977&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=60 http://picasaweb.google.com/phil280zxt/20090725CTZCCLimeRock#slideshow/5362577416020040162 Cheers, Colin
MSA spook pictures
Hey guys. Sorry to resurrect an old thread...but I wanted to toss out a quick question: I recently picked up an MSA un-ducted spook - it looks great - I have not yet installed it. It arrived shiny black, which looks nice, but I would prefer a satin black. For those who have painted their MSA spooks, I would assume you sanded and primed first? If so, what grit and primer? And if anyone has gone with a satin black, what paint did you opt for? Thanks so much! Colin
The Solution for NLA Parts!
The NextEngine Scanner is a nice portable solution. I found it couldn't capture the detail needed for a couple of projects I've done. I would suggest these guys if you're serious about scanning and need finer resolution or even IGES data of that scan: http://www.directdimensions.com/ I've had great success with them - their expertise in the field is great. For these types of parts, printing quickcast is the way to go - that is, if you intend to go down the road of investment casting. Or make rubber molds from straight-up 3D printed parts (preferably Objet or SLA). BTW - if anyone has any SolidWorks needs, feel free to PM me. It's what I do for a living (legally own a license, Design Consultant, Certified SolidWorks Professional, teach SolidWorks at a couple of local design colleges, yada yada). Cheers, Colin
Let's show vintage racing pictures. I'll start.
Here are a couple more snaps from my Dad's vault, he just sent me these In his words: Some More from the archives....in the early morning mist (@ Lime Rock)... Bob backs 'er down the planks, no fancy tail gate lifts! Here's to more pics (and less controversy) Cheers, Colin
Let's show vintage racing pictures. I'll start.
Great thread... Attached is a shot my Dad took back in the day...Bob Sharp GTU 260Z/280Z The scene is the Lime Rock paddock...replete with 'period' haircuts and mustaches Cheers, Colin
- In-CAr at Lime Rock
- Another Shot at Lime Rock